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 Jan 2017 James Piccolino
When the sun hits
She pillages tools from the toolbox
Only herself to fix

When the moon sits
Her ocular mislay the bones buried beneath chest
Matters not where she is

Some nights
She's left to claw a dresser with folded oaths
Inflating lungs, forging trust, to lift two toes

Some nights*
The capsules burglarize her gas-tanks war
Stifling her endlessly to the end of the tour
 Jan 2017 James Piccolino
We were but a heart on thin wires
But my body was the heart and wires
Your flat sunlight bent me in a drowse
Your moon's ******* meant to arouse
You disavowed, you broke our vow
Enkindling all limerence within now
Your forged emotions
Are what sodomized & conned my mind
Your forged emotions
Are what bend our created light
I miss wrapping my arms
around you under neon lights.
The smell of your t-shirt when my nose
was pressed against it in bed.
Watching the trail of cigarette smoke
sway side to side during deep conversations in cars.

I can still hear the roar of the highway,
at 7 a.m that June morning.
It blended in well like an oil painting;
next to the sun, The Beatles, and your smile.
fear has ruined me
making it hard
to live a simple life

something has permanently
damaged me
making it okay to hide
from the things
that make me shake

a growing nausea
that I thought Id outgrow
I am an adult
and I still cant look
someone in the eye
no matter
how comfortable

they hate me
they love me
I annoy them
I adore them

I am afraid that
no matter how much
I grow
this fear will still be inside
like hot embers
eating away at me
How do I escape this pit?
 Dec 2015 James Piccolino
it's 6:10 in the evening,
i wouldn't prefer to be here
i'd rather much choose to leave.

it's not like i have the biggest choice.
though being with you,
is one of them.

being with you,
rather than listening
to boy bands sing
about how girls
should love theirselves.  

as i said,
i'd much rather leave
with you by my side.
I Gave All I Had

I'm a giver not a taker I may
die poor but that's ok,
there's not a thing on this earth
but my soul
I'll take back to heaven anyway.
When I reach those pearly gates
my pockets may be empty it's true,
but my heart will know, as
well as my soul,
I gave all I had
because I loved you.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 12/03/2014
All Rights Reserved
This poem defines who I am. The ultimate truth in my words alone.

— The End —