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I need some happy poetry
I'm tired of sadness
I'm tired of not seeing the sun
And the bright side of things

I need some happy songs
I've been lost for too long
I need to find myself now
No time to get stuck in the past

I'm more than what
Never let me smile
I'm tired of this charade
I'm tired of being cold

I want to get lost gazing
At the possibilities in the stars
Not at their fateful destruction
Not at their fall to nothing

I needed some happiness
For some time now
Because I broke the chain
That dragged me down
Gabriela Baldini Jul 2015
Le temps circulaire
Le temps naturel
Le temps sans commencement, ni fin
A tout en même temps rapide, et insubmersible , fragile
Pourtant indélébile
Le temps qu'il traverse le quadrant de l'horloge
Et que redémarre toutes les douze heures
Sa ronde éternelle .
Gabriela Baldini Jul 2015
What is happiness for you?
Being healthy?
Have money?
Have the car of the year?
Have the biggest house in the world?
Have the best clothes with the best brand?
Have sculpted body?
Have beauty?
Have video game?
Have TV?
Have computer?
Have mobile phone?
Have internet?
Have a notebook?
Have a family?

And if  we didn't have anything?
And none of these related things I mentioned above?
And if we had ourselves, one body, thrown anywhere, a forest, a desert?
Nothing, absolutely nothing.
We die?
We would be crazy?
What we would be?
What would the world be?
What would be happiness for you?
Gabriela Baldini Jul 2015
It's a confusion
Is there?
Is it true?
Sometimes it seems, but
It's just a mistake
Invention in your mind
Waste time on something empty
Empty hope
All in vain
As a matter of fact ...
Just want to feel loved, complete
Something that makes you feel real
A true story
That it isn't all a pretense.
Sometimes it's just a hug.
Sometimes it's a kiss.
All you need is warmth.
Looking in your eyes like this.

You pull me in.
And squeeze me tight.
Tears roll down your cheek.
A hug you just cant fight.

Creating new words.
To describe this feeling.
Fierce embrase of reuniting love.
Everlasting and forever reeling.

You have this way.
That turns my heart.
A millions times like the sun.
Wind me up, I'm jack in the box.

Riddled with beauty.
More than theyve ever found.
Delicately adored by me.
How crazy does that sound?

You turn my heart to mush.
Cliche is it?
But there it is right there on the ground..

You ripped it out of my chest.
But it still beats harder than its meant.
***** and muddy bent not broken.
It still beats ******* the cement.
© All Rights Reserved Jack Thompson 2015
  Jul 2015 Gabriela Baldini
All I see are these eyes.
These dark, dark eyes,
floating on a sea of darkness - not connect to a body.

Just there - up close to me.
Pressing against my eyes.
I felt like the eyes had pushed into my own eyes.
Peaked in to my very soul
Breaking my weak spine and mind.

I want to scream
Pray for this to be a dream
But fear has a funny way
Of stopping you doing what you want.

So I do nothing.
And life goes on.

*Oh, but those eyes.
They're in my brain.

They're here to stay.
Hasn't posted in awhile. Something a bit darker. Mel is at it again.
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