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bs Jul 2016
There are a lot of things I can never put into words, phrases, sentences, analogies, a concluding statement things like the feeling of falling apart when you just can't close your eyes at night or the impetuous carvings of your name into my heart when there was no more room for you in my head. I search on the internet a synonym for angry I get cross, vexed, indignant, irked, galled; when there are things I cannot put into words like when I feel this ditch, cavity, trench big enough to fit in all my sorrow at the bottom, extremity, underpinning, base of my stomach which flips with every bus ride home. Home. Property. Abode. Domicile. A place I never really had or knew how to get to because I always got distant— Location. I close, shut, get rid off the tab on my computer and I close, shut, the laptop screen. There are no words to describe this feeling. The feeling of messy closets and not sleeping for three nights and finding meaning out of a life that had no value to me. So I wonder if things will ever change. If my hair will get shinier, if my worries fade away and I still ask myself if I will ever stop asking myself to do things I can't do. Do. Execute. Achieve, I have achieved nothing but let parts of myself descend deeper and deeper into a Tiffany and Co.'s box filled with dust that never catch the light and a Marc Jacob's bag of dimes that just weigh it down. A glass hammer, an inflatable dartboard. A helicopter eject seat, always throwing myself into situations— I can't fix with the same bare hands I've used to beat myself up. And still I try to make sense of the nothingness I am typing. Yet, I still take the train to school. I take showers. I listen to music on long walks. I try. Everyday, I try.
bs May 2016
The day I realised I loved you was the day I learned I could time travel. When I was with you I travelled into the future and saw me and you together sitting by a cafe basking in the reminiscent breeze that told us the story of how we fell in deep and how you would stay in the bottom of my heart forever because the weight of everything- I just kept pushing on to you when at 3am I would call you up to tell you about how I wouldn't want to die alone or how I felt like the world was too much for a small girl like me, would just sink you down. But you took my baggage anyway and unzipped it and made space in me to trust again. I went back to the past and became a baby again, needing to be protected. By no one else but the only one who knew how to open my eyes to loving again and the one that taught me the ABCs and put U and I together and some things become a habit so maybe that's why I can't,
I can't.
Let you go.
1 + 1 equals 2 and the planets crashed down when you did not want to be a part of that equation anymore. I felt the tectonic plates slipping and as hard as I tried I could not make things move in my direction, because without you I still felt like a small girl.
I had never wanted to feel the floor underneath my apparently grounded and stone cold body disappear and I never wanted to fall for you but I just couldn't resist when my legs turned to liquid and I drowned in all my desire to be something to you.
I learned that I couldn't help these things as much as you helped me to grow my own garden of worth and reasons for still being here but maybe like me, my garden needed you to be around for it to be okay to breathe again.
I travel to the present, it is cold and dreary and lonely and it is nothing like the movies. I do not think I will find love within the arms of another again and I do not think I will find someone who can make me believe that happiness is not a feeling but a state of mind but I know you tried.
I know you are trying.
But this is my state of mine
And maybe, in an alternate universe, the future that had always given me chills and butterflies, would be the course God has given to me.
  May 2016 bs
Nicole Whitticar
I recall the first day I met you like it was yesterday- I will never be able to fully move on, or will I? (hopefully)
My love for you grew like wildflowers and when our love met the vines grew tough and slowly started turning into weeds- surrounding us until swallowed whole.
If there is anything I want you to know, it is that my love for you was nothing but pure, wholesome, genuine love.
I gave my heart to you because you were a masterpiece and I was something much simpler. We just matched.
Along the way our love grew destructive and I honestly never expected for that to happen, having our love die was more shocking than you saying, "you and your actions ultimately made me unhappy".
I miss you, ****. But I know what is best for us both and I am happy to hear about your happiness.
I hope one day I am able to feel free, lighter than air.
One day I will wake up and start my day without a single thought of you.
That is when I will know I have won- That I have conquered the loneliness that was left from you.
You will always be apart of me whether you like it or not and that almost gives me comfort.
My only wish for you is that you find true happiness, a love that never loses electricity, a love that you are willing to fight for.
  May 2016 bs
Nicole Whitticar
You're onto something(someone) new
So am I, but I am not the happiest
Seeing you would most definitely change my mind
Getting a text from you would raise my heart - I have high hopes
Maybe it is seeing you with her that makes it hard for me to sleep at night
Makes it hard for me to breathe through my tears
Makes it hard to not want you back in my life
But I do know one thing for sure, I still love you and I always will
I know you know that as well because you said I was your first love when I texted you, key word - First, but not last
You are happy and that should make me happy, but selfishness is buried deep within me and comes out when the thought of you comes to mind
Life feels incomplete without you and I hate it
How could I be so sad without you while you are so happy, things do not add up
Just so you know, I have a person because I like being alone but do not like feeling lonely
See you soon..
bs Apr 2016
Ten ways to get over your first love.

1. Stop looking for them in every person. In every street corner or behind the door ajar stop hoping for them to be standing there, that crooked smile on their face and their arms open. Stop waiting for the phone and staying on call waiting for them to mumble, "I love you, I think."
2. You don't.
3. Date other people. Date the boys who put their hands on you the wrong way, even if you want the girl who was afraid of skinship and gazed into your eyes the right way when she laid beside you in bed, listening to your hollow chest with a pendulum swing knocking the bones and thick skin quiet enough to hear a pin drop, because she wasn't the type to catch you.
4. I don't know if you can.
5. Forget how beautiful she is. Forget how she could make you feel like you are flying because 3 seconds later she made you feel unloved, like every postcard was unsent and every message deleted, every Long song ****** out of your ears. Forget that every time she didn't call you or referred to you as just a Friend didn't scald your damaged hands that that were getting ready to hold her so tight your hands would grow numb and didnt slice your eye because you couldn't bear to see her leave and leave and leave and how every time she didn't look your way you'd twist your neck searching empty trash cans and grey pillars for a number, a room key, something better. but be grateful. others took longer to die. but loving her was suicide.
6. I can't stop finding her beautiful.
7. Write about her. Write Everyday about how she broke your heart without even having a single clue she did and how she finally came out to her Sister because you gave her confidence to and how she is so ******* beautiful. But she is not perfect. Write about her flaws. Try to scrape your mind of everything good, write about why you shouldn't love her. Draw a blank, and draw a heart instead. Draw the heart and write her name in it, it's been engraved on every tree you see and every bus ride home is another reason to shut your eyes. Catch her in the shadows. Write the possible reasons as to why she's there, staring. Realise she never was.
8. Ignore her, make her feel unloved. You talk about her like she was the only star in your sky and you were a mere black hole. You were a chore, you were the person she pitied you were another reason why she couldn't sleep at night you were a fish in a school; a mere dark cast that swore to bring down everything she loved. you made her worry, you made her stressed out. you made her tired. tired of you. tired of hearing you crying and exhausted from all the times counting sheep didn't work for you and you needed a stab to the chest just to put you to sleep. you didn't do **** for her. She doesn't need you, right?
9. but you need her.
10. I am sleepwalking through the week and it is only Monday I see you and her and you and her and how she looks at you and I don't know about how you feel about her. I don't know how you feel about anything, about me, about the book you're always reading. I miss you. I miss your tendency to make me feel wanted and your tendency to make me feel unwanted, I miss your tendency to make me feel something other than sad. sadder. sadly I never got the chance to tell you this. I don't know if I will. But I want you to remember. You will always be the hand that held on tightly for me and the spark that reminded me what it was like to burn bright. I still feel you in every wooden surface and every look is just another reason to count the amount of chances I've given to myself to love you. I think I always will.

I once loved a girl, but I wasn't in love. I once looked into her eyes and I didn't see me. She's gone now. But I'll never forget the first time, I saw a little glimpse of a what if. an almost, a love dancing in the wind. how I would Long for the touch but we fell short of probability. our parallel lines never intercepted and I was too bad at math to find a way to fix it. next time, I'll look for my love in a broken heart.
  Feb 2016 bs
Declan Quinn
I feel extra special down today,
Said some things I needn’t say.
I left it hanging to be forgotten,
Building up inside, turning rotten.

To think I wanted her to leave me.
The only one who actually sees me.
Another excuse to justify my end,
I am for certain going round the bend.

She will forgive me, and forget.
But I don’t have many chances left.
Either in or out, it’s getting serious.
When it started we were both delirious.

Soul mates and the best of friends and lovers
Out in public or under the covers.
Family the cement keeping us together,
Gives us strength to brave the weather.

Today it's raining inside and out,
My mind's full of crippling doubt,
No good within and none without
No open space to scream or shout.

Trapped in here with myself and others
Wish I could explain this to my brothers.
Who rally round and pat my back,
When all I want is two bricks and a sack.
One of those days, again.
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