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Oct 2017 · 520
Heather Mirassou Oct 2017
October is a beggar

Knocking on doors

Snatching golden leaves

In Autumn
Oct 2017 · 526
Heather Mirassou Oct 2017
Take me to the ocean

Bring the leaping sun

Daybreak is full of diamonds

Dancing swelling tides

Make me want to write
Oct 2017 · 382
Mother Nature
Heather Mirassou Oct 2017
Mother Nature beckons

Her brilliant cacophony

Her pine trees

Dancing, swaying, and whispering

Their virescent green

Shimmering through

Blue Hues

Peaceful and calm


Her birds sing

A sweet melody

White puffy clouds


Beams of sunshine

Benevolent to me

Immersed in

Her enchanting beauty

She is bewitching

She is my company
Oct 2017 · 353
A Virgin
Heather Mirassou Oct 2017
Her skin pink and satin

Trapped **** in a secret vault

I lavish her sweetly

She moans and begins to quiver

Her dazzling sapphire eyes

Swoon over me

I whimper

A ****** begins to charm

Like a candle made of potion

A rare ruby shinning

Dances in the mirror

Subtlely hypnotizing

She tastes like sugar and honeycomb

Her taught fingers

Caressing languorously

Sunset like a fire

Engulfs me

The evening torrents

An aphrodisiac

We tremble into oblivion

In exotic bliss

As my charmed jewel

Lies with me
Heather Mirassou Mar 2015
I tap-dance on egg-shells in my ballet shoes.

They whisper across the floor.

Omitting noise that might entice a temper.

I find a hide-a-way in a hole.

My heart, soul and pen are

controlling the inner-chaos

with a key that empowers me.
Heather Mirassou Mar 2015
The forest is dark
by night it’s been swallowed
all things mysterious
all sounds hallowed.

Nature’s nocturnal
all life’s gathered here
although all movements are ghostly
there is nothing to fear out here.

Dark mythical arms
hide the moon
dawn will be arriving
But never too soon.

Crickets shrill
and interrupt the night air
owls cry and make harmony
the nature is so romantic in the air.
Feb 2015 · 632
Desire - Heather Mirassou
Heather Mirassou Feb 2015
Wonder amorously
Blood brimming
Wilderness vessel
Every droplet wet
Chaste with soul
Hips become fierce
Thighs become fiery
Thrusting,pumping and springing
Chasms burst
Your glorious spring cascades
Feb 2015 · 1.5k
Descent – Heather Mirassou
Heather Mirassou Feb 2015

dare mutest thee

heaven’s sanctity.

Now them hast

deep spirits

quickening breath.

A vision childless

breaking virtues

angel’s slumber in death.
Heather Mirassou Feb 2015
Embroidered ivory mountains

flowing tipped waterfalls

and melodious violet fields.

A thousand madrigals

and fragrant Myrtle groves.

The rivers and streams

sing sweet rapture


As the celestial hidden skies

hover Venus charms

and quivering goddess sighs.
Heather Mirassou Jan 2015
In the wee hours
I am wakeful
When clouds are nesting
And the wind is thrusting
Carnival wildflowers glow

Twinkling in painted fields
a moon overflowed
And the rain begins to rouse
I rise in a dream
where my spirits soar
I faintly kiss the stream
Jan 2015 · 598
Delight - Heather Mirassou
Heather Mirassou Jan 2015
I see naked droplets

of subtle honey bee.

Love released beyond

our summer lending trees.

Beyond a breeze

glow-worm light shines bright.

Love wheel delight

For the stars are giddy tonight.
Heather Mirassou Jan 2015
The aqueous moonlight

floats from heaven

Sober hues and a tender wind

crisscross the sky

A hazel mist melts the faint dew

below the sleeping willow tree

The murmuring water lillies

awaken the egantine

While my white eyes are lulled

under a topaz canopy
Heather Mirassou Jan 2015
Young bliss

a fragrant kiss.

Lips slumber

eyes agaze.

Arms aflame

damp passion.

Enmeshed in desire

Bloomed within.
Jul 2014 · 532
Summer - Heather Mirassou
Heather Mirassou Jul 2014
August thickened under the bleached sun

Ravens swimming in tilting trees

While lust ripens in fruit rain
Heather Mirassou Jun 2014
In a dream I felt the cool white
His sweet madness
Among anchor water lilies
The willows were trembling

A nest of twilight kisses
Where the stars are shivering

Scented sweet and wild
From violet forests
Our arms intertwine
With beads of love
Jun 2014 · 1.3k
Repent - Heather Mirassou
Heather Mirassou Jun 2014
So **** before the shadows
Like silk against the light

Passion unbreakable
Gummed above the grave

Be watchful
There are ghosts under the mist

Shining awake
Saying goodbye

A phone ringing somewhere
For how long

Forget to go home
Wondering why

The vision has died
Heather Mirassou Jun 2014
I am silver

I have no preconceptions

Unchanged by love or dislike

No cruelty only truth

She turns to the moon

That reflect her faithfully

Now I am like a lake

A mirror of revelation

It is her face that replaced the darkness

She has said goodbye to the young girl

In me I see an old woman

Heather Mirassou Feb 2014
Take me home mama
To a place I once belonged

Hold my hand steady
And sing to me a song
My face filled with tears
All my family is gone

Take me home mama
To a place I once belonged

Under the grapevine canopy
You taught me to be strong
The hundred year-old oak tree
Dances until dawn

Take me home mama
To a place I once belonged

Heather Mirassou 2014
Apr 2013 · 935
Vicarious Poet
Heather Mirassou Apr 2013
Your voice

A golden spoon

Laden with honey

Dripping languidly

Your tone

A wounded sparrow

Searching for safety

In a bed of soft feathers

Your words

Paint vivid images

With indelible ink

With shades of blue

Your feelings

Naked, pure and free

Pull heart-strings


Heather Mirassou
Mar 2011 · 1.6k
Artist's Canvas
Heather Mirassou Mar 2011
The artist strokes his canvas
His hues and tints of beauty
The orator of his creation
The perfect task of impression
Like a beam of sunlight
Rainbows illuminate
Glory and splendor appear
His vision is revelation
Copyright Heather Mirassou
Feb 2011 · 1.8k
Twilight Bliss
Heather Mirassou Feb 2011
She whispers to heaven
No rainbows dampened
Young souls tossing
Pearl birds
Planet full of color
A purple myriad
Rejoicing iridescence
Whisper tears
Rustic turquoise
Revived sunlight
Fountain of harvest
Seas hypnotize
Goodbye twilight bliss
Copyright Heather Mirassou
Nov 2010 · 3.7k
Lavender Moonlight
Heather Mirassou Nov 2010
Your skin glows
Like peach blossoms

As lovely as daffodils
In the purest hope of spring

My heart strings follow each strum of a harp
Your voice a hypnotic melody

I leap like a cricket
at the whisper of your name

The evening floats
On a great parrot wing

I am comforted
With you by my side

I hold you tight
Like two twilight beams across the sky

In the listless evening
I listen for the last chime of the day

I lye with you
In lavender moonlight

Hand-in-hand we reach our destiny
For a mystical shower of love
Copyright Heather Mirassou
Nov 2010 · 1.7k
Heather Mirassou Nov 2010
In the softest night
Free winter rises
Maiden blossoms sincere
Weary blossoms adhere
Winter grass is near
Naked tenderness is here
With tired kisses in the air
Goodnight springtime with care
Copyright Heather mirassou
Oct 2010 · 1.7k
If I Were There
Heather Mirassou Oct 2010
Peaches and pears your delight
Divine roses a gift from your wife

Your favorite soups and stews
Lamb and veal cooked to and fro

In silence in your hammock
Hoping the sun melts the cancer away

If I were there
I would rub your brow and wet your lips

If I were there
I’d warm your sheets and fluff your pillows

If I were there
I would bring you home under the old oak tree

If I were there
I would fill your house with sunflowers

If I were there
I would sing sweet poetry melody

If I were there
I would lay next to you and comfort you

If I were there
I would read you prayers

If I were there
I would have said goodbye

My knight and shining armor
Copyright Heather Mirassou
Dedicated to my father; Jim Mirassou
Oct 2010 · 855
One Dirt Grave
Heather Mirassou Oct 2010
She was only fourteen
Happy and vibrant
Awaiting her first kiss
Not noticing who was watching
Her neighbor odd but friendly
Obsessed with her loveliness
Coerced her to stray from safety
She fell into a pit
Dug well ahead of time
It was a heinous crime
She had no time to scream
Unable to fight
He smothered and sliced her
Never to be whole again
Copyright Heather Mirassou
Oct 2010 · 991
Heather Mirassou Oct 2010
Sunshine is a reflection of her soul
Feeling to the depths of her being
She feels the heat of the sun
Her dimples shine as she smiles genuinely
She remembers all those who love her
Those who called her sunshine
She climbs out of her shell
Into the world born again
She grows stronger as the sun rises
She will always remember her name
My daddy used to call me Sunshine - this poem is dedicated to my father.
Oct 2010 · 2.0k
Heather Mirassou Oct 2010
Close your eyes
Feel with your hands and your feet
Listen with your ears
Speak with your mind and heart
Let the earth surround you
Heroes like Helen Keller
Miracles in our midst
Feeling with mind, body and spirit
Everyday of life is precious
Melt the anger away
Accept what is beautiful
Live the gift of life everyday
Copyright Heather Mirassou
Oct 2010 · 977
Angel of God
Heather Mirassou Oct 2010
An embryo in a cocoon of safety
slowly unfolds into a world of hands.

Hands of unconditional love
bring her into the beauty of light.

No longer floating
now breathing the lightness of air.

She fights hands and fist
unknowingly being adorned, brought into life.

Kissed by an angel, he leaves his mark
as she is grasped by her loving parents.

She is a gift to them, a gift to this world,
an angel of God.
Copyright Heather Mirassou
Oct 2010 · 1.7k
Heather Mirassou Oct 2010
What is this quiet soul to do?
My voice and fingers are stuck like glue
The boredom overwhelming my senses very alive
For hours and hours I dare strive
The silence is drowning me inside
I stammer and suffer begging for words to come to my sight
Sometimes I wonder if I should just give up this fight
Oh hearts of hearts please break these ties
So my soul may once again take flight
Copyright Heather Mirassou
Oct 2010 · 1.6k
April Alive
Heather Mirassou Oct 2010
Budding bright rivulets
Islands of green groves
Ardent foliage
Idle leaves
Common spirit wild
Distant naked hues
Spot a summit air
April desires
Contentment alive
Copyright Heather Mirassou
Oct 2010 · 2.6k
Cockerel Waltz
Heather Mirassou Oct 2010
Good morning rooster
How do you do?
It’s the crack of dawn
You ****-a-doodle-do
You sit on your perch pride fully and woo
Standing mighty and bold you call your brood for food

Sleek and graceful you do the cockerel waltz
Strutting vaudeville statuesque
Crowing to proclaim your territory
You stand protecting your roost
***** and brave
Watching for predators coming your way

The alpha male
Your earlobes and crown are blood red like a bird of paradise
Your steel beak as strong as a saw
Your feather mane chestnut drapes over your back
Your breast fuchsia and emerald quill
Your silken tail an extended fan

You run free reign on my ranch
A thousand chickens roost in my barn
You rearrange my garden while pecking for nourishment
Eating up all the insects and brown recluses in my yard
In dust you and your flock bathe
You even watch over the hens eggs

Your calls distinct and powerful
When you are still and content sweet singing rings
You are friendly to humans
And can even be domesticated
Stay here Roo
We will protect you
Copyright Heather Mirassou
Sep 2010 · 1.6k
God Has A Name
Heather Mirassou Sep 2010
Almighty Jehovah God

Sovereign Lord of the Universe

Created the Earth and sky

The Stars and the Moon

Galaxies and Molecules

The Ocean and the Mountains

He created Mankind

In his Image

Jehovah God

Created the Beginning

Time Indefinite to Time Indefinite

He created Life Everlasting

He spoke through his Angels

And made Righteous Laws

Laws to be followed

For Everlasting Life

Jehovah God

He is a Lover of Justice

He is Vigorous in Power

He is Holy

He is Creative

He has Divine Wisdom

He is our Refuge

He will Restore Us

Jehovah God

He is Humble

He is Self-less

He is Love

He is Fair

He is Merciful

He is Patient

He is Compassionate

Jehovah God

Father Almighty God

Provided a Way






Jehovah God

Gave his only Begotten Son

A Ransom for our Sins

For Everlasting Life

Our Reigning King Christ Jesus

Made in Perfection

The Word of God

Our Savior

Jesus Christ

The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived

Lowly in Heart

Brave as a Lion

Healer of the Sick

Wise Teacher


Preacher of the Good News

Jesus Christ

An Example

A Leader

A Student

He Compels Us

He Motivates Us

He Moves Us

He Saves Us

Jehovah God

Has called to my Heart

He knows my Mind

He sees my Potential

He knows my Sins

He knows my Repentance

He knows my Hope

He knows my Faith

Jehovah God

In your Son Christ Jesus Name

I am your Witness

I love Your Word

I will Follow

I will Lead

I will Love

I will be an Example
Copyright Heather Mirassou 2009
Sep 2010 · 1.5k
Nature Dawns
Heather Mirassou Sep 2010
Nature Dawns
Flower fresh love
Perfumed trees
Rose colored affection
Sustenance to our eyes
Mother heaven in the skies
God’s great hand rises
Copyright Heather Mirassou
Aug 2010 · 2.2k
Rain Dance
Heather Mirassou Aug 2010
The sound of crackling glass
Fills my eardrums and awakens me
A steamy haze beckons me
Barefoot and naked I tap-dance on bubbles
Sweet nectar fills my mouth with delight
The humid rain calms and soothes my sizzling skin
The stars are the brightest I have ever seen
The moon is tucked away in its cradle
Mother Nature has raised her hand for me
Come rain on me
Copyright Heather Mirassou
Aug 2010 · 1.3k
God's Whisper
Heather Mirassou Aug 2010
A smile resonates upon my face
Words spark through my inquisitive mind
Feelings begin to radiate within my heart
My finger tap-dance across my keyboard

My soul grasps freedom
The burdens of the past extinguished
The bright future in abundance
God whispers hope and faith
Miracles plentiful appear
Copyright Heather Mirassou
Aug 2010 · 1.5k
Questionable Love
Heather Mirassou Aug 2010
From seedlings
Raw passion arrives
Teardrops germinate
A questionable love
Free reign love’s geyser
Either uproot and scatter
Or stay and bloom
Copyright Heather Mirassou
Aug 2010 · 823
A Writer
Heather Mirassou Aug 2010
My chest is full and heavy:
I barely breathe
Until I arrange my fleeting thoughts,
and let my feelings swim.
When listening and watching life
My voice is often mute,
until a cloak-ed pen awakens,
and simple words align.
Pushing  aside raw feelings,
I live life vicariously,
as senses come alive.
Copyright Heather Mirassou
Aug 2010 · 1.1k
Spring Evermore
Heather Mirassou Aug 2010
Water of praise
Fiercely echoes
In dappled twilight
God finger paints
Upon a sordid soul
A graceful eclipse
Sunlight dawns
Beckons my heart
Luscious crystal nectar
Sunbeams I swallow
Purple rainbows fly
In the morning bliss
I want the sky to kiss
The dawn is now paradise
No longer in somber
Spring rejoices and reflects
My arms wide and naked
I soar with the air
Spring pulsing evermore
Copyright Heather Mirassou
Aug 2010 · 2.7k
Childhood Blackness
Heather Mirassou Aug 2010
Childhood blackness
Trusting in silence
Trying to recall
Memories of water
Chasing Dreams
Copyright Heather
Aug 2010 · 1.2k
I Keep On Loving You
Heather Mirassou Aug 2010
I keep on loving you
Year after year
We stand side-by-side
In this crazy life

Like nature and earth
Our bond never broken
Please remind me darling
Why you love me so

When you say
“You love me more than the
Earth, moon, the sky and stars”
I have no doubt

Your liquid aqua eyes
Like a baby blue sky
I see upon your
Gentle and serene face

Your heart echoing
Our heart-strings stronger
Than the yoke that bound us
Many years ago

Your heavy breath
Like a steamy
Dawn upon
A rustling brook

Your humble smile
Welcoming Me
Till eternity

Your blond hair
Playing peek-a-boo
Like a sly fox
Inviting me to play

Your arms
Wide and inviting
A safe haven
To fit my mold

Your word
Built of steel
Your integrity
Crystal clear

Your laughter
Like honey dew
A Reflection upon
A mirrored lake

Our love soars
Like an eagle mid-flight
Like the cotton clouds
Dancing in delight

My heart
Is yours forever
To quench your
Every desire
Copyright Heather Mirassou
Aug 2010 · 774
Heather Mirassou Aug 2010
Old sullen scars
From yesterday's wounds
Heart and soul drowning
To fight another day
Heart strings await
Copyright Heather Mirassou
Heather Mirassou Aug 2010
The indelible Ink flows from the pen
Gives life, hope and peace within

Or opens wounds and old scars
to tear down the spirit, behind the bars.

The Ink flows on to meet the eye
Fills the thirst to live or die.

It finds a path beyond emotion
Directs the heart, spirit, devotion.

The Ink can flow to encourage
or ravage the page to discourage

The ink brings tears of joy tomorrow
Or tears of grief and great sorrow

The ink will rise where it flows
Or it will fall where no one knows.

The heart of the Ink is yours and mine
When it touches the paper, it is divine
Authors: Heather Mirassou and John Stevens Copyright 8/3/2010
Aug 2010 · 1.8k
Foster Child
Heather Mirassou Aug 2010
Foster child of silence
What did you say?
You were always instructed to smile
It was a woman’s way
Your smile is corrugated
You eyes sheathed in despair
You yearn for a rush of happiness
You wear your masks expertly
Until your hidden emotions bleed
You pace and pray to make them go away
But you cannot stay sane in this facade
White padded walls embrace you
Until your soul is cut in two
You finally speak
But no one listens to you
No light on the horizon
Only darkness that ties you down
You don nakedness
You plant your feet in a potted tree
Hoping to go back to a place,  safe and serene
Instead on the cusp of losing your mind
You hear voices calling out
Telling you that they love you
You look all around for them
But remain alone in the padded room
Your mental illness you cannot control
It is the monster in your heart that wants to let go
You gather your strength above no other
To put another mask of sanity on your face
You play your facade expertly
And you are released for a time
Until you become a danger to yourself or others again
Where is your gratitude?
Just for today
You have been given multiple chances
Of a second chance at life
Remove the lock and key from your soul
Seek help and slowly let the pain come
Don’t let it drown you
Some memories have been taken away by God
Other’s  have endured with his assistance
But what is wisdom and life without trial
Begin to forgive and begin to heal
Let the dragons come head on
With your family by your side
You are not alone
Speak your voice or ink your pen
But do not be a victim
To the demons inside
Take off your running shoes
Go barefoot in earth’s paradise
Walk to the ends of the Earth
And God will kiss your blisters away
You will no longer be despondent
No longer suffocating in your silence
You will remain on the path to freedom
Break from the constant
Begin to live again
Free yourself
Find the courage and the voice
To say goodbye to the old demons
The harmony in your heart is your life giving force
Heather Mirassou Copyright 2010
Aug 2010 · 2.2k
Storm Canvas
Heather Mirassou Aug 2010
Storm Canvas
A storm canvas can take you away
Thunderstorms and lightening
Tempest roaring high
Tumult of a tropic sky
Impatient as the phantom wind
Magenta jealousy
The earth summons
Wanting whorls
Invisible love potion
Dare to walk in its wake
Hands in the air
Clean crisp air
I become transparent
My passion dims
The cyclone whispers
Grizzly arms athwart the sky
I am no longer a slave to society
The breeze of heaven blows
Upon my soul
Heather Mirassou Copyright 2010
Aug 2010 · 1.6k
Heather Mirassou Aug 2010
Hershey, black satin, as long as my torso
Diamond green comforting eyes
Velveteen curious nose
Tongue like a pumice stone
Her elegant but waddling stride
Powerful, confident and territorial
Sitting like a queen on her throne
Cat of mine, mother to be

Tuxedo, black and white, bow tie and all
White sock covered feet like satin gloves
Long white elderly whiskers
He reminds me of Fred Astaire
Quick calculated light on his feet
Shy yet debonair
Patient, watchful and full of pride
Father to be

Oreo, friend and foe
White as snow, black face and tail
Large circular patches of black
Fearless fence and roof climber
Youngster full of mischievousness
Paws in the air, tummy exposed to the sun
Purring so loud she vibrates
Kitty of mine
Heather Mirassou Copyright 2010
Jul 2010 · 3.2k
Heather Mirassou Jul 2010
In sunny solitude
The swelling seas
Erase the bank of haze
Birds begin to sing
A skylark soars in the air

Purple hills of paradise
No longer dampened souls
Tossing and turning in the night
Pearl white peaks
Hypnotize across the planet

The color of strength
Of a rainbow myriad
Green cascading canopies
No longer drinking
Nature’s tears away

With fluorescent green
Humming birds
Under the turquoise sky
The vintage rustic vines
Are revived to a new life

Rejoicing hearts
Of amethysts and emeralds
Are awakened from
The breeze of heaven
Vines whisper in awe

Her sun
Sky sweet bliss
Fountain overflows
To twilight shade
Robed fields of gold

Her young berries
Plump and iridescent
Until harvest comes
She will say goodbye
And again renew
Heather Mirassou Copyright 2010
Jul 2010 · 4.8k
Angel Hair Pasta
Heather Mirassou Jul 2010
Angel Hair Pasta

****** Oil encased
Oregano, Basil & Thyme

Fragrance ascend
Blonde strands flyway

Garlic Shards dancing
Swim in the wind

Pulsing Beef Stake
Red River Flowing

Seeds flooding

Expertly wound
Atop her head

Angel Hair pasta
Heather Mirassou Copyright 2010
Jul 2010 · 1.1k
Kid's Play
Heather Mirassou Jul 2010
“King of the Hill” you begin to play
You bump, bump, bump and sway
You see a perfect high landing spot
On an upside-down horse trough

You hop, jump and fly slowly through mid-air
Your small hooves landing easily on two pairs
You strut your stuff on the cold steel effortlessly
Showing your body strength and dancing dexterity

As you put on your crown and look up at the sky
You friends bow down from side-to-side
You are “king of the hill” showing off your expert dance
She winks at you way up top and begins her **** prance

She pretends to hide but curiously you see her peek
You join her in a private game of hide-and-seek
She quickly finds you hiding in the prickly hay
You blush and nuzzle her chestnut face

Her body slender and strong topped with white angora fur
You rub her lovingly as she lets out a soft lulling magic purr
She continues to flirt winking her eyes with her head hung low
You excitedly whisper sweet-nothings she agrees you may be her beau

You rub your tickling head against her horns beaming with pride
You motion to her, let’s go play all seriousness aside
You join the other kids who are tryin to reach the sky
Together you dance and sway, jump, hop and fly
Copyright 2010 Heather Mirassou
Jul 2010 · 1.5k
Mad Love
Heather Mirassou Jul 2010
As snow does to a fire that runs
Blue white Ophelia floats
Mad with love as magnificent as snow
And among water lilies
Star which melts away
The wind kisses her *******
Shivering willows
A nest of mad kisses
Curves of her back
In each soft corner
From violet forests
His sweet brow
On the seascape
The calm black water
Black moss embroidered
Her great veils rising
Why the goldenrod stars
Love her reflection madly
The rivers are a sail
Shadow flowers with bale
Scented twilight
A pearl sky
Copyright Heather Mirassou 2010
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