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(You look so lost )

Like a ship sailing aimlessly
Lost in oblivion
Solitude becoming its closest friend

(Your mind)

Like a clouded day intermittently
Showing a glimmer
Of the sun

Where have you gone dad

Somewhere in a far off land
From which there is no return

I touch your hand calling your name
You respond with confusion
Anger and fear
Who are you ? You ask
When I explain
You deny me once again
All those years of love and memories wiped
Just as the tears from my face

I see you
But no longer do you see me
My heart aches longing to reconnect
I stand     hug you goodbye

Then you say my name
We both cry
Today for us the sun has shone again........
 Aug 2017 joel hansen
Melissa S
If someone pulled me from the inside out
Would they still like what they see?
Such things I hide behind
Are not always with intent to deceive
Do I have an intriguing mind?
Or better yet...
Do I have a beautiful heart?
Shouldn't these be the most important parts
I wear masks to disguise the pain
Underneath a river of lies fall down like rain
Should this river of lies drown me?
Or does it just make me grow
a thicker shell for all to see
Inspired by a poem by patty m
Also inspired by comments from the Traveling man himself
 Aug 2017 joel hansen
Laura Duran
I cried today
Because I realized that I
no longer expect you
to walk through the door.

I don't look at the corner
of the back yard
expecting to see you there
working on something.

I don't plan our dinners
based on your favorite foods
or worry over when the food
hits the table.

We eat when we eat
We eat whatever
It really no longer matters
You were the picky one.

I cried today
Because I realized
something that broke my heart....
I'm used to you being gone.
Funny how it hits you.  Out of the blue, you realize you've stopped waiting and accept the fact that the one you love isn't coming home.  It doesn't mean however that you ever stop missing them.
 Aug 2017 joel hansen
storm siren
Storm clouds.
Flashing lightning.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5--
Rumbling thunder.
It chills your bones.
A man's voice.
A child's soft, muffled cry.
Cold skin.
Spidering up and down my spine
Over and over and over.
A woman sobbing softly.
Flashing lightning.
1. 2. 3--
Rumbling thunder.
Cold wind.
It falls in sheets.
Feels like little blades of ice
Piercing my skin.
Slamming doors.
Cars driving away.
A child wailing.
It fades into a soft, distant whimper.
There aren't enough tissues for all their tears.
The wind picks up.
It howls.
Trees bend to its' will.
Some threaten to fall.
The rain comes down harder,
Like sheets of bullets.
They're so cold,
I almost don't feel them.
I almost feel nothing.
And nothing and nothing and nothing and nothing and nothing and nothing and nothing

And then: You.

And then there was you.

Straining through Autumn clouds.
Yellow and red and orange leaves.
Birds building nests,
Chirping back and forth.
Squirrels foraging for food for the coming Winter,
Scurrying up and down trees.
Warm spiced apple cider.
Except for the soft, colder breeze.
Except for the purring of a cat,
The slight kneading of their drowsy paws.
Except for the soft snoring of a dog,
His occasional half-asleep woof.
Except for pages turning,
A pen gliding its' ink across thick parchment.
Typewriter keys clacking.
Except for your footsteps coming through the front door
And down the hall.


And then there was you.

There never was anyone else.
 Aug 2017 joel hansen
 Aug 2017 joel hansen
I'm walking down
the railroad track.
I have a cigarette,
a bottle of jack,
and a wife at home
that thinks
I'm coming back.
 Jul 2017 joel hansen
I wonder
 Jul 2017 joel hansen
Sometimes I lay on the floor
I wonder what am I hearing
This weird sound of what?  

Is it my heart beating?  
The clock ticking?  
Or just some random sound I'm hearing when I finally take time to relax?  

Sometimes I wonder
Or is it what I'm hearing
Is the world crying?  
The heart of the world,  beating?  

Till now I can't stop wondering
Or is it the bacteria that's moving?  
Is it the earth particles vibrating?  

Or is it me,  silently crying in my heart
Is it the footsteps of mine,  wandering around in my imagination?  

Or I'm just,  plain crazy?  
I keep wondering,  till I fall asleep
Hoping I wouldn't wake up to face reality again
I can still recall
My life
Closing in on itself
Destroying my mind
To the point of a broken
I was weakened
So helpless
I failed to see the end
I was blinded
For, there was no light
To give me color in my eyes

But then I rose up
At my lowest point
I was so weak, I couldn't
Use my hands
And now I stand
By faith that resides in me
It gave me courage to fight and conquer my worst enemy
Even physical ailments
Can be brought on by doubt
So I changed my mind
And turned my life around

There is nothing that can extinguish the burning flame
Nothing can put out my intangible source of faith
So from this moment on
I will rise and be stronger then ten thousand Legions of angels
For the angel carried me safe from deaths grasp
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