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i'm a rash little doll, heart locket,
knee socks.

a cute killer.

i play a tempting game,
flirt with danger.
swish of pleated skirt,
carefree and nonchalant.

lollipops and candy, buy me a sucker, mister?

supposed innocence is my allure,
i kiss girls and boys for fun--
make older men lust over
and hardly have begun.

(oh i know i'm trouble,
but you know you still want a taste.)
care to give me a call
 Feb 2016 Grace
I was 7 when I learned the art of touch
but that doesn’t make me ******’s sister.

I was 14 when I thought I figured out *** and love
were one in the same.

So tell me why everywhere you touched me
I began to turn black like a the band of a fake ring on a child’s finger

I began to turn a colour I could not wash off
with soap and water.

The darker I became the more you began to
smell of rotting meat left out in the sun.

You were festering and the holes in your heart
burned through to your skin.

Sometimes in my sleep
I still smell you waiting in the darkness.

And sometimes in the shower
I still find deep marks I cannot ever seem to get rid of.

Everyone in this life might mistake the look in your eyes as love,
but I will never be so easily fooled again.
 Feb 2016 Grace
gloria graves
I wake up every morning with sweet memories
of me and my daddy  sitting under the apple tree

We sat and talked about a whole lot of things
especially about what the future will bring

me and my daddy we did everything
from cutting grass and chopping trees
even some gardening

he taught me things that everyone should know
about life and love and how to reach a goal

he told me that I should be honest faithful and true
and when I got married is to be loyal to

my dad had his nickname for me I must tell you
I was ( sugar) to him and that name I will value

me and my daddy went through thick and thin
to turmoil and trouble but we always would win

I sat with my daddy as he read his Bible
he talked to me about Jesus
we had our own revival

but as time has now passed
he is in heaven I know
looking down on me with a heavenly glow

he smiles down with glee
with a glow bright and shining
I will always be daddy's girl
with our souls both combining

one day when God takes my soul away from me
I will be back with Daddy
back under the apple tree
 Feb 2016 Grace
Sub Rosa
Mama can sing lullabies to the baby
for 18 years
and daddy can come and go,
leaving the garden with a message
for baby:

'You have a river inside you.
white water and grizzly bears
chasing salmon.
the world is wild, baby.'

Green-eyed child stumbles away from the nest
with a head of butterflies,
soft hands.
She didn't see the meteor
when it fell form the heavens
and struck her baby face.

She saw clearly
for the fist time
a world without mother's song.
Millions, billions
of men and women,
digging a pit in the cold earth.

'To the world, dear baby,
you are but flesh
and working arms.
So pick up a shovel'
said the man in the suit.

'Start digging.
We're going to hell'
 Feb 2016 Grace
Meggn Alyssa
Children grow up
with jump ropes
barbie dolls
and suckers tangled in their hair

Children grow up
in daddy's shoes
and mommy's dresses
and Pixy Stix sugar in their laps

Children grow up
feeling the boom of fireworks
wading in the cold pool water
and pop rocks dancing on their tongue

Children grow up
with secrets kept from them
and told to them
and pockets filled with smarties wrappers as bribes

Children grow up
with dirt under their nails
and rain water soaking their clothes
and taffy between their teeth

Children grow up
with the wonders and horrors of the world
all on a sugar high
so they never learn the difference
 Feb 2016 Grace
 Feb 2016 Grace
heart of my heart
flesh of my flesh
the merry bell tolls,
cries tinkling chimes
of young laughter

I sink in the depths
of your pestle, mortar,
delicate dripping lips
the hours are now years
hazy and blurred

of swaying breeze, and
careful steps; flighty
translucent limbs splayed
out in the sunrise of
pale moon eyes

shadow, shadow
I breathe in this now
exhale the rest, leaving this
heart in your trembling
willowy hands

 Feb 2016 Grace
I worry when I see girls that chew gum like ******,
the bubbles are as pink as their cheeks
before applying blush. Then, I see their fathers memorize
them just in time
because when they grow up, girls leave everyone.
We are sunlight pressing our ******* against moonlight
so close,
     we no longer need our heart-shaped sunglasses.
 Feb 2016 Grace
b for short
Sugar daddies? No.
I'll make my own **** sugar –
and plenty of it.
© Bitsy Sanders, April 2014
 Feb 2016 Grace
Deana Luna
Bubble and pop
sweet baby darling
*******, *****
and bring up all the sweet candy corn you can find.

shush and shake sweet honey babe
shush me and taste the shore with the tip of your tongue
can you taste the salt, sugar?
do you feel the rush, daddy?

chew me up like a piece of pink chunky bubble gum
and store me behind your ear.
draw me some cotton candy to munch on
and paint yourself a rocking chair to sit and watch.

*******, babe.
pin me up against the wall and down underneath you
let me be your pinup girl
pull my stockings up
and sit me down on your lap

give me smacks for bad behavior
and leave candy colored crimson smeared across my chin.

oh, sweet baby darling, don't you crave to swallow me whole?

— The End —