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  Nov 2014 Hayley Anders
You will always be my ***** little secret
my dark horse
my tamed demon
the boogeyman in the closet
the monster under my bed
the voices in my head
the pain torturing me,
wishing I was dead!

you will always be my expensive regret
my losing bet
my what they ****?
my what the heck?

You will always be a part of me
which I will try to forget the most
you will always be with me
everywhere I go...
my living ghost!
Hayley Anders Nov 2014
You can't decide
On the person you should be with
If we are right.

Should I make this easy
And walk away
From your loving embrace?

But you don't want that
For me to leave
Because you say you need me.

Why do you need me,
An emotional wreck,
To be happy?

I think you're insane
And I'm a hopeless lover
Who is bound to destroy each other.

Or maybe,
Just maybe,
We'll bring each other never ending happiness.

But you won't know
If you go with what's old.
Hayley Anders Nov 2014
You are perfectly imperfect,
And I wish you could see that I'll never leave,
Never run from you,
I love you.
Please won't you stay too?
Stay. Please.
Hayley Anders Nov 2014
You cannot expect something new to grow
If you nurture what is old.

The old and new cannot flourish together
And will both fade away.

Then you will have lost both.
New things won't grow if you're busy trying to keep old things alive. You have to choose between the two or they will both be gone and forever out of your reach.
Walk away slowly
      Please don't run
    I'm still holding the gun
It's cocked
        And loaded....
Aimed at my temple
     Why didn't you listen?
The rules....
I handed you my heart
    Expecting you not to
        Break It!
You should've known it...
   I'm a ******* poet!
I can turn anything you say
     Into a **** ****** scene
Make you wish
      It was ALL A DREAM
But it's not
       And you're gone
I'm holding the trigger
          Thank God
I decided to use ink
      Instead of bullets...
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