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Yesterday I was clever
So I wanted change the world
Today I am wise
So I am changing myself
Federico García Lorca

می شنوی
صدای ام را
ما در جهان
جا مانده ایم
که باقی
به تماشای ما
نشسته اند
We do not have to bleed,
To know that blood
Runs through our veins,

We do not have to cry,
To know that our hearts
Feel all different kinds of pain.

We do not have to be artists,
To know that our souls
Sing to the tune
Of their very own,
Individual, unique song,

Just like,
We do not have to see God,
To know that he has been with us
All along!

By Lady R.F ©2017
Cold, close-******
Gluttonous grave
Please release
My age-old friend
From gambolling fields
Working place
To blessed bed!

Cold, close-******
Gluttonous grave
Please release
My wife and my life
My life and my wife
My love and my dove
My dove and love,
For my heart is her tomb
She leased with love
From her mother's womb!
A n old poet friend of mine once told me he did  write such a poem which he lost.He is dead now.
 Dec 2016 fasika berhane
No matter how far you've run
Doesn't even matter what you drink
Or just get ******
It will just come back to the way it were
Keep on dodging
Escape like the wind blows
But comes back as fast as the river flows
Run to the infinite puzzle if answers are not found
It's a maze that keeps us running in circles
Solutions are as taught as crystal rock
Still you know the answers are there
We just have to stop evading
And face it with courage.
"its a matter on how you handle each of the problem that comes across your life."

an old piece, stay strong everyone...
happy holidays...
 Dec 2016 fasika berhane
Christmas, Christmas, Christmas
Urggg yrgggg yrgggg urggg,
the songs are like a clogged bell
streaming depressive used sounds
Hymns of abused commercialisation
As an excuse of mixed celebrations

Christmas, Christmas, Christmas
Urggg yrgggg yrgggg urggg,
you remain dead for long time ago
when my heart changed into stone
and my dance a faded fortification
in opened doors of the unreached

Christmas, Christmas,Christmas
Urggg yrgggg yrgggg urggg,
a season where enemies embrace
with a tint of lost meshed generosity
That flavoured distasteful laughter
Coated with silvery decorations

Christmas, Christmas, Christmas
Urggg, yrgggg yrgggg urggg,
a shaw of the dying tower blocks
Overlooking hunger and troubled war
that height of starry driven nights
Casting shadows to the chilled earth

Christmas, Christmas, Christmas
Urgg, yrgggg yrgggg urggg,
The trees are felled to make cards
with anthems of a failed system
the tide of the recycled messages
of happy tidings, fill the bellies ehhh
For those who question the commercialisation and falsity of Christmas. Thankful for the time off....
It's a funny thing to be in love
and do nothing about it
other than acknowledge
the stupidity of your own heart.
(I hate writing about love)
 Dec 2016 fasika berhane
H N Aki
Forgiveness begged by the tongue
Beseech we of the sky
Yet no reply from among
Those with eyes now dry

What say you now, Sariel?
Who spoke of love eternal
Thine words now come to heel
Life wanders from times vernal
Couldn't think of much more to add, maybe I'll work on it later.
 Dec 2016 fasika berhane
Sometime when you're feeling important
Sometime when your ego's in bloom
Sometime when you take it for granted
You're the best qualified in the room

Sometime when you feel that your going
Would leave an unfillable hole
Just follow these simple instructions
And see how they humble your soul

Take a bucket and fill it with water
Put your hand in it, up to the wrist
Pull it out and the hole that's remaining
Is a measure of how you'll be missed

You can splash all you want
when you enter
You can stir up the water galore
But stop and you find that in no time
It looks quite the same as before

The moral of this quaint example
Is to just do the best you can
Be proud of yourself but remember
There is no indispensable man

©The Bible Friend
Here's a lovely humbling poem I'd like to share with you - 771, Taken from the Encyclopedia of 7700 Illustrations, 1979, Signs of the Times by Paul Lee Tan
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