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Jason Apr 2015
Here is a challenge for you all.
Try to have nothing but positive thoughts for one minute.
Then try two minutes
And eventually try a whole day
Challenge yourself see how long you can go with nothing but positive thoughts.
Its not easy but it's life changing
Jason Mar 2015
Knowing your chanced are slim to none
But you just can't give up
She means to much to you
But that might be your biggest reason to stop
You don't know if she is starting to like you
Or just too nice to tell you the truth
So I'm sitting here with my chest burning from sadness
And I don't know what to do
  Mar 2015 Jason
and gargoyles

v  v  v
>     an     <
> angel <
###          down          ###
######          from         ######
########/heaven sat on########
#######/a gargoyle's wing#######
#####/said she, "too bad youre#####
###/hideous! such an ugly thing!###
###\the gargoyle said nothing/###
so the angel said, nonplussed
"too bad you have to
stay on earth and
cannot fly with us"
the gargoyle just sat
there. The angel left
alone. the gargoyle
shed not one tear
for he was made of
V               V
Jason Mar 2015
One of the most amazing feelings
Is going to bed with your heart beating louder then ever
Beating so loud because of the way she makes you feel
Because she makes you feel special
No matter if she knows it or not you love her
And she may not know how she feels
But you know how you feel
And that is all that matters at the end of the day
Because how you feel is what makes that beat
That feeling
That most amazing feeling
Jason Mar 2015
I must have been mislead
Because I didn't know I was bothering you
I didn't know you dislike me
You should have just said somthing
Instead of simply kicking my heart to the curb
So now I know what this feels like....
Jason Mar 2015
I didn't know
I don't know how to act
How to show you how I feel
But do I even want to show you how I feel
Or should I show you how I felt
I don't know
I didn't know how you felt
Or how you feel right now
All I know is how I feel right now
And right now all I want it for you to be happy
And I am willing to do whatever it takes for you to truly be happy
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