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 May 2015 fd
Rylie Rose
 May 2015 fd
Rylie Rose
I wasn’t locked away in this tower,
I put myself there.
I threw the key down below,
With no regret or despair.
I didn’t let my hair grow,
I kept it cut short,
I didn’t call out for help,
I didn’t need support.
I didn’t stare out the window,
And dream of the day,
When I would be rescued,
Swept off my feet and whisked away.
And when I heard knocking,
And shouts from below,
I kept myself hidden,
And stayed away from the window.
And now you’ve climbed up,
And invaded this space,
It once was a haven,
But now it’s haunted with your face.
I didn’t want you, white knight.
I didn’t need to be saved.
But you’re eyes were so gentle,
And slowly I caved.
 May 2015 fd
"Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
who is fairest of them all?"

"Human, human, standing there,
please define for me your word 'fair'?"

"Mirror, mirror, in front of me,
to be fair is to have beauty."

"Human, human, in front of me,
please describe the word 'beauty'?"

"Mirror, mirror, listen here,
beauty is looks that catch your eye,
that please the mind,
catch you by surprise."

"Human, human, you are wrong.
That is just your opinion,
your argument isn't strong."

"Mirror, mirror, be silent please,
I asked you to answer but one thing."

"Human, human, I'm sorry,
but your beauty is relative to only you,
it is not something that I can choose."

"Mirror, mirror, you lie to me now.
Surely there's someone to tell me about."

"Human, human, yes,
indeed you are human.
Find someone yourself,
I'm afraid I can't help.
To me you are beauty,
for I am otherwise alone,
but surely I am ugly,
with all that you know."

"Mirror, oh, mirror, on the wall,
it just might be there is no fairest at all."
 May 2015 fd
Janine Sleiman
I used to love this chapter
A part of my favorite book
I showed you it
And you began to love it too
We kept re-reading this chapter
At first it was so amazing
But as the pages turned
The story took a turn
To a different path
And you got tired,
And left me.
You stopped coming
Back each time
But I was still stuck in the chapter
Wondering why
Why it changed
Why you suddenly got bored
But now I understand
It gets tedious same thing each time
So burn the pages
And tear us apart
Our chapter had ended
With no intention of a happy ending.

— The End —