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Patience, Time, Grow,
Time, Grow, Change,
Grow, Change, Repeat,
Change, Repeat, Live,
Repeat, Live, Change,
Live, Change, Grow,
Change, Grow, Time,
Grow, Time, Patience,

Take me back,
Back to the days when we talked for hours.
When we stayed up late into the night.
Back to when we walked in silence
And completely understood each other.
Take me back,
When we sat in sunshine.
When we ran through thunderstorms.
Back to when we didn’t worry about what others thought
And dismissed them without a care.
Take me back,
Back to when we laid in fields,
And spoke sweet nothings in each other’s ears,
And it wasn’t til now we realized they were just that,
Sweet nothings.
Take me back,
Just take me back
To when I didn’t know I should’ve tried harder
To hang on to someone
I didn’t realized had meant so much.
Take me back,
Back to before you were here, but at the same time gone,
And it was all my fault
Because I walked on without you.
Because I was a mindless fool.
I’m sorry.
Please forgive me.
I didn’t know.
Take me back.
Here's my first blank verse poem.
Read my mind
For all the right words I can’t seem to find
To tell you how I feel inside.
Know my thoughts
For they seem to be caught
And to get them out I have fought.
Gaze into my eyes
And look past the disguise.
All the walls and all the lies.
Feel my pain
So you can know the strain
And the amount of life that it drains.
Touch the scars
That I put on my arms
And how I wished to hide behind the stars.
See my tears
That reveal my fears
Of losing everything I hold dear.
Look at my soul
Blackened like coal
And, like my heart, has a bleeding hole.
I’ve shown you me.
All there is to see,
And now you hold the key
To give me hope
And help me cope.
Give me the life for which I *****.
Hold me close
And give me a dose
Of the love that I needed most.
Out of a window and into the world
A world that resembles your soul
Envision a scene where nothing is green
And a sky that is grey and dull

Out of a window and into the world
Your eyes gaze down below
To the brown of the garden, ground – cold and hardened
Where nothing out of it can grow

Out of a window and into the world
A world that resembles you soul
Damp and cold, dark grey it does hold
And the feeling of life is null

Out of a window and into the world
Where a single beauty is found
A bird painted red among all that is dead
Has left your heart to pound

Out of a window and into the world
Where the red beauty is satisfied
Despite the depression and life’s cold recession
It stays and does not hide

Out of a window and into the world
A world that resembles your soul
That darkness embraced and yet it was graced
By the simplest beauty of all.
When most people think addiction,
They think cigarettes and nicotine,
They think Alcoholics Anonymous and pain killers gone wrong,
They think gambling, ***, and ****.
They think addiction and they think of use versus abuse
After all the dictionary definition of addiction is:
"a strong and harmful need to regularly have or do something"


Maybe that's why it's so hard for people to see that my lack of use is just as much abuse as the overuse of something.

They don't know that it is just as addicting to keep refusing food, as it is to keep drinking alcohol.

They don't know that keeping too small clothes in the back of the closet,
Hoping that one day your body will mold into them again,
Is just as dangerous as meshing oneself into someone else just for the night, but someone else the next.

They don't understand that counting the calories is just as consuming as counting the grams.

So don't tell me that my eating disorder is not as addicting as drugs, because cravings to be thin can be just as strong as someone's cravings to be high.

The feeling of an empty stomach, can be just as great as the feeling others get while watching ****.

Don't say that my eating disorder is just for attention, because just like addiction it could very well **** me.
I'm trying to look at the mirror without judging what I see in my reflection.

I try to tell myself that despite the fact that my face is littered in acne and the scars from old breakouts, that my flaws only make me human.

I try to tell myself that despite the fact my hair strays in every direction that it really is a crown.

I try to tell myself that despite the fact I weigh more than I would like that Sierra DeMulder was right when she said "my body is the house I grew up in, how dare I try to burn it to the ground."

I wake up every morning look in the mirror and I try to tell myself that despite the fact that I hate what I see, mirrors are just glass and I am more than that.

I try to tell myself that despite the fact I am a mere one size away from being plus sized, the fact that my BMI says I'm overweight, the fact that the numbers on the scale are my worst enemy, that there are no numbers in the dictionary definition of worth.

I keep telling myself that I can change, that I will change despite the fact it seems like nothing will ever be different.

I try telling myself that tomorrow will be better despite the fact it almost never is. But I keep trying because eventually one of these tomorrows has to be better.
I'm trying I promise, but it's so freaking hard

— The End —