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8.1k · Feb 2018
Love In Its Purest
Mia del Rosario Feb 2018
Your words are as sweet as wine
as your arms wrap me in twine
and your soft lips fall on mine
533 · Aug 2017
Come Back
Mia del Rosario Aug 2017
I miss the way you hold my hand
you would interlace our fingers
like you didn't want to let me go
I didn't want to let go either

I miss the way you hug me
You would hold out your arms
and wait for me to run to you
so you could hold me tight

I miss the way you kiss me
You would hold my head
and bring your lips to my forehead
How I wish you kissed me longer

I miss the way you sing to me
You would call my number
and sing your heart's favorite song
That was my favorite part of the day

I miss you and I hate how
I can't do anything about the distance
that keeps us far from each other
that keeps me from you and vice versa

I've been trying to forget you
to keep you out of my head
but I wake up with your name on my lips
and I sleep with your heart on my mind

It's been five months
and I can't get your voice out of my head
your hugs that are echoes of the past
your kisses that are branded on my skin

My love, I would get out right now
into the pouring rain and get a train
just to be with you, beside you
even under this weather that we love

Just come back
To me
504 · May 2017
Mia del Rosario May 2017
You give me butterflies
but not the gentle ones.
The ones that cluster in skies,
the ones that chase suns.

Your laugh is music to my hears
but not the soft ones.
The ones that bring tears
after so many puns.

You make me smile
but not the ones you see everyday.
It's the one that goes on for miles
that I bit my lip before I say,

"Really now?" You made me blush,
not pink, but red.
Maybe this is just a crush
but you "maybe" had me dead.
384 · Aug 2017
Your Heart is a Masterpiece
Mia del Rosario Aug 2017
for all the strokes of paint from your brush
will never compare to your smile when you blush
nor will the splash of hues from your palette
compare to the colors you show me, i bet

The sculptures were strong and beautiful
with scars and cracks, still a masterpiece
but only you were the most colorful
so let me hold you as you glue your pieces, please

in this gallery, i have seen grace and beauty
but never have i seen you look dainty
and all i see is you, something i would steal
not a piece of art, but a heart to heal
350 · May 2017
My Favorite
Mia del Rosario May 2017
If I would list my favorite things in the world
these would be in the list:

Ice Cream
and me
and you

— The End —