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  Dec 2019 Donna
Sarita Aditya Verma
Sun rolls down
Weaves a multicoloured carpet
Fades away in the fringes
It’s dark

Being placed
At such a height
Overlooking the majestic Sarovar Dam
Musing at the distant past
Hands by the sides
Never forgotten
The Iron Man
For the world to see
Statue of unity
  Dec 2019 Donna
Melissa S
The enemy swarmed our gates again
around Mother's day last year.
We were unarmed and unprepared
we thought we fought them off the last time.
We thought our gates were impenetrable.
We are at full blown war now our weapons
are up and full armor is on.
We just take one day at a time
and just keep trying to figure out it's weakness.
We are trying to find out what pulls it down
just like it pulled us down.
We do not give up hope in finding this weakness
and we shut our eyes and ears to all the negativity.
The enemy we are fighting is cancer
and the gate it swarmed is our family, our sister.
We will never give up on fighting this!!!
  Dec 2019 Donna
Sarita Aditya Verma
The roads long
taper on the end

A memory, unfolds
at every bend

Exotic trees, and
Silver cascade falls

Misty mountain peaks
Lotus in the lake

Lush multicoloured flowers
At the Bryant Park

Horses to  ride
Pink candy floss

Kodaikanal - ‘The Gift of the forest’
As it’s rightly known
Kodaikanal is a hill station,
in Tamil Nadu, a state in South India
  Dec 2019 Donna
Jayantee Khare

In the life,
the karmic plans we unfold
uncover the stories untold
lead the path of life imposed
Also in the process of unfolding,
uncovering and
our thoughts, words and actions
pen new stories.....
shaped into our destiny...
turned into the karmic plans for next births..
and this goes on...

Just an insight
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