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  Sep 2014 Jodie LindaMae
The poems I read here are mostly tragic beauty.
Line after line
I can see that we are not all just
fine and dandy.

The letters chosen
are strung together.
They just keep going on forever.

The words they make , however,
each are splendid and
profoundly, purposefully unique.

The thoughts spilled out here
are often troubling at best.
I can't help but pray
for each poet's souls end to unrest.

These words of course have to be real
but they also have so much power to heal!

For those words are each unique
and can express so much more
other than our darkest street,
but more and more of hope
and of our highest highest peaks!
Jodie LindaMae Sep 2014
My mind is a battlefield;
An ashen Earth clawed away
By birds only seeking their freedom
Who damage so much in the process.

Great valor, hear my cry
That I may slay my demons and reconstitute my trials
Because this mind is a beautiful one
Yet ever so clouded and coiffed at the edges.
Jodie LindaMae Sep 2014
With what pleasure I have begun to deduce
The true romance of the world!
Here, in your hand,
I have found solace and a world of comfort.
Gone are the days of toiling in vain,
Waiting for a sweet saviour to arise.

Though I have come suddenly today
Upon the realization that salvation
Is not a flame found in others for ourselves;
But an ice
That freezes so succulently in your core
Once you have allowed yourself to be healed
By the forgiving hand of he who you love
And more importantly,
The hand of your own affairs.

And so I give you thanks
For leading me into a life of joy and bliss
While subsequently rescuing me
From my own worrisome and often bitter outlook.
For I did not look to you to be saved,
I only look to you today
To alight the loving fire in me
I sometimes find easy to forget.
Let's make this our day...
a day with smiles and love
that touches the other souls of one
of merriment that has to last, because I insist it so...

Insist of others to back away, hold the hearts of one I say
then pray with all your might, that love will last one more day..

Oh yes this has to be our day
that folds around each adoring way
to reach for eternity that makes me laugh
or cry which ever my heart leads towards array...

Can't you see it has to be my day???
nothing can stop me now I say.. my prayers can't go unnoticed
my hopes and dreams cant be dashed, my darling I need you, so much
so much, has to last....

My tears are vanished, my heart has stopped
I just don't care what is said.... you see its mine,
all mine to keep, don't go away.. I pleaded once again ..

So if you want to go away.. it's fine, go, I say...

But guess what???

This is still my day, and you can't take it away.....

Debbie Brooks 2014
Jodie LindaMae Sep 2014
I am ready for my close up today.
Take in all my in insecurities
And bathe me in your municipality.
I'm finished and I've received my black eyes
At the hands of your better judgement.

I am but a cold hand
Emerging from the grave in my heart;
A burned and bitten piece of flesh.
I hated Ohio for all it's worth,
But there's a record store out there
I know I could fall in love in.

I've lost my childhood heroine to ******
And I've lost my innocence to about the same thing:
That is, if men were drugs
And my lungs weren't already full
With the Northern Lights
And ambiance of darkened alleys;
The kind Mary Jane
Kissed Spiderman in all those movie moments ago.

Why do we berate our heroes
When they aren't exactly male
And why did they beat upon this withered soul
Like a rag doll
When she had nothing to give
And no one to blame?

All your friends
Will come and go
And look for something better in time.
Which is exactly the reason
To keep on keeping on
And to keep on growing
And loving and hating
And *******
And clawing our ways
Out of the graves in our hearts.

I'm ready for my close up today.
I am all right if they see the
Collagen in my cheeks
And the dirt caked in my pores.
Today I am enlightened
And today I am full.
Jodie LindaMae Sep 2014
Everything around me
Keeps me coming back to you.
I'm a lost puppy
Wandering in the woods
And I'm a hopeless case
When you're not around.
And I can't tell if this is admirable
Or sick but I'm only happy by your side.
The anxiety boils in my veins
And taints my mind
When you're so far away.
I fear for your safety daily
Because of past violences
And pill poppers
And self destroyers;
You're the only sane person I know in this world.
My guardian angel,
My one and only
Savior and protector.

I pretend to be a hardass by cutting my hair short
And smoking a cigarette a second
But it's only becaue Bruce Willis was safe
Climbing vents is Die Hard
So long as he had a gun in one hand
And an import smoke
Twisted in the knuckle of the other.
I am a lost transmission
And all of these words
Are just different combinations of twenty six letters
That could never encompass all you mean to me.

I am not a hardass,
I'm a pop princess
Longing for a God
But I am too intelligent to believe in one.

When did it become the norm for teens
To turn into Holden Caulfields
And when did I realize at first
That I see things other don't
And often suffer because of it?
It's like when I walked out of that theatre tonight
I was reminded what real life was
And promptly found myself again at the hand of anxiety.

I am not a monster
But this is a rant
Because I can't go a day
Without wondering why I'm still here.
With me
It is no depressive item,
I am only wanderlost.
How do people live past 25
When the world I live in is demented
And scary
And I am so, so

I breathe.
I am released.
But the air I fill my lungs with is heavy like lead
And I can only picture myself
Sinking to the bottom of the lake
Because my boots are too heavy
And I have decided to dive in headfirst.

I am a fool.
I am a disgusting imagined facet
And I am lost.
I am not thinking rationally tonight
And for that I thank only God Himself
Because I know He's ******* me up for a reason
But that reason might as well be for naught.

For I am no saint,
But a sinner.
Yes, I give little girls faith in themselves
By explaining to them that just because
They are ten years old
That does not mean they are not kick *** people
Because MegaMan was ten
When he was trying to ignore
****** puns from Cutman
And the same idiosyncrasies
And the same existentialist suicidal ideals
I try to ignore today.

I told my father today
That I wish I would have tried ditching school
Because then I would have felt as though I had
Even the smallest bit of control over my fate.
But I am so, so

I know the school
And everyone in it
Would not have noticed me go.

I know the world
And everyone in it
Would not notice me if I were to go.
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