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3.2k · Aug 2015
the anonymous traveller
gypsyheart Aug 2015
It started with my imagination,
of me standing in a bus
quite different from this one.
With longer hair,
and better clothes,
and nicer shoes, perhaps.
Carrying a bag
loads lighter,
eyes taking in the sights of someplace

I guess,
when the time is right, I'll leave.

To be the same stranger you'll find
in a hundred different places.

'Someone not known
who knows everything'.

I like the sound of that.
802 · Aug 2016
gypsyheart Aug 2016
I'd trade my smile for perfect teeth.
Who cares if I'm laughing? So long as
They are white like on TV (like what you want to see),
Then maybe now you'll love me.

I'd trade my eyes for pretty girl tears.
Who cares if I'm looking at you? So long as
I'm looking to you to hide from my fears,
Then maybe now you'll love me.

I'd drop the numbers for a perfect number,
Drop the shoulders to lie on your shoulders,
Drop my chin so I can't look at anyone else,  
And other than you, I can't see anyone else.

I'd trade some skin for a little more skinny,
Trade some heart for a little more love,
Trade some human for a little more girly,

I'd trade all of me for a little more you.
at first, i was going to write a song.
570 · Mar 2018
i need you here.
gypsyheart Mar 2018
you send me pictures, but
they are not enough
to capture the light and life in your eyes

you send me videos, but
they are not enough
to recreate the sound of your carefree laugh

you send me voice mails, but
they are not enough
to fill the air with your gentle breath

you send me all of you, but
it is not enough
to warm the sheets beside me.
563 · Mar 2017
chimney heart
gypsyheart Mar 2017
how is
a heart
like a chimney?

they've both been
by old flames.
507 · Aug 2015
the writer's guilt.
gypsyheart Aug 2015
So often he'd go to bed
with ink on his hands;
hands that were always trembling
in fear of the monstrosities
they'd pressed onto innocent paper.

He wondered
why people deemed his creations
when all he could do
was twist and bend and morph his words
into shivers down their spines,
and haunting echoes in their minds.

His way with them was anything
but beautiful.

Staring at his stained hands,
he, too, wondered,
why he was made
such a skilled wielder
of the deadliest weapons.
424 · Mar 2016
gypsyheart Mar 2016
it wasn't until she cut ties with me
that I realised,
all this time,
she'd been holding a pair of scissors behind her back.
411 · Aug 2015
her apologetic excuse
gypsyheart Aug 2015
"I would say I'm sorry,
for how things ended for us,
but it's not really my fault.
Blame it on my gypsy heart;
that thing just can't settle for one boy,
or even one place,
or even one anything
for too long.

Pity me, instead.
This relentless hopping is making me tired.
Everything I do will only teach me the same lesson of

I will never get to taste the fruits of just one forever."
384 · Mar 2016
gypsyheart Mar 2016
to see, taste, touch, hear, feel, laugh, cry, know, walk, run, skip, jump, care, love, heal*

Now look at all you can do,
just by being alive.
352 · Aug 2015
not after you.
gypsyheart Aug 2015
you can't just leave
and expect me
to be okay

i will never be okay.

not after
i've learnt the taste of your lips,
felt the warmth of your embrace,
heard the 3am words you've whispered; my long forgotten words

not after
i've fallen victim to this savagery we call

could i ever forget you?

you were my greatest inspiration.
326 · Aug 2015
gypsyheart Aug 2015
I used to be okay with who I was,
until you came,
showed me
and made me realise that 
it's better to be nothing than everything you
326 · Apr 2016
gypsyheart Apr 2016
you know how words
start to feel weird and meaningless
the more you say them?
maybe that is why I
want you to stop telling me that
you love me
319 · Oct 2015
gypsyheart Oct 2015
I was probably halfway through my lunch
when you told me you were leaving.
I laughed, then.
All the times I read aloud to you the poems
made of words that had blossomed
from my eager hands still tingling
from the memory of your skin.
I laughed, then.

It took effort to swallow my scalding microwaved food,
yet the only things burning
were my eyes and your words.
291 · Oct 2015
gypsyheart Oct 2015
and the look in her eyes*
*was all fire and beast
285 · Feb 2016
gypsyheart Feb 2016
you have underestimated
the difference in strength between us.
so long as I am strong,
I am stronger than you.
285 · Aug 2015
gypsyheart Aug 2015
society (noun):
as of today
where everything has to look pretty
where we tattoo on our own scars
where we take, even from ourselves
where some of us don't belong
where it's a struggle to rise from the bed
where eating becomes difficult
where there is all we'll ever know
282 · Feb 2016
gypsyheart Feb 2016
There's disgust
in your eyes
at the sight of a starving cat on the streets

And amusement
on your lips
when your words make me bleed

I've felt the mockery
of your touch
every time you bring me to my knees

how could anyone love you,
stand to have their heart picked at?

*But here I am, doing just that.
266 · Oct 2015
in love
gypsyheart Oct 2015
Someone once asked me to describe you,
and I couldn't.

I do not know you in words.

I only know you
by the way your heartbeat feels
when I lay my head on your chest,
by the way your lips curve at my feeble attempts at jokes,
by the way your eyes glisten during a sad movie scene, and
by the way you speak my name.

I do not know you in words.  
But I know you in love.
260 · Feb 2016
gypsyheart Feb 2016
I could not, could not, could not, could not
could not
refuse his brilliance.
219 · Feb 2016
to seem
gypsyheart Feb 2016
the kind of person who's always alone,
but never looks lonely
213 · Feb 2016
gypsyheart Feb 2016
never skips a fringe trim;
his eyes have nothing to hide

— The End —