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 Nov 2018 harlon rivers

She makes love to him with words
spilling ink of passion on paper.
She creates the sensual mood
with each stroke of her pen
splattered on the sheets.
She caresses his flesh
in every love letter.
She kisses up and down his
length in sentences and prose.
She tastes all his masculine scent
without ever speaking a word.
She bites his lip and tilts her
hips in between the lines.
She paints a picture that
makes him hard  for his
release and it only
took her mind.

 Nov 2018 harlon rivers
 Nov 2018 harlon rivers
These hands...
Cast of clay.

Had basked in the sun.
Deepened lines marked their faces
and enlarged cracks marred their backs.

Rough and matured.
They spoke the language of old
and hid the ancient ruins of the past.

Held together.
Side by side,
they clenched the fantastical ideals of today.

uncertain and pulled apart...
The future just falls away - a ghost.
A mirage that eludes grasp and capture.
 Nov 2018 harlon rivers
Trees are the permanent
the eternal
which we forget
in our hastiness..
our identity lost
the objects of life
stand forth claiming
special reverence..
until once more
the tree experience
states our permanence
in which our lives
display in passing..
the silent tree
brings us home and
reintroduces ourself
to ourself...
 Nov 2018 harlon rivers
Be happy in life
Because hatred takes away
All of your beauty
This time they walked in line
Uncertain what they would find
Not a walk with army troops
Who march along in heavy boots
Not a walk with mortar shells
The road were many in battle fell.
This walk was the way to peace
Were all those wars would face defeat.
This walk it led to a hopeful sign
Leaving those horrors  far behind.
This time they walked in line
Looking ahead to better times.
This walk was a future crystal clear
One of joy and not one of fear
Traveling together at a steady pace
That feeling of love and not of hate.
This time they walked in line
One that will stand the test of time.
This walk it had no barriers
No enemy at the end waiting there.
This time they walked in line
That new horizon there to find.
Walking away from war torn lands heading too that new horizon
Were peace abounds .
From flowers so fair picked I the most fair.
Hues of her boughs, a rainbow put to shame;
Her scent, all roses, jasmines draw not near,
Her luster, like shore lamps of heaven the same.
Now that I bore the fairest of all flowers,
Like rays of sunshine parting yonder clouds
So didst I get enriched with bliss showers,
But unto her came many a bird in crowds
With covetous eyes coveting her shine
They were doves, ravens, among so many more.
Though I know not which stole a gem of mine,
Thou bird, flint-hearted thief of my flower,

      Hast thou no pity a flower now thine
      Upon my soul left her perfume divine?

© Kikodinho Edward Alexandros
Los Angeles, California, USA. 11/22/2018.
#Shakespearean sonnet
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