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 Oct 2018 MARIE J
.blank pages
 Oct 2018 MARIE J
in a universe
full of drifting souls
you chose me,
the forgotten and abandoned

i warned you
all my pages were empty
but that didn’t deter you
in fact
you were more intrigued

and now i understand
it’s because
your pages were also blank

so we held hands
and scrawled our words
in writing that’s messy
only because there’s
so much to express
in so little time
and we just might forget
if it’s not written down

now my pages
they’re full
and yours are the same

two souls mingling
forgotten and abandoned
by all but eachother.
~ironic because i hate it when people write in my books
i can’t sleep, what a surprise
except instead of staring at the ceiling, i stare up at the sky
as exhausted as i am, my mind is awash
with thoughts and aspirations,
and before i know it, hours have gone by

infinite brilliance of unfathomable scale
each galaxy and star brighter than the last.
as i try and count them all, instead of counting sheep,
i get distracted by the commotion of the dying ones shooting past.

we’re so immune to what’s so easily enjoyable,
so fixated on ourselves and our mediocre daily activities,
it’s remarkable to discover new worlds with our own eyes, and that we can ponder the possibilities of such things as the cosmos and relativity.
 Oct 2018 MARIE J
Ode to Tea
 Oct 2018 MARIE J
light brown liquid
steaming hot,
brings me joy
wakes me up.
delightful brew
staming in my cup
warms up my heart
and cheers me up.
Heavenly drink
that starts up my day
and latter assures me
that everything's okay.
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