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you lived within every
callous and dimple,
invading my space
like dust between
my fingertips

your skin like wallpaper,
faded and worn,
pulled taunt along
these walls.

your thoughts
a constant thumping
of footsteps along
the floorboards

from you i learnt
gunshots sound
a lot like a key
turning in a lock

it's because of you
i cannot look at
these walls, without
seeing the shadow
of a fist reflected
by the light

the rooms are vacant,
the air stilled,
the hallways scream
and close in at night.

i used to be an open house
but now because of you
i shut the doors
(i shut the doors)
© copyright
Hey now! Hold on, baby.
What'cha tryin'na do?
I've been around this big ol' block
A time or two.
You think you're cleaver,
But you really don't know -
I'm the only super-******'
Star of this show.
I'm here to tell you,
Get yourself in line,
Or maybe drink of
Someone else's bottle of wine.
I've heard all the talking
I'mma hear today.
You can either help me,
Or move out of my way.

Stop your complaining,
And you better not nag.
I'm not impressed by tongues
That only wag.
If your mind is weak,
You better take note.
Or you can go find
Another joint to ****.
You've been too jazzy,
And I've had enough.
It ain't even like
You've ever had it rough.
I am the man,
And I will have my say.
You can either help me,
Or move out of my way.

Your teary eyes
Aren't gonna prove a thing.
When it's time to rock-n-roll
You better know how to swing.
When I go get the bacon,
Better pick up a broom;
Or you can make the money
And I'll clean the room.
I'll go it with ya,
But not carry your load.
If that ain't good enough,
You can hit the road.
Remember, I'm the man
And I will have my way.
You can either help me,
Or move out of my way.

You can leave this party
By the door you came.
Because you signed a pre-nup
And gave up your claim.
Don't get to thinking
You can tame my style.
You better get to knowing
I can be mean and vile
If you wanna fix it,
We can give it a go;
But I don't wanna hear
About your every woe.
I've got ideas,
The world is mine today.
You can either help me,
Or move out of my way.

I've got some fuel
And I know my path.
I got no time for drama,
Or your daily wrath.
This might be the last thing
That I say and you hear.
If you want to stick with me
Then get your *** in gear.
Have I been clear,
So that you understand.
Your ******* gets old
And it's hard to stand.
We can clean the slate
And start it new today.
You can either help me
Or move out of my way.
4/25/2015 just wrote these lyrics. I probably have some tweaking to do.
I wanted to write a song that was straight forward, *****-out, rock-n-roll. This one is very raw.

Just beyond the setting sun
Of heavens born delight
A moon so sweetly in its form
Does send its magic light

Yet there beyond its boundaries
Another point does shine
As if it watches over this
Our moment caught in time

Towards the northern corner
As it hovers in its play
Of mysteries in timeless flow
Brings forth its grand display

We fantasize its meaning
Many thoughts about begin
In dreams of lasting promises
To bring us back again

Though in its stately wonder
We find it is to show
Joining hearts together
Within its wondrous glow

For every star that follows us
And every moon we see
Forever in the heavens soft
Is there for you and me

As if we only wander
Through phases found in time
With every second precious
Since my love calls you mine

I pray that many evenings
Till the time our world does end
Within my arms I’ll hold you tight
My love to you I send

So look this night my darling
To the full moon bright above
And know this other point of light
Is my undying love
when I read Emerson
just the same
as when hearing
Led Zeppelin
or watching
Breakfast at Tiffany's
just a bit of breathlessness,
a spasm of
echoes ringing bells
reflecting back,
in my gasps,
about to burst into tears,
I don't understand it.
is in me,
just driving, on on, endlessly,
the motif, the Theme,

I wrote you a love letter,
sent it to you through the mail
Barely legible (it was my handwriting)
but something that came straight from my heart
You said it was the most beautiful
thing you have ever received

And I just want you to know,
I meant every word
The only break I catch is one of never catching breaks
The only things I manage not to **** up are mistakes
The one talent that I own is always ******* up
I'm really very lucky if you count all my bad luck

But nothing ever works for me, it just keeps getting worse
Maybe I should just give up and crawl into a hearse
These days, they always drag on for much too long
And the years fly by around me, with their wings so strong

Life is not my buddy, we don't see eye to eye
And don't you dare suggest I start praying to the sky
I'd rather be a **** up than to feel I was insane
There's no man in those clouds, there is only rain

Sometimes I just feel empty, like I'm completely hollow
And suffocated by my life, like I'm being swallowed
And in order to separate myself from everything
I live inside my head, and I'm slowly disappearing

Life is too short? Ha, I guess you could say that
If you're not living as an ant, or a ***** old doormat
And being stepped on every day makes me feel so sad
But I guess I deserve each ****** day I've ever had
I can't stop long enough to take a breath
I'm just spinning out of control
Feels like an elephant sits on my chest
And all of these tasks are just stupid tests
I'm spinning so fast, I can't even see
It's all just a blur, a faint piece of light
All these broken bits and pieces of me
Crumble to dust, and blow down the street
My brain feels like a rubber bouncy ball
Hopping uncontrollably against the inside of my skull
And I can't slow down
Not even for a second
Because last time I missed my chance
I never got it back
And it has left me spinning
Onetime I let a boy inside my ribcage

I warned him upon entry that the path to the     space     between my lungs was a oneway ticket

that I had never smoked a cigarette,
but the walls inside me were tar-filled  

and sick

that sometimes my heart failed to beat with my brain and instead fell into
synchrony with the faucet

where I threw-up cherry red the other night.

Onetime I let a boy with a knife inside my ribcage

and I had seen the knife

and I didn't care

he climbed inside me so gently
like he belonged there and was just taking his place

like a missing *****
he made me his home
reassembled my insides

vital pieces of me now resting on his body,
depending on his body

one hand on my heart

the other on my throat.

Onetime I let a boy with a knife and a bottle of bourbon live inside my ribcage

he cleaned the tar off the walls
but didn't cure the sickness

I think he liked the smell of it.

One night he carved his name everywhere


and I pretended to sleep


he tried to claim me
he tried to clean me

but lost souls can't be claimed
and I'll never be clean enough

my heart follows faucets
not boys

and that scared the boy

so one night he poured the bourbon down the throat he held

and I didn't stop him

and I almost drowned

gulp, gulp, gulp
slash, slash, slash

cursive illegible sorry's
over every spot he had once cut his name into

and he kissed the wounds
and I woke up heavy.

Organs are worthless without their host but

Onetime I watched a boy tear his way out of my ribcage.

Knife and empty bottle in his place,
nothing's been working right in there since.

I haven't let anyone in there since.
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