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A Haiku, beauty.
Embracing its gracefulness.
The picture of poise.
Made a major edit, turned out the original wasn't a haiku which I only just noticed~~~Oops.

The wind, it gusts upon my face
Across my lips the breeze does trace
In images I can’t replace
The perfect love of you

The rain, is wet upon my skin
So precious as it does begin
Bringing to my mind again
The perfect love of you

The sun, now bright within my eyes
Aglow across these April skies
Once again I realize
The perfect love of you

The moon, does shine this springtime night
Sending forth its wondrous light
Floating me in pristine flight
The perfect love of you

For everyday these sights I see
Affection formed of destiny
Whispered thoughts for only me
*The perfect love of you
 Apr 2015 those bygone years
Its all good when no one knows.
Its all good when it doesn't show.
Its all good when the tears you cry...
Are covered up with mindless sighs.
'I'm fine'
'I'm okay'
These are the lies we tend to say.
People see you happy.
But is that how you feel?
They say it will pass...
But for now its real.
Cause the things in your head
Stay there instead.
Its the thoughts.... The thoughts that ****.
Yet we still smile with all our will.
So next time you see someone smile...
It would be worth your while
To see if they're really okay.
You see a smile can go both ways.
Sometimes a smile....
A smile is as good...
As the weakest cry for help.
So where’s the love that I shall find?
Is it natural or divine?
It is knocking on my door,
But if I open, what’s in store?
Three questions in four lines,
I’m always seeking,
But never find.
One day when I’m looking at the life that’s behind,
I’ll see that what I was seeking had always been mine.
And that questions don’t lead to answers,
Because only time can tell.
So try what you want, and let yourself fail.
Answers are only summoned from our paths as they unwind.
So let your life happen, and leave your worries behind.

In the wind
Soft the sunlight caresses your hair
In golden beams
Of breathlessness
Blended sure and sensual
A touch of love
Upon my face
To leave but this, and endless trace
I cry my dreams
Of often spent
In days my eyes do find

Love invades this longing
Of gentle soft lips
Upon my own
It is my heart that calls
Craves you with eternal flame
If only to speak your name
I breathe, my breath
Is because of you
Tenderly I want
I need, I require
Your love is my desire

Sifting on a twilight breeze
Calmly, silently
Whispers on a clouded mist
Formed beyond my window
As I peer
For but a glimpse of the beauty
Captured within
My visions of you
My view

Take this man
Of lonely means
Wandering of sorted roads
For this I offer
Undying love
With each beat of my heart
More rapidly so
Of true affection which showers
Upon you forever
My destiny
You and me
Thank you for reading

I have noticed her for weeks now,
this same coffee shop,
the same table, the same time each day

I am taken by her beauty, the way she smiles
and sips her coffee, Irish cream I believe,
reading her ipad intently, enjoying herself it seems

I have found myself daydreaming about her,
her wonderful brown hair, not really knowing what
has come over me, there is just something about her

I have wanted to approach her, but I’m not sure how
So I decided today I would write a poem on one of these napkins
and leave it on the table before she walks in, hoping she finds it

This is what I wrote:

For the girl with chocolate brown hair

Far of lonely breaths I breathe
Upon yon smile enchanting so
O’er these moments to believe
Gazing soft enchanting aglow

Of this chance I long to feel
Soft the touch of feathered lips
For my love can not conceal
Lo' the brush of fingertips

Take these words which I have penned
‘pon this paper meant for you
Keep them close as they do send
My poetic feelings true

It’s almost time, here she comes…
My god she is beautiful, I can feel my heart racing,
it is about to beat out of my chest, I’m shaking

She sits down and takes a sip of coffee, turns on her ipad…
come on…it’s right there, in front, wait, she sees it, she sees the poem
She is reading it and that gorgeous smile appears again

Scanning the shop, she notices me watching, smiling at her
Nodding at me she folds the napkin and places it in her purse
then motions for me to join her, my nerves are going crazy

‘Hi, did you write this poem for me?” she asks. “I did,” I answer
“I love it, it is so beautiful.” Then she removes a napkin from her purse
and hands it to me saying, “I wrote this for you.” I unfold it...

She has handed me the most beautiful poem I have ever seen
and then whispers, “I have noticed you for weeks, the same table,
the same time…I just didn’t know how to approach you, so I…”
Yep, another daydream.  :)

Down this pathway lush and green
Along a winding brook
Dragonflies on cattails play
Come on, let’s take a look

I heard it’s just around the bend
Take my hand, we’ll see
The place where fairies sing at night
Beneath an old oak tree

Sometimes I wonder,
When the wee fairies blink
Do they twinkle like stars
What do you think?

There! Do you see?!
Upon the pad of a lily
A fraggle of fairies
All acting silly!

I see, I see, right over there
With wings of precious gold
Dancing now the sun has set
I guess the truth was told

How many are there, can you see?
It looks to me like eight
I wonder when they’ll start to sing
It’s getting kind of late

I hear the sound of wind chimes
The song is about to start
There upon her lily stage
A fairy opens her heart

The sound of sweet enchantment
A love charm and a spell
I think this song is meant for us
I don't know how, but I can tell

You’re right, I hear her singing
A precious fairy tune
I feel the same way you do
Out here beneath the moon

You must know what this means
It's time I had that kiss
Under stars and moon, in forest Green
*Magic and love, abundant bliss
This is a collaboration with the girl who stole my heart. The one I write my love poetry for. Her verses are in italics.  :)
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