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I think I made a mistake
I think, I let Him go
The sun was shining,
The birds were chirping,
A bomb exploded.
Well THAT escalated quickly.
Nishad :)
 Jun 2014 John Marcus
David Barr
Take caution, my friend, about joining any club that would extend the courtesy of membership, because
etchings upon our archaeological memory may reap undesirable pronouncements.
If your wings have not yet been clipped, then I implore you to turn the key that abides in the Iron Gate.
Liberty is truly to be found in banishment, and captivity embraces those who are presumed to be socially elite.
The Northern Command has our number written upon the electronic village of global deception, even though undertones are without doubt, seductive.
So, blow your whistles on this day of grey sky.
Your voice has now been heard.
 Jun 2014 John Marcus
I tried fixing you
Instead the universe broke me
Showing me there are many roads
To balance
I thought you needed repair
Turns out my bleeding despair
Clots better
Knowing our plenty wounds are shared

I should rejoice
In the equilibrium
Yet a part of me still burns
At the path you’ve been set upon
Knowing your strength in darkness,
Guessing your brilliance in the light
My uncle.
Who I love.
Is a peculiar man.
He once told me of the oddest conspiracy.
He said that the reason major governments of the earth don't fight each other constantly, is because the already do.
In space.

Each country has a ship.
Armed and maned to the teeth.
And they just shoot at each other.
And that's how all of the big national disputes were settled.
Star Trek style.

So when I heard this, I tossed my thoughts into the atmosphere.
Letting them swirl and shine among the satellites.
What did they do, up there?
Sitting in their spaceships.
Thinking of each other.
Wondering why they all were stuck in tin can time bombs.
Surrounded by the icy void.
Waiting for their ships to be shot out of the sky.
The debris to fall through children's dreams and shooting stars.
Spitting sparks like ancient dragons.

And these people wait for that.
Hidden from sight and mind.
Only just to shoot at each other.
Over a border, a mans wish, or a loaf of bread.
Inspired by seeing article about why conspiracies appeal to us, and wondered how I would write it as a poem. And my uncle.
 Jun 2014 John Marcus
Martin Illy
They say absence makes the heart grow fonder
but what the heck do they actually know?
Each day without you, my heart begins to wander
into tunnels of turmoil and bridges of woe

How can I be fond of something so far away?
How is it possible to be so devoted to
something not within reach or sight?
I wish I could tell you I miss you,
because I really do.
 Jun 2014 John Marcus
See colors
Hear beats
Have wonders
Feel a kiss of peace
A mess of confusion
I'm caught in a storm I will never see
The illusion
of a calm that will never be
Awoken in the morning
Disoriented and blind
Forgetting my mother's warning
"Don't associate with them, they aren't your kind"

You take my hand
"Didn't see you there," I laugh
Carry me to the sand
Look, on my behalf
You let me listen to the waves
I recognize the change in your inflection when you smile
And my heart caves
You're my lily of the Nile

My ice cold beer in Hell
The lock on my door
A secret I don't have to tell
My everything, you're

I have trust
I have love
In this world that I must
Love is nearly as blind as me
' such a hottie'
from the mind of a teenage poet. obviously.
 Jun 2014 John Marcus
 Jun 2014 John Marcus
I just want to mean
the same thing
as you mean to me

but I guess
I'm just a dead star
in your cosmos

while you are
the universe to me
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