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Sep 2023 · 181
labyrinth Sep 2023
leaves in the wind, two roots underground touch and slowly intertwine,
circling clouds, dance and into rain they combine,
two butterflies flutter round and round each other, away to warmer lands,
birds of a feather, singing love songs from golden sands,
foxes curled up in a den, paw pads warm in each other's tummies,
cats with interwoven tails, pitter pattering on the rocks by the sea,
two lightning bugs crash into each other, holding on another as they fall,
but i think i love this lifetime of finding you again, intertwining hands, most of all.
To Patton
Jan 2020 · 185
labyrinth Jan 2020
You keep coming back, tunneling your way into my mind. Nothing reminds me of you. Everything reminds me of you. My memories are all red now.  You were the sunset, bright, chaotic, ever changing and blinding. I never belonged there, I never belonged there.  The night smells like sea salt and everything tinted blue feels like home. He feels like home but he doesn't care. He feels like home but I'm too scared. He told me about a flickering in my eyes, something terrifying to those who don't understand. He feels like a far away flame, he flickers too.  The clouds will cover my eyes, soon, and I will slowly descend into another darkness.
Nov 2016 · 740
before the storm
labyrinth Nov 2016
memories flooding my eyes
but I don’t mind
the more I feel
the more of myself I find
lately I’ve been floating
in this lagoon, still
anticipating darker clouds,
ones that ****
but for now the water
keeps me in a haze
ignorance for the rest of my happy days.
Im trying not to get too comfortable with these blissful days. They never last
Apr 2016 · 328
labyrinth Apr 2016
slowly, and steadily, the descent
to the forest again, the lonely trees
the hush of wind in their leaves.
back to the place no one ever sees.

slowly, and quietly, the climb
up to that house where she wept,
where that mind was shattered.
back to the memories I had kept.

slowly, and calmly, the sight
of the sun leaving, the sky melt
to the darkness I came to love.
back to the darkness I ever felt.
Notes to Myself
Apr 2016 · 568
labyrinth Apr 2016
She always hushed me to sleep
when charcoal skies grew flame
I never saw what happened to her,
She never knew what I became

Trapped in darkness, the moon
burning herself by day, the sea
but by the cool light of twilight,
we were as peaceful as can be.

There were days she could see me,
and days she felt alone, nowhere to run
soon the sea grew weary of the game
soon she introduced herself to the sun

They fell in love, the sun and sea.
And by the warm light of morning,
they were as peaceful as can be.
No regard at all for me.

In the end, she preferred the warmth
of the sun,
rather than the quiet pull
of the moon.
Mar 2016 · 474
labyrinth Mar 2016
I hear ways to self destruct from the walls.
Shadows hush me to sleep at night.
I've heard it before, don't befriend monsters,
But they couldn't be more right.

I've dreamt of them, their sharpened claws
And it jolts me awake, their blackened eyes
Lately I've been noticing, for a while now,
Mine are growing darker, as are my lies.

I couldn't look more beautiful,
I couldn't be more of a threat,
It's roulette with me, your treatment,
Either way you don't forget.
I break as much as I heal
labyrinth Jul 2015
it is the air between your feathers,
the trust between the two,
it is the blood in your little veins,
to the heart meant not for you.
it is the rain that chases you out,
the kind that falls lightly
it is the warmth of morning sun,
the one that hugs tightly
it is the tumbling and mixing tide,
the rush and then the calm
it is the hand you only trusted,
but crushed you in its palm...

what’s it to be in love, little bird?
is it your ribs splintering that I heard?
Love destroyed more than it ever fixed
labyrinth Apr 2015
I am a caged bird, my song is calm
my master lets me sleep in his palm
I am a caged bird, my song is weak
my master likes to kiss my beak
I am a caged bird, my wings are useless, they're clipped
my master thinks I'll leave with every drink he sipped
I am a caged bird, my eyes are dark and brooding
my master thinks its his fate to which I'm alluding

I am a caged bird, my master broke my cage
Because my song changed after seeing his rage

I am an injured bird, my song is calm
my master lets me sleep in his palm
I am an injured bird, my song is weak
my Master likes to kiss my beak
I am an injured bird, my wing is pierced
my Master only hurt me because I hurt him first
I am an injured bird, my eyes are hopeless
my Master says he misses my caress
I am a happy bird, I cannot fly
but with my Master I need not try
I am a Happy bird, I cannot sing
for my Master, my sweet king
I am a Happy Bird, I laid an egg one day
it seems like master will let me stay

Master doesn't want another bird, he says
I am a content bird, I take my egg and part ways.

Master is looking for me, he looks insane
I hold my egg and cry, I need not explain

I am a hiding bird, I do not sing
for fear that through the forest my song will ring
I am a hiding bird, I dropped my egg and it died
for fear that this baby would know the reasons I cried

I am an injured bird, wont you please come see?
I won't even take off the ring he put on me
I am an injured bird, wont you **** me now?
He's hurt me too much to break my vow

I am an injured bird, I miss my Master
the one before his blows came faster
to be continued
Sep 2014 · 1.3k
labyrinth Sep 2014
Spend the day with earbuds in
To avoid crumbling from within
Count the days you've been like this
With the blade that can't help but kiss
Your screams are unheard, little teen
Since on your skin they can be seen
Skip all your meals, run all you can
But this disaster was not the plan
You wanted to escape, not make a hole
They'll put you in when this takes it's toll
Notes to Myself
Sep 2014 · 573
labyrinth Sep 2014
I used to wonder
Where I was going wrong
That I left the path
To hear the bluebird's song

I think I heard it
My mother scream my name
Yet it was but a whisper
To the forest most untame

It seems I'm lost
But I don't feel lost at all
I prefer to watch clouds
Than watch humanity fall.
Aug 2014 · 768
labyrinth Aug 2014
I'm running out of time
And I don't know where to start
But it seems that from the inside,
You're tearing me apart
See you're a ticking time bomb, sweetie
And I thought in my frozen heart
You wouldn't tick, wouldn't hurt me

It appears I was wrong.

My veins are splitting, eyes drying
My skin is becoming ash
But I haven't even thought of crying

I hadn't smiled in so long.
Jun 2014 · 448
labyrinth Jun 2014
i have lost my joy to the light
the light that dances and sings.
i have lost my joy in the dark
just before the dawn.
i have lost a miracle
that was born against the odds.
i have lost my joy to the light
in the dark before the sun.
and i have endlessly torn apart
my memories in search of her again.
Joyce Morris
April 21, 1996 - June 04, 2014
May our Joy live on
May 2014 · 1.1k
labyrinth May 2014
my entire mind is a ghost
of the girl I miss the most
a beautiful face
to match a beautiful mind

but along the journey down
that smile, well, became a frown
and a beautiful girl
lost her beautiful mind

the world became much too bright
and happiness just never felt right
and a beautiful girl
lost her beautiful life
Apr 2014 · 1.4k
labyrinth Apr 2014
Sometimes it is 4am and I'm awake
relearning to breathe, calming my heart
because for once you saw me and smiled
and the reality, well it tears me apart

Sometimes it is 2pm and I'm anxious
heart pounding and hands shaking
because I know in twenty minutes
I have to seem perfect for the taking

Sometimes, it is 6pm and I'm thinking
whether I'm annoying or just weird
I just.. kinda hope sometimes for once
It wasn't just as I feared.
Apr 2014 · 528
labyrinth Apr 2014
your peace, serenity
communicates to me
through my peripheral visions
feels like a game, sport
of an exhilarating sort
we keep this distance and smile
the mint, palmy green
of your eyes, I've seen
dreams of me buried within
the brief, subtle glance
bestowed upon me by chance
makes me miss the love I've never felt
people I'll never know
Mar 2014 · 490
Spring Grasses
labyrinth Mar 2014
your voice wakes me with a start
when I'm alone at four a.m.
and I know
it isn't right
near you my heart trembles
my lips cease to know language
and I know
this isn't right
you see you're too tempting
and I should not be at all
but you are
just so breathtaking
but the way your voice sinks into
my dreams and my thoughts
is just so

and your eyes, oh
that magnificent, blinding kindness
that teasing sparkle
cute little freckles
sweet shy smiling eyes

but as they say,
the grass is greener on the other side
Mar 2014 · 626
An Apology
labyrinth Mar 2014
if a drop overflows a cup,
it is because the glass is already full
if a look breaks a mirror
it is because the mirror is full of cracks
if love reaches a broken girl
it is because she is full of darkness

I see through cracked lenses
I am empty, no senses

there is no soul
behind these black eyes
I have but a cracked heart
and I'm scared the slightest
touch of another
could break the last thing
there is left of me
Letters to Noah
Mar 2014 · 1.0k
The Forgotten
labyrinth Mar 2014
the forgotten walk alone
but they remember all,
the bent stop signs
and battered shopping mall

the hollow look in their eyes
says more than their condition
the soul's rooms are unkept
the emptiness blurs their vision

the forgotten know pain
they know sanity and lack of it
only experience can teach
burns result from something lit

bring together the forgotten
and they will only separate
for we act on experience
and it is much too late
days with chamomile tea
Mar 2014 · 698
labyrinth Mar 2014
worthless miserable failure
fat ugly disgrace
disgusting and impure
embarassment to the human race
no one will ever love you
and no one would even care
if you took that beautiful ocean view
and made it
the last place
you were seen
these are the things running
through her head
and no one ever wondered
why she was dead
I hope this never comes true
To Connor
Feb 2014 · 592
labyrinth Feb 2014
he is many horizons
he is the sun rise
and set
he is the sun and moon
he is an angel
I've met
he is the rain and fog
he is every puddle
I'd see
he is my past and future
my good and bad but
he is free
he is unchained and
I am not
he is content, able
I am not
he is beauty, perfection
I am not
he is lust and passion
I am not
he is life, every colour of the light
am merely alive
and trying hard to stay
for him

he is in love with me
am barely learning
to love
To Noah

— The End —