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Depression, self-hatred
It seems everyone is affected by it
Whether personally
Or if it is a family member
Or friend
Sometimes people don't even know
They are affected by it
Why is their brother so drawn away?
Why does their mommy not want to get out of bed?
Depression cannot always be prevented
But it can be beaten
With love
If you show people you care
They realize
No matter how one it takes
That they make a difference in someone's life
And that can be enough
To save them from taking their own
So please
Show people you love them
And care about them
Try not to be cold to people
Because you don't know what they are dealing with
And that sneer you give them
Could be the last straw
The one that breaks the camel's back
And all their strength and willpower
Comes crashing down
Give people something to hold on to
Until they can find Hope
Just showing someone you care can help. It is important to show your love for your friends and family, but it can be just as important to show someone you don't know that you care. Smile at someone in the hallway at school, or when you pass someone in the office. If you are too shy one way to do this before you get you confidence up is complete Ember Evanescent's DearBlankChallenge, which everyone can and should do. To learn about this search #dearblankchallenge and read the description.
Don't tell me
your sad too.

It hurts
Too much

I want you to be happy
I need you to be

If your sad too
I don't know how to go on

And I want you to continue
in life

While I stay

In the
where have you gone?

what have you become?

Lips are now red
Clothes with flowing threads
Tell me,
Who did this to you?

Was it that girl
who fooled your fragile heart
or was it that boy
who tore you all apart

I never chose to feel the pain
of our friendship slipping away
I never chose to feel the same
in every single day

But all this will not be the end
of the story of *
two true friends
Dear  Elsa Angelica,
So I have read through your poetry.
If you were made out of five words
Bent and tied with ribbons to shape your soul
Those words would be

I don’t know you
Your story
Your secrets
Your pain

I know that your poetry inspires me
Really it does
You are a kind person with loving words to offer at any given moment
You are so poetically talented it is outrageous
You are so, so beautiful inside and out
Your soul is beautiful
Your words are beautiful
YOU are beautiful
You are strong
To have held up so many others who were crumbling
You are STRONG
To have held up yourself
And been strong enough to admit when you are weak
I have selected some of my favorite lines of yours and responded to them.
I want you to know
I think you are a speechless and precious type of beauty that doesn’t exist anywhere else
Please keep writing
Because your writing
Changed me inside
And it keeps me going
Alive, not just existing
And I want to thank you for that
For fueling my smile

I want to be
Happy once and for
But how do I start
-Elsa angelica

What a lovely wistful wish verbalized for the rest of us who all wonder that same question. Pretty words, but also so much more than just pretty, so glimmering with deep meaning every syllable. You are so gifted with the pen.

I did not mean to hurt you.
I am sorry I caused you pain.
-Elsa angelica
You are so brave and should be admired and acknowledged for your strength in admitting you are sorry for something and apologizing for pain you may have caused. I have such extreme and overwhelming respect for you, reading this. Putting kindness and goodness before pride. You are wonderful.

Love is love
-Elsa angelica
So poetic, so simple, so brilliant. I can’t even say anything else, the line speaks for itself. Your work speaks for how exceptional you really are a person, as a poet and as a soul.

In autumn...
the leaves fall
like slow
motion rain
-Elsa angelica

I know this is an entire poem but I couldn’t split up specific lines I liked I was just so in love with this entire poem your wrote. Powerful imagery WOW.

Good bye
Fake love.
-Elsa angelica

You are wise to recognize falseness in love. We all struggle with that and we all struggle even more with farewells. You are admired and applauded by me for these lines. Magnificent poetic phrase. I adore this.

I know I was not a pretty flower
I know a few thorns I had.
-Elsa angelica
Oh, but even a flower with thorns is beautiful. As my close personal friend and Hellopoetry Poet friend Ena Alysopriano so wisely once said to me when I was calling myself a ****: Don’t confuse wildflower with ****. Well now I say to you, don’t confuse thorns with being unbeautiful along those same lines. You are so pretty on the inside and outside. Your work, your spirit, the way you choose to live, how kind you are, what a difference you make. Nevertheless, this line in the poem you wrote is gloriously delightful. Seriously. I am amazed.  

Cuz fear is knocking on my door
-Elsa angelica

Such an excellent metaphor, so achingly relatable to basically everyone and so genius. Incredible write by such an incredible poet. You. Are. Phenomenal.

Thank you for writing.
I just want to express my appreciation and gratitude for what you bring to the art of poetry itself.
Stay beautiful.
I think you are remarkably exquiste.
Your ever admiring Ember Evanescent

 Nov 2014 Fitri Nisya
 Nov 2014 Fitri Nisya
Maybe if you weren't so ******* flirtatious and romantic,
If your smile couldn't make me go all gooey inside,
If you didn't look forward to seeing me,
and whisper secrets only meant for me in the dark of the night,
or if those jokes didn't make me laugh so hard that tears would spring up and my stomach would hurt and I thought I couldn't take it anymore,
maybe then I could forget you and leave you behind.
hahah *laughs insanely* im over him dont worry, just writing this on a whim.
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