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 Mar 2017 Lauren
Awesome Annie
Like rain drops plunging
into puddles
this only echos outward.

I can feel it vibrating
the harrowing space
that separates us.

Ripples repeated
trickling with the notion
that it's moving...somewhere.

Slipping into
subtle transformation
that we pray is growth.

Obsorbing within us
like rain drops dancing
bound together by spirit.
 Feb 2017 Lauren
how simple
 Feb 2017 Lauren
we put so much stock in the big picture.
you know? we fall so far in love with the glory of promises,
with big words and exaggerated gestures,
with the scandals and the fights.

I do not need so much.
I can live for smaller sights.
the cup of tea you brew for me each morning.
the way you link our hands as we are walking.
your heart, thumping against mine.
how you’d pull my covers up again when I kick them off at night.
your clothes, in my home.
if you head out early, leave me a note.

I do not want for much. The smallest things can be enough.
another old poem!! you'll be seeing a lot of these, probably
 Feb 2017 Lauren
it's sad to think that
a person that once were your sunshine
now only brought you rain
the person that you know as happiness
now only brought you pain
he opened your door and left
now you were never the same

— The End —