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jai Aug 2014
I guess forever was just words to you
I shouldn't have let your lies seep through
Maybe my skin was too thin
Maybe I shouldn't have let you in
But now its all over
And now you are gone
My heart was like a diamond
Trapped in a safe
The combination being you
And those snake eyes saw right through
I never thought it to be possible
But the only thing harder than my heart of diamond
Was yours of ice
jai Aug 2014
Its night time again
I'm staring at the sky
Wishing on all the shooting stars that go by
I don't wish for more wishes
Because that's a cliche
Instead I wish for another today
The way my heart felt was much like a flutter
And your beauty often made me stutter
But if all it takes is words to own your heart
It would've been mine from the start
Alas you have him
And I guess he has you
I've learned my place now
Its time I bid you a dew
To move on like a nomad
With no set home or place
But I'll never forget how you made my heart race
If you find yourself missing me
You know where I'll be
Sitting here waiting for you
It hurt to much to say goodbye
I guess I'll always be second place guy
jai Aug 2014
Honestly I can't stand you anymore
We've drifted
Further away you continue to drive us
But I still try
Memories keeping my faint hope alive
Do what I can to breath life into us again
But what's not meant to be
And that is that
So once I leave
Don't count on me coming back
Because my future is ahead of me
And you are in the past
jai Aug 2014
Now its time for me to go to bed
And dream those dreams about you
The ones that never come true...
jai Aug 2014
A pocket full of stars
A jar full of dreams
Your love's not what it seems
Like stars it is enticing
From a far
But up close
Its a supernova
Quickly burning out
Collapsing into a black hole
******* my love into eternal darkness
But that was your plan all along wasn't it
You are siren
And my weakness was you
But I still hold onto my jar of dreams
And I still reach into my pocket of stars
Even in darkness
I can still shine
jai Aug 2014
I feel it coursing through my veins
The power I have been blessed with
I feel like I can do anything
I let this power go to my head
I take on too much
Spiraling out of control
I hit rock bottom before I realize that
Even god needed a day of rest
jai Aug 2014
The world may be many things
Wonderful, terrible, happy,depressing
But it's not black and white
Nothing is clear and simple
Thing's have shades
shades of gray

— The End —