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 May 2015 Duzy
A A Bernier
 May 2015 Duzy
A A Bernier

Up above, down the road,
sideways and below;
signposts can be found
wherever she goes.

But she saw no signs.

She wasn't blind; Not one bit.
Her eyesight was clear.
Along the paths of regret,
She had seen much appear.

But she saw no signs.

What she saw was a face,
the face of her daughter.
In her mind young in age
With eyes blue as water.

And then a sign came.

It came in a letter
which she had been handed
"I am alive," it had said,
"and doing well," it had added.

And there was the sign.

She broke down in joy,
those few words were enough.
A new life had been found
For the child she gave up.
This Poem was written for a contest for

Contest Entry:

Contest page:

I sat on the suspended bench
Charlotte on one side of me
And George upon the other
Leslie they both said to me
At exactly the same time
Why is it we seem so safe up here
Ah Ah I said secretly to them
It's because we three are special
Why special they both said
Because magic is here with us
The other day a princess was born
A little sister for her brother
Oh they said sounds good to us
Will we ever meet them both
Yes said I when the two of you
Stand before a mirror in a palace.
 May 2015 Duzy
Takhallus Sha'er
As if bound
and chained
to a rock
in the middle
of a vast, hot
I wait;
Praying for
a salvation
which might
come eventually...
 May 2015 Duzy
 May 2015 Duzy
Your eyes were a familiar town,
A ghost town I call home

The first time we kissed,
We tasted soil in each other's mouths,
We both smelled fire
And felt burning when our fingertips touched

We had dreams of a natural disaster –
The rainfall of ash and pumice
People screaming, temples collapsing
And we woke up remembering
What buried us

We lay in bed
My bones on your bones,
My skin against your skin
My hands shook like an earthquake
I asked you, "Did we not die like this?"
You kissed me, unafraid,
"Were we not born from this?"
A poem based on the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD
 May 2015 Duzy
 May 2015 Duzy
i'm scared to let you hold my hand
because i'm afraid my fingers will miss
the warmth of yours once you leave

i'm scared to kiss you
because i don't want my lips
to only remember the taste of yours

i'm scared to look you in the eyes
because i get lost
and i don't want to lose myself

- *CPM
 May 2015 Duzy
It's hard to tell the difference
Between fighting for what
You believe in and fighting
for the sake of causing chaos
 May 2015 Duzy
I still like youu
 May 2015 Duzy
"I have to *** really bad."
Was the first text
I got from you
After 3 weeks
Of nothing

You were
Sitting across
From me
In the only class
We have

You smirked
When you saw
That I got the text

I didn't want to smile
Or show any emotion
I didn't want
To give you
The satisfaction
That you can still
Make me
Even if it's just for
A split second.

And yet,
I smiled
Wider than the
Sky, should ever be.
i still like you buuuuut
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