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I shake time's hands
for having met you.
Then, spit in their face
for taking you away.  
Sometimes a good pair
of headphones stays around
longer than a friend.
they come and go like the seasons
If unsure, begin.
If confused, ask.
If lethargic, drink coffee.
hoping everyone has a productive day
it’s cold and you’re warm and the sun is
almost about to rise and you are
going to tell me you love me and i
sick to my stomach
because you’re filling voids i didn’t know i had and
it’s scaring me
it’s scaring me to be whole and it’s
scaring me to feel
it’s scaring me that you are growing this close
and i cannot even believe i’m letting you
and i am worried you are going to say i love you
and i am worried i am going to say it back

Please, come closer
I wish to feel you near
So I can whisper
Something in your ear.
Three little words I call a secret,
A commitment I don't dare to say
But if you press on my heart
You'll feel it anyway.
 Sep 2014 Jessica Roxana
Is the only way
For me to stay sane
 Sep 2014 Jessica Roxana
 Sep 2014 Jessica Roxana
I am broken
bent, forgotten, lost,
trying to build myself and I have good self esteem
so why do I feel so confused and tired
I love this life, I am constantly in joy
why is the sky so gray and burdened
why does the ground seem to spin
why do I want to lay in my bed all day and forget what it is
that threw me off a cliff
I want to be nothing, I want to cease, I want to stop fighting and
listen to music and close my eyes and sleep
and sleep
and sleep
and sleep
and sleep
and sleep
til oblivion takes me-
and arise, new;
in this life I can never be enough
I cannot give you enough, I do not care enough, I am lost,
I am not the person you want or need, I am a facade of broken dreams,
I can never be the poet you love and I can never write down all you are
for all I want now is to live and I do not want to live in artsy coffee shops
I do not want to live in bookstores and cliches and carefully worded lines
I merely want to survive on my own terms and rest, I would like to rest
and stop thinking, I am too absorbed in myself
and what I need to fix to fix you
I cannot help you or anyone when I can hardly even get up out of bed,
how can I get back on my feet when I don't want to? How can I
be someone for someone else
when I can't even be me for me?
There's beauty in these letters,
that build the words I write.

My soul is born again,
when my heart isn't feeling right.

I find myself inside the words,
and create these worlds at night.

These words are me,
to a tee,  
but to define me in a rhyme;
never have I done it,
but I do this just to try.
Everything I write is a snapshot of that moment in time.
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