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 Jul 2014 Franny
Joshua Haines
College is a cancer clinic.
At this university, you either live long enough to die,
or die until you want to live.
Kids drag backpacks like bags of morphine,
and are attached to their planners like they are their heart monitors.
You do your own chemotherapy,
as you poison yourself with debt,
and Friday night nickel shots.
You promised
f o r e v e r ,

                                 *Your definition of              
                                   forever was a lot
                                   shorter than mine.
 Jul 2014 Franny
Dominique U
You were supposed to be a stranger.
We were...
Strangers with a shared kiss.

My brain was washed with alcohol,
With the snippets of memories left.
I forgot your  name...
and how we met.

That one fateful night...
You were supposed to stay a stranger
Instead you traced my steps.

Alas! The world is too small for us.
Who would have thought that
you would find me?
You even got my name wrong.

Your description was spot on.
The friend of your friend knew me.
You should have just left it as it is...
A beautiful memory by the beach -
with a stranger.
 Jul 2014 Franny
Alexia Côté
Someone just said something about me,
It’s starting to drive me crazy,
Oh please don’t make it start again,
This isn’t a feeling that can be supported by any men,

My thoughts are beginning to race,
At much too fast of a pace,
I keep trying to make it stop,
I can already feel myself drop,

It’s called anxiety,
Oh there goes gravity,
Here comes insanity,
And everyone’s pity,

I’m starting to lose control,
I can’t feel myself as a whole,
I need help,
I need help,

Here we go again,
I can’t wait for,
The moment when,
My head stops its own war,

It’s called anxiety,
It’s not ending anytime now,
It’s being juged in our society,
It’s not something we should allow,

It’s called anxiety,
Oh there goes gravity,
Here comes insanity,
And everyone’s pity
I love you
not because
you're good looking

I love you
not because
you're caring

I love you
not because
you dote on me

I love you
not because
your smiles are sweet

I love you
not in lust
of your crevice
or orifice
or skin

I love you
without you
I feel

incomplete within.
 Jul 2014 Franny
Victoria Queen
How do the wounded ones find a love
that will heal their brokenness,
when no one wants to cut themselves on all of the jagged pieces?

Find your way into my cracked and tired heart,
and make me whole again.

Remind me what it's like to be alive.
 Jul 2014 Franny
Forgotten Heart
I am going to miss you
it's going to hurt me
          Like hell
I am going to miss you all my life
and you are going to regret all your life
 Jul 2014 Franny
circus clown
i  base  my  worth
off of how my friends
treat  me,  how  many
beers i can drink before
the taste makes me sick,
and how many times i can
dial your old phone number
and listen to a stranger
remind me of how
you are.
we're sorry, the number you are trying to reach has been disconnected or is no longer in service.
 Jul 2014 Franny
 Jul 2014 Franny
growing up my parents warned me about drugs.
My health teachers warned me about how
they could be

But what everyone failed to mention that some
Might come
With dark brown hair and hazel eyes
And be even more addictive than
 Jul 2014 Franny
CM Cain
the past ten months i’ve went from being sad
to being sort of - not really - almost happy

and it’s taken ten months to go from sad to sort of almost happy and i want to scream and to tell everyone i meet that you can achieve happiness even if it’s only almost happiness

it’s still there and it still ******* counts even if you think it doesn’t it really actually does

(feeling better, feeling stronger - almost)
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