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Everyone is scared of Death.
I'm petrified of Death.
But am I scared to die?
no, I am not. I welcome the end with open arms.

At night I shudder under my blanket
dreaming of the paths that Death leaves
in its wake.
In the darkness of my room with thunderstorms inside my head,
I fear the hole that is left
after Death has struck.
I wonder what,
who, might come out of it:
Depression, Mourning, Sorrow, Confusion, Emptiness,
and even more Death.

I miss the good old days
when Life could be as easy as
going to bed at night worrying
about what Pokemon version to get,
how to get the latest game console,
what skill in basketball I need to improve in,
when my parents will find out I had an infraction,
how the test next day will go.

But it's funny, Life,
the more you grow in it
the more you approach Death.
"Years from now, I hope we'll still be in each others lives"

I truly wish for this.
What would You do when you can't have someone you want?
Would you
lift a finger and whisk it like a wand
wishing everything would fall in place
the way you'd want it to
in a tick of the clock ,
would you struggle with your brain
between finding a solution
and living inside your head, dreaming of


I would get up,
trek to a forest with my trusty machete
and hack away at the thickest bushes I could find.
I'd hack away, hack away,
and ignore the sag from my arms, the stress on my back,
the sweat pouring down my face like water off a cliff,
the unsteady footing caused by wet mud and unsteady, unsure legs.

I would keep hacking until I reach the end of my arduous quest,
where I would come upon a clearing--
A clearing with an aisle made of rose petals
that lead into the center,
surrounded by white chairs and sunflowers.
And Someone would be there,
in a white dress and veil, waiting for me.
makalipas ng daang-daang araw
ikaw ay nagbalik,
nagtagpo muli ang mga mata, bisig, at ngiti.
'di nila mapigilang magtaka
kung ano ang pasalubong
dala mo sa iyong pagbisita;
kung anong mga damdamin at alaala
ang mahuhugot mula sa mga puso nating
'di malaman kung
nagtataguan ba o naghahanapan,
siguradong nawawala.

ang surpresa mo kaya ay


pinunit ang balot at
binuksan ang kahon.
natagpuan ko ay


wala lang.
wala na pala
tayong natira para sa isa't isa.
baka tinangay na ng bagyo,
ninakaw na ng iba,
o 'di kaya'y
naglaho lang talaga na parang bula.

'di nila mapigilang magtaka
at napaisip din ako kung bakit.
natagpuan ko ang sagot
at ito ay
Here lies the last of us.
Not the us that you'll look back on as the best friendship ever
or the us that I hoped we would be
but whatever mess of an us that we are
or we tried to be

I tried
at least, I tried
to make an us
I tried to pretend
that hurricanes and
droughts couldn't hold back the us that
I held on to for too long, too much
to the point where I broke us, it crumbled
not into shards of glass like they said it would
oh how easy it would have been to pick those up
and allow time to put it back together
but we, us
crumbled like fine sand

and the wind carried us away
each grain of a story brought into new lands

you are in a different place now

Here lies the last of us.
I am at the shore where the waves crash ever presently
you, you are in a jar
a memory of a place to someone new.
Sometimes words in my mind feel the need to come out and I have to let them. I can not relate to this at all. I don't even know who in my life this would be about lol
All I want is to steal
    2. The car and drive away and
        3. To have you
            4. There seating at the passenger seat
                 5. So that I may escape
                     6. From the poison that is
                          7. *Myself
Sagada pls (there is supposed to be a 1. at the first line but idk why it isn't showing)
you were a brilliant composer.
you piece syllables
together into symphonies.
your words are
carefully crafted into a masterpiece.

in my every waking
i am greeted with new songs
that escape from
your lips
like sun rays at the break of dawn.
i can listen to you sing unceasingly.

the time of the
days, months, years that passed
became the length of the
distance between us,
and your songs got
softer and
eventually fading
into silence.

it turns out that was just an intermission.

you came back and
your songs start playing again
now i can't dance to your rhythm;
i can't harmonize to your melodies.

you were a brilliant composer
but now
i can't find
what your words mean to me.
my poetry nowadays sound so "synthetic". i don't know, i just can't seem to write like how i used to.
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