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  Aug 2014 jai
Christopher K Bayliss
I have so many images
inside my head,
putting pencil to paper
and scraping the lead.
In case they disappear
got to write them down fast
before the idea fades
and the moment has passed.
When something appears
it is such a relief
so I grab it and run
just like a sneak thief.
When it's safely on paper,
It is finally wrote
then to another verse
my mind I can devote.
Then the process restarts
as I walk through my mind
searching all of my files,
hoping that I can find
that positive word,
that difficult phrase,
that momentous sentence
before my mind does erase.
So if you are like me and
your memory runs amok
then perhaps you should carry
a little note book.
Then you'll never forget
If you do get caught short
and you always will catch
That most elusive of thought
3rd December 2012
jai Aug 2014
It's late at night and I can't seem to sleep
I'm thinking about the first time we ever did meet
I saw you standing there
Right in front of my chair
You even curled your brown hair
To this day I remember what you wore there
Skinny jeans and a jacket
And of course you wore your attitude too
Then when you talked
My mind didn't know what to do
I had read all your texts to me until that point
In a voice that belonged to a movie star I had a crush on
You are a movie star in your own right
And you shine in your own light
jai Aug 2014
Its the middle of the night
And I find me missing you
I really don't like this feeling
What can I do
Maybe after all
I'm not over you
You say you don't have feelings for me
But I can feel it from you
Don't give up on me just yet
Because I'm the one choice you won't regret
jai Aug 2014
With eyes as blue as the icy seas
I can feel your love wash over me
But your smile is shining oh so bright
I'm blinded by its light
Read between the lines
jai Aug 2014
The sad thing is once you go to bed
The only left to talk to are the voices in my head
They try to tell me what to feel
They try to tell me what to do
They to convince me of an evil named you
But they don't need to convince me
I've witnessed first hand
That black magic that you do
Those evil spells that made me fall for you
jai Aug 2014
Why is this happening to me
I have writers block you see
I don't know what to do
I've grown tired writing of you
It's run dry
And is quite a bore
Night time is normally when my writing is peak
But now my writing seems to be weak
Poems need much more than rhyme
They need words that will survive time
Mine just crumble and break
Maybe I'll have better thoughts when I wake
jai Aug 2014
Golden shimmers
Bright lights
The finer things in life
Waves crashing
Thoughts mashing
Finding out the unknown
Artist adventures
Musical excavations
Silver stars
Forever scars
Choosing your path
Mistakes made
Forgiving gaze
Monumental discovers
Shooting guns
Bright burning sun
Death of friend
Holding on til the end
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