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Jade Anne Sep 2015
I was hoping that the love of my life
And the boy who broke my heart
Wouldn't have the same address
Jade Anne May 2015
I wasn't ready, to say goodbye.
#love   #heartbreak   #sad   #life   #relationships   #relationship   #unhappy   #breakup   #heartbroken   #hurting  6wordpoem 6wordstory
Jade Anne May 2015
I’ve stopped wearing red lipstick because I knew it was your favourite on me
I don’t wear my hair in curls anymore because I know you loved it
I won’t wear that pretty lace bra because when I wear it all I can think about is when you used to rip it off me
I don’t do anything but I want to do everything to make you fall back in love
Jade Anne May 2015
I'm always jealous
I have a short temper
I get overly clingy but I promise,
No one will ever love you like I do.
Jade Anne Mar 2015
i miss the "talking stage"
i miss having butterflies from seeing you across the room
i miss the sideward glances
i miss blushing from feeling your eyes on me
i miss the flirting
i miss trying to get you to like me
i miss losing sleep just so i could talk to you
i miss being able to say goodnight
i miss falling in love
but the talking stage turned into dating and i finally had all that i never knew i would
but for you the butterflies began to die, you wouldn't glance at me anymore, you stopped flirting, you went to bed without sayin goodnight, you stopped falling in love
and now my butterflies have turned into snakes that eat me from the inside out
you don't look at me at all any more
you stopped smiling at me altogether
i don't blush
im still losing sleep but not so i can talk to you but because you haven't said goodnight
no, you said goodbye, you said goodbye a long time ago and you haven't said hello since.
goodnight, sleep tight, dont let the bed bugs bite, i love you.
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