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Two months ago you told me my hair smelled like flowers, and today I saw you stepping on a rose.
is in
the eye
of the beholder.

Such as, youth
as one grows older

as love grows colder

And strength,
to go on
once it is over.
Just have to look.

Estranged from Beauty—none can be—
For Beauty is Infinity—
And power to be finite ceased
Before Identity was leased.
 Oct 2014 A Lorraine
 Oct 2014 A Lorraine
dream, tired
wake up, tired
get up, tired
get going, tired
hi, tired
bye, tired
leave, tired
come, tired
sleep, tired
dream, tired
exhausted, tired
 Sep 2014 A Lorraine
Audre Lorde
Coming together
it is easier to work
after our bodies
paper and pen
neither care nor profit
whether we write or not
but as your body moves
under my hands
charged and waiting
we cut the leash
you create me against your thighs
hilly with images
moving through our word countries
my body
writes into your flesh
the poem
you make of me.

Touching you I catch midnight
as moon fires set in my throat
I love you flesh into blossom
I made you
and take you made
into me.
When you kiss me
Do you taste
The words left dead on my lips
A mouthful of ghosts?

When you breathe me in
Do you fill your lungs
Then choke me down
Like a shot of whiskey?

When you touch me
Do you trace your fingers
Along the signature
Depression left on my arms?

When you hold me
Do you feel all the pieces
That won’t ever be put back together
Can you tell
That’s the way I was made?

I’m not broken
Because I was never whole
In the first place.
 Jun 2014 A Lorraine
Dian Eka
Sam, not Your name
I read Your past,no one to blame,
Sam,please do not be ashamed,
It's fine,You're still my man

Sam,my man,was someone's man
I tried to be a stranger with strenght here in my chest,
Jealously like a rushing train provoking my brain,
But Sam,***,
Were was,,past

Sam,I read two thousand and nine on a blog,
and met You in Your creating spot,
I saw girls
I felt You from years
Were in love
Were lonely
Were thinking
Were random
Were messy
Were missing someone
Where we haven't met yet
Where was I?

Sam,how was your love life?
In a club with music made You alive
Wine one sip or two,did U like?
Fake love for a nite
While u were thinking of previous lovers

Sam,how did U feel?
When U were tired n ill
U just wanted to have fun alone
While U were thinking of home?

Sam,I'm jealous
Once U wrote to someone but now I'm writting You
I still have no clue
O Sam,,,
I'm helpless

But sam,thanks for letting me in
Part of U to be seen
Pick me up at ten,

(DEAB April 9 2011)

                         ­    a                          a
                                    ­                                                      t
         ­                           p                                     ­             
                                                   ­                      r

                                 you'd always be there to catch me.
                            a safe place to land, a safe home to haunt,
                                       your arms are my temple,
                                          your shoulders my fort,
                                               my steady pillars,
                                                     my whole
                                                           ­ in
I'm more
strung out on pictures,
Than she's ever been,
And she's the one
shooting up,

So I'm not surprised,
I can't let you in.

Yeah, I think this is fine.
I don't want to,
Call you mine.

Still In my eyes,
You can do no wrong.
And for every smile,
I could write a song.

Then when you fell asleep,
Right in my arms,
It was like the world,
Could do us no harm.


It was all a dream,
For a little while,
I just hope you know,
That It made me,

 Jun 2014 A Lorraine
My dad lost his arm to cancer.
He was 61 years old,
did he let that get him down?
Heck NO...
The day he came home from the hospital
minus one shoulder and arm,
he jumped on his bike and rode
it down to our house,
which was a long block away.
balance, how did he do it?

Dad was always included in
all our neighborhood parties.
if he was sitting in my backyard,
he would be drinking a cup of coffee
with Jim, my husband.
If he was sitting in my neighbor Dennys backyard
he would be drinking a beer
with Denny.

Dad worked as a machine repairman
with out his arm for two more years.
Because he was good.
Dad bowled two times a week with one arm,
and he walked out at the Park
the days he didn't bowl.

My amazing dad, with one arm and no shoulder,
built my kitchen cupboards,
put up a ceiling in the basement,
build doll houses for my daughter
and the neighbor girl,
and also one for a church raffle.

My dad went to church every Sunday,
and when he was so ill,
the nun would visit dad and mom,
mom would play the *****,
beer barrel polka,
while the nun and my dad danced.

He was known by many, taught kids
how to bowl, including my son.

This is a tribute to my daddy
named Fritz....

by ~ judy
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