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 Feb 2015 Jedidiah
 Feb 2015 Jedidiah
i look at the sky
tiny dots amongst
blank space
outer space
the tiny dots appear to flicker
they exist as
only source of light
if the night bears no moon

i see distant heavenly bodies
burning hotter than a thousand campfires
a million matches
they burn blue
across the void of the galaxy
light traveling billions of miles away
in some predestined way to reach my retinas
i try to process the idea of exactly how much space
space needs to take
i can't comprehend the simple complexity of this universe
nor fathom the vastness of it
working like a preprogrammed machine
it bares little creatures in a water-filled planet
they have their own little worlds
their own little stories
separate from the narration
that keeps together the force of gravity

do not forget
that you were made by the same Being
who made the stars
the same One
Who crafted each gaseous heavenly body
each He knows by name

don't you realise that the fire inside of you
burns hotter than a thousand suns
a billion supernovas
you burn not only red, white, and blue
hues can't quite describe
the brilliance of your mind

i try to process
how much space
it would take for me not to feel your warmth
i can't comprehend your simple complexity
the constallations in your eyes
change every night
because each day
you're a new mystery
for me to fathom

do not forget
that you were made by the same Being
who made the stars
why wouldn't He make someone
just like them
someone who shines brightly
to cut through the darkness
why wouldn't He?
but ah
He already has
don't you ever forget
that He already has
i got inspired by someone's poem and it was trending and i forgot to take down the writer because literally i was like "THIS IS AMAZING" and i closed my browser and started writing so yes if that was your line i used pls just tell me

also sirus is the brightest star in earth's sky
 Feb 2015 Jedidiah
though two broken people
will never outrun
the breaking dawn

in your tired eyes
colours slowly vanishing
are the vast galaxies
grace of the heavenly bodies
so gently encased

and in your thinning veins
i still feel your blood
streaming wildly
like comets running
in the dead of night

in the depths of
my shattered heart
i feel the threads
of tonight's sky—
the tightrope we
have so carefully
tiptoed on, daunted
by the morning sun
—slowly fraying

as we watch all of the stars fade
one by one into morning
and Venus comes to light
your flaming touch is
slipping through my fingers
a bitter end
of **our last night
"lumière, darling. lumière over me."
 Jan 2015 Jedidiah
tight spaces
make me dizzy
tight spaces
with many people
will make me die

trains are okay
trains with lots of people
give me panic attacks more times than not
the fact
that i'm trapped
in a moving vehecle
with no means of getting down
until the next stop
which probably isn't my stop anyway
just *****

tight spaces
make me dizzy
but when you hug me tight
it's quite the opposite
it's like i want to live
in the small space between your hands and your chest
in a train full of people
i don't mind feeling the heat your body emits
amongts a hundred other people's which i don't particularly care for

you make the me dizzy
but the kind of dizzy
that makes me feel good
and safe
i don't like tight spaces
but i don't mind being in your room
about two of your wingspans in length
as long as you're right next to me
you make the panic attacks go away
please don't go away
 Jan 2015 Jedidiah
Sofia Paderes
Let me tell you of earthquakes
and how each fracture spreads
like bronchi so perfectly placed
so lovely to look at depending on
where you stand let me

tell you of typhoons and where
they choose to stay where they
choose to brush past where they
choose to skip sideways
altogether and where the eye is
and how you can get there

Let me tell you of tsunamis and
what each wave no matter how
small can do and what kinds of
shadow prints they leave and
what happens when you don't
watch the sand then let

Me tell you of me
Let me tell you how badly I may
wreck you or
build you the decision is right
there your fist is clenched now
open it. I am weather you cannot
predict so take cover and
remember how
I warned you and how you
ignored or chose to watch the
signs and how I secretly hope
you'll be there to help me fix
whatever mess I'll make so

see you when it's over, maybe.
Hello hurricane, you're not enough
Hello hurricane, you can't silence my love
I've got doors and windows boarded up
All your dead end fury is not enough
You can't silence my love, my love

- Hello Hurricane, Switchfoot
 Jan 2015 Jedidiah
 Jan 2015 Jedidiah
if seeing you naked
means seeing the scars you hide beneath your clothing
then i will kiss them
before i even lay my lips yours
take this figuratively or literally?? either way will work

to sol: i just love you so much ok
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