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 Jun 2014 Jack Jones
I wonder if you stitched yourself into my skin
when I wasn't looking because I am still catching whiffs
of your scent as if it sat right beside me
with a glimmering smile and kind words to say.

But I'm exhausted and worn out
like that faded red t-shirt you stopped wearing,
and I can't help but think if it's because my scent still lingered
when I first fit my arms through on that fall afternoon.

Except I know you've probably washed it
once, twice, maybe thrice for good luck
but unlike cotton,
your etched aroma isn't so easy to scrub out.

Trust me, I've tried.

 May 2014 Jack Jones
Did you know
it rained on the sun?
That crossroads run along two sides;
that there are still words left unspoken
as I come back blind?
And every truth that I've been given
turned out to be nothing but lies?
Yet Karma calls back
to bring full attention,
and all those answers, well,
they're still left questioned.

{dated April 4, 2010 | rummaging through old things and stumbled upon similar emotions}
 Apr 2014 Jack Jones
Well we were okay once,
So we'll be okay separately..
But when you see them next,
I hope you'll ask about me

And when I'm missing for days
Gone with the night
I'll be missing your face
I'll be far from alright

But when you read these words
I hope you'll ask about me.

'Cause I've got all these plans,
All these 'I Will's' and 'I Can's'
But I'm not as strong as they make me out to be
No, only determined.

So when you stumble across my lyrical pain
I hope you'll find it in you to spare me a thought
Every now and again

See I don't want to love another Greek Goddess,
But rather a Blue Moon, bluer than blue
So I hope you'll ask about me
When you hear that I still ask about you

I hope it's nice where you are,
I hope your beauty stays truer than true
 Apr 2014 Jack Jones
 Apr 2014 Jack Jones
And it is midnight again.
We will write the date different.
Breakfast will be slightly changed,
hair will be terribly ruffled on one day,
then fine on the next.

Our souls may sometimes be coloured blue,
for now,
it's mellow sunshine melded with silent notes of wistfulness.

The handful of stars dotting across the grey-navy blue sky will sometimes become an infinite sprinkle.

Raindrops & damp hair.
Sunshine dancing across our collarbones.

Closed eyelids, but unclosed heart.

Tired soul but it keeps say a quiet 'No' to

Lovely days flit in between the not-so-good ones.

And it is twelve at night again.
My white heart painted the loveliest red has been
trying & trying
to say
'Hello' or was it.. goodbye

Hello there! How is your day going, lovely?
 Apr 2014 Jack Jones
What if time just slowly slipped?
..Out of mine, and your fingertips..
What if this moment is just all it is,
how could we capture it?
And savor it?
How can I keep you longer than this?

Maybe I should break the clocks..
so there'll be more time for us
We don't need the busy streets,
or the sound from drunken towns..
Maybe I could clone the world
so this one could be our alternate..
That would be so lovely,
Oh wouldn't it?

Just a fraction of your satisfaction's enough..
So I will fight with blood and sweat and tears
But how can I keep you longer here?

What if I could guide you through this life?
I promise I will be the sun in your sky
What if I told you..
Every minute with you,
makes me feel alive..
Would you stay another minute,
one last time?

'Cause I was drifting in existence,
falling through..
Just a sleepwalker,
whose now a dreamer..
Waking up to thoughts of you <3
'Just a fraction of your satisfaction's enough'

~ Cathyyyyy
 Apr 2014 Jack Jones
I remember that first poem you wrote me,
and every last bit of your last poem broke me
maybe you are unaware,
that this is hard for me too..

because yes i have dreams and stars I'm chasing
but yours is not the heart I wanted to start breaking
and right now i just need you,
to be the best friend i'm trying to be to you too..

So don't get upset or hurt when i say this
But give up on me so we can both make it,
make it to the finish line,
your friendship is the first cup prize to me..

And don't fall apart if i fall for someone,
who will hurt me again and again
oh just be there,
to help me be strong,
to help me be strong as i can be..

And maybe you'll tell me i'm worth it though I'm flawed and can't see the truth,
but maybe i need you in a different way
maybe i love you too
but its not enough for both our worlds to collide..

But I know you'll be tough, 'cause you're still singing on the other side..
... So I haven't written a poem about a guy in a while aha! But I really like this.. it's.. interesting and thoughtful I'd say.
 Apr 2014 Jack Jones
paper boats
Fingers shake.
Scribble down one last thought.
Sigh of relief.
Lay envelope under pillow.
Eyes close.

This is a poem,
Like any other poem.
About a girl who met a boy.
Did they fall in love,
They did.
They fell,
Like the rain.
One day,
The boy,
And that was that.
The girl,
She couldn't forget.
She couldn't forget that smile.
And, so
She wrote to him.
A poem a day.
Before she slept,
Slipping them under her bed.
With each passing day,
The girl wrote a new poem.
And soon,
She became an old woman.
The boy had also become old,
And, once again, he left,
Resting in peace.
When she found out.
The old woman didn't know what to do.
She wrote one last poem,
And slipped it under her pillow.....

The old woman down the street had died.
Who was she?
No one came to her funeral.
Apparently, there were pieces of paper stuffed under her bed.
Its trash now.
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