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May 2015 · 409
I'm not sure
IS May 2015
While sitting in this empty room all alone
I cannot help But think about you
Ever since you left I have been wondering "where did I go wrong?"
I'm blaming myself for your departure
because you probably got tired of my problems
my fears
my constant depression,
I don't blame you ,
you needed stability and happiness
like everyone does
but I could never give it to you.
I'm sorry you left, but in this case I completely understand, I would too
This is literally the worst thing I ever wrote, I apologize it will be bettter next time I promise
Dec 2014 · 1.5k
IS Dec 2014
Two days ago,
I saw a ******* street
She had purple stains
on her
Bruises and scars
on her
Her life was surely full
of storms and
tornados she had survived.
Due to her miserable state
something sparkled inside her eyes
It was hope, a tiny piece of will to fight.
She didn't have an armor,
she didn't wear a cape,
but she surely was a hero
she had faith.
Dec 2014 · 793
IS Dec 2014
We stood there in silence
Covered by the mystery of
Emptiness all around us
Only two figures standing were
You asked me what's wrong, clueless
I slowly shook my head replying
"I'l be fine"
But than you pulled me in a
And whispered in my ear
"You can fool everyone else but not me dear"
Dec 2014 · 484
IS Dec 2014
Have you ever  thought about soulmates?

Your other half?

Someone you are ready to die for.

You probably did, multiple times to be exact.

You thought about that person as your savior,

someone who will help you fall asleep at night or ,

someone with who even the silence feels comfortable.

But what if your soulmate is not capable to be your savior?

What if you have to be theirs?

Because they might be in far more worse pain that you are.

Would you than be able to pull yourself on the shore from the ocean of pain,

stress and problems that you are drowning in for a while now?

Do you think you could save them from drowning despite their condition?

If you think you could do that than there is your answer.

You are your own savior.

Only you can save yourself.
This is the actual first poem I ever wrote so I wanted it to be the first one I post, ***** I know

— The End —