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 May 2014 Syafiqah
Luna Lynn
I still blush when you kiss my forehead
and when you pinch my hip or nudge my back as you walk past
I still get butterflies when I make you laugh
How could I know love at such a young age?
How could I have known?
The moment my eyes found you
I knew
The moment I gave my all when I had nothing and we turned that empty void into something
and even though there was pain and anguish and heart ache I would do it
yes, I would do it all again
just the same
I wouldn't change a thing
Because there's no other place I'd rather be
than right here with you
Beneath your chin atop your chest listening to the sound of your heart
and feeling your fingers in my hair
listening to your dreams and stories of joy
Speaking about future endeavors that we wish to seek together
The wind carries a song you may not hear for I know that God is speaking and He is saying our blessings are already here!
My love, my sweet
Skin against skin
Kiss on your lips
Hold on for dear life as we live life and love life in love

Forbidden to others and I realized others will never understand and I realized it's not for anyone or anything or others to understand
Because it's you who holds my hand
Because it's you who brushes my cheek
Because it's you who chases the demons away
Because it's who wipes my tears
Because it's you who makes me smile and dream and be not afraid to seek

My love,
You make me feel such a way that I could fly without wings
If an angel could expel the feathers of her being without seeing then I could represent my heart in a thousand shards of emotional delicacy

For that is what you create within me
The most poetic thing I think I have ever written for the love of my life. Our anniversary is coming up so hey, why not?

(C) Maxwell 2014
 May 2014 Syafiqah
Andrew Durst
Pink lip-stick on the **** of a cigarette,
You breathe me in and I can't forget.
You taste like ecstasy but feel like regret,
And love should never feel like a constant threat.
Inspired by a cigarette I saw on the side of the road.
 May 2014 Syafiqah
willa ivy
is it always going to be like this?

am i always going to feel so invisible? so unnoticeable?
it always comes back to you, doesn't it?
i wish it didn't, but it does.

your eyes, your smile, your laugh;
they're not meant for me, and they never were.
they're meant for her.

i spend so much time
trying to talk myself out of these feelings,
but  they  just  won't  go  away.

though when i really sit down and think about it,
about you  and  i together,
it frightens me, and i feel silly for imagining such things in the first place.

we wouldn't work,
i know we wouldn't.
but i still get this feeling sometimes...

this feeling that we would be great together,
better than you and her--but i know that's foolish.
and it's a thought i shouldn't even entertain.

and so i ask: is it always going to be like this?
 May 2014 Syafiqah
Miranda Renea
I fall in love with blonde hair and glasses,
Awkward stances and quick glances;
He is temporary and thus impacting,
His voice is all that is lasting.
And though my chances are impeded,
Distance seems all so fleeting;
Such as is in the one-time summer dare
Of two strangers’ love affair.
Falling for you was the easy thing to do
Having a permanent love is against the odds
Burning passion bleeding from every inch of me
So love sick hoping and praying that it's meant to be

I can't let you walk away without a trace
You can see the tracks of my tears upon my face
Knowing three words would change how I feel
To have a permanent love I know it's not real

These emotions I have you know they are real
I've fallen in love and that's what I feel
So love sick and knowing this will never be
There will never be a you and a me
 May 2014 Syafiqah
I want to be there
Next to you
So your whispers
And secrets
Fill my ears
So I can hug you
Kiss away your tears
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