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kain Dec 2018
Look at me
I say
Sell me your smile
Take a penny for my thoughts
I have nowhere to go
But here

And you look at me
I haven't danced in so long
But you take my hand anyways
I don't smile
I have nothing to say to you

As fish swim, birds soar
Lifted up on drafts of hope
Dipping wingtips in sunsets
Clouds are butter
Sliced by talons
He is beautiful
And so is she

Answer the questions
That wallow in my mind
Struggling to raise up
Dead hands clawing through earth
Coming to the tears in my eyes
When you say

We like you
Write more often
Such emotion
I feel your pain
It's beautiful here
Because of you
I got such a response to the last poem, so I wrote this. I don't know why people have suddenly decided to notice me but I don't know how to handle it.
kain Dec 2018
Simple, yet beautiful
The flow and dart of
Upstream fishes
Fighting the current
I see it around me
In texts and hearts and
Casual conversation
But it is not casual
And I do not have it
Empathy is slipping out of reach
But all too different.
You like heat
Standing in the sun your head up
Children's things
Don't touch my hand
Shy away because It's Me
And I am not enough
I'd like to think I hate everyone
But I think
I just don't know how to interact with people
Started out depressing, ended up Soul Eater.
This is why I don't write poetry.
kain Dec 2018
At school
I feel okay
I spend that day
Focusing on getting home

Then I reach it
And I just can't seem
To feel anything at all
kain Dec 2018
I'm jealous
How can I feel this way
When you stay with me
And sit away from the world
With me
When I need you to

I'm jealous
Because everything you have
Is everything I don't
Surrounded by friends and family
A buzzing halo of love
As if you descended from heaven

I'm jealous
You have such strong faith
You have your God
And your mother
And I have nothing
But a handful of late night indecisions

So I guess I'm jealous
Of your sociability
Of your gilded belief
Of your orthodox childhood
I'm jealous of you
I will never be you
I hate that I am afraid to leave my childhood friends behind, even though we both know that the time is coming to let go. She is everything I am not, and sometimes, I wish for a change of pace.
kain Dec 2018
She was the loveliest woman
I could ever meet
But she changed
Slipped into a sea
Of bitter ecstasy and
Hazy schemes
She began to scream
Pound on the doors
Twist her head
Like an exorcist
Speaking little
Only to rear back
Teeth flared
What a snake she has become
I cry for her
At first
Cry for no man
For no God
Tears only last so long
She hides away
In that miserable hovel
Of a cave
The sympathy stops
All dried up
That ***** she screams
And screams
Slamming doors
Playing piano until
Three in the morning
Even in my dreams
She comes for me
Calls me down
Then drags me out
To ****
I couldn't love her anymore
Not if I tried
Eating her more scraps
Back to us
Facing away from
The only one
Who ever loved her
I am sure she cries
In this late night
But I no longer care
Something has poisoned her veins
Nightshade, perhaps
Or a stray doctor
Whatever insanity has taken her
It has left is with nothing
But a rage with which
To burn her body
So... this is an edgy one for sure.
I just love when you care about someone who loses their mind.
kain Nov 2018
A light cloud
Rising up
Around you
So clean and pure
See the lack in your face
But I don't care
You are so vivid
Colour seeps into the world
Around you
Just from standing near you
I become colourful too
Like a clean breathe
Of fresh air you cleanse my lungs
Drift away my regrets and fears
Dare me to dream
And I dream
Endless skies and the scent of
Evergreen and the stars
Walk alone for miles
Live my life the way I want to
I want to be here again
He'll never see me the way I see him but that doesn't matter.
kain Nov 2018
I do not think I am vain
Just naive
And surprised my my own dark eyed
And darker circles
Welcome to AP Human Geography, where I write abominable poetry in between lectures.
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