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2.1k · Mar 2015
Farhia Yassin Mar 2015
I don't want to be done
But, I am so *done
1.4k · Mar 2015
Farhia Yassin Mar 2015
I'm just so sad right now
I don't know if it's just momentarily
Or a general sadness about my life
I think it's the second one this time

I mean
I've had a lot of "sad moments" before
But none of them felt as real as this one
This time it's different

I am generally disappointed
In how I am living my life
Do I have a choice though?
This is my life

I did not ask for it
Nor do I control what happens in it
So, yeah
I'm just going to continue loathing my life
And being helpless about it
This is super old but I like it it's super personal
1.4k · Mar 2015
Farhia Yassin Mar 2015
I still get jealous
Even though I know I shouldn't
1.3k · Mar 2015
Farhia Yassin Mar 2015
How is it possible
To be hung up on someone
Someone who isn't even yours

It's like missing someone
Someone who you haven't even met
Strange yet so real

The thought of it being fake
knowing that it's probably all imaginary
Makes you doubt yourself

Am I overthinking this?
Is this even real?
Do they feel the same?

It's like playing on the PS3
With your controller unplugged
It might look like you're winning or losing

Swinging your emotions
Toying with them
Going from happy to sad

But it's all for nothing right
You're not really in the game
You just think you are

That's what it's like to be hung up
Hung up on the imaginary
Nothing feels more bitter sweet
You're my imaginary. Even thought I'm deeply wishing I'm wrong.
Farhia Yassin Mar 2015
I used to think
That when you really want something
You end up jinxing it
And it doesn't work out

Now I've decided to believe
That the more you want something
The harder you have to work for it
And the greater chance you'll have at it
535 · Mar 2015
Farhia Yassin Mar 2015
Stuck in between
This world
And the hereafter
Because I don't think
I have either of them right now
It seriously scares me
495 · Mar 2015
Don't think
Farhia Yassin Mar 2015
Slow down
Take a breath
Clear your mind
Live the moment

You realize where you stand
Everything is so clear
You're not there yet
Where you want to be
Where you're supposed to be

You start to overthink
And feel like utter ****
You thought that by now
You'd be there already

So maybe it is easier
To just stop thinking
Keep looking ahead
Don't live the moment
How I feel about life right now I guess

— The End —