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Crazed beyond this fragile manuscript
  ink now bled out in caustic flow
emptying my mind of the clutter
  pouring from a heart beat’s mechanism
grinding gears of rusted thoughts
  handwriting illegibly unrecognizable
scratched into burned edge parchment
  pleading for destinations
across borderlines and wastelands
  calloused fingers write…poetry
between broken dishes and *** luck cuss words
  folded, creased and left lying on the desk
gathering defiant dust particles
  behind the barricaded door
of cranial creativity
Just a short break from the love poetry.  :)

Amidst the changing scenery
as faces come and go
Names reflect the differences
of those we’ve come to know

Along a winding avenue
where store fronts sell their wares
Traffic lights of red and green
change too among the stares

Where sunshine breaks the foggy mist
and clear as any bell
A ringing forms about my ears,
a song I know so well

I look around and hope I see
this beauty I desire
A butterfly upon the wind
keeps soaring ever higher

And as I reach to grab a hold
with wings of pastel gleam
She flutters just beyond my reach
as if some kind of dream

I hang my head in misery,
another wasted day
The love that I was longing for
has somehow got away

Clouds now build in grey design
my smile has run aground
Happiness is not on sale
not anywhere I’ve found  

Now trudging narrow sidewalks
quite keen to every crack
My focus finds a forward view
I just can not look back

When there upon the door step
these tear filled eyes they spy
Waiting near the welcome mat
my perfect butterfly

And suddenly the bluest skies
appear high up above
This day might not be bad at all
*I’ve found my one true love

I’ve counted every firefly
I think I counted twice
Tiny lights a’ flickering
The evening is so nice

Silently among the trees
Out here as nature sings
Watching while her children play
So many wondrous things

If I could only have one wish
I’d wish you here with me
Held so tight within your arms
Is where I’d rather be

But even though you’re far away
As nighttime does impart
Forever you’ll be close to me
Right here within my heart

So as I’m counting fireflies
I know you’re counting too
Two different spots, we spend as one
*To share our love so true
Good night
Poetry saved my life when
i thought things were not
going right. I started writing
when a beautiful man came
into my life. Found a pen in
the bottom of the puddle i
made with my tears. I sat
there for hours. Drank my
wine and walked into the
water made by own eyes.
Should i drown or should i
die i said. Felt a pen under
my feet and thought about
the guy i met. Wrote poetry
on the surface if the water.
I felt oxygen enter my lungs
and the water becoming
shallow I felt my poetry lifting
me up. I wrote my way out
of the deep puddle i cried.
I wrote my way out for him.
Starting with his name and the
details on his skin. Starting
with how i tripped into his
heart while running away from
my own hell. All it took me to
save my life was a pen and a
guy. That's when i decided to
take the goodbyes i said to life
back again. I want to exist. To
marry him. To fight for my rights.
I want to write until i die. And
if the ink in my pen ever dries
i'll use my blood instead and
the tears i cried. I want to turn
my pain into pride. I want to paint
my scars up in the sky* ~
A collection of poetic tattoos
Permanent upon my heart
Fancy scripted verses
Beneath my chest
Illustrated hope
Penned deep
Artistic ink
Of my

Come take my hand
we’ve not a care
As beauty flows
for us to share

Now reaching forth
so endlessly
As far as any
eye can see

In rainbow fields
where flowers play
Along the fence
soft breezes sway

Of colors bright
and pastel gleam
A butterfly,
a winding stream

While robins sing
in wondrous style
And nature brings
to us a smile

A dream beneath
blue skies above
This day with you
*the one I love
Everyday is beautiful when you are in love

Thank you for reading

Another rainy Saturday...
I watch as it
drips from the eaves,
a rhythmic melody humming
in glistening harmonies
puddling on the lawn,
reflecting my constant thoughts
of your brilliant sunshine smile,
beautiful shade tree eyes
and your forever
blue sky love

You sneak up behind me
and putting your arms
around me say,
"Looks like another rainy Saturday"
I turn and kiss you, then reply,
"I hadn't noticed"
You make every day beautiful to me.

Just beyond the setting sun
Of heavens born delight
A moon so sweetly in its form
Does send its magic light

Yet there beyond its boundaries
Another point does shine
As if it watches over this
Our moment caught in time

Towards the northern corner
As it hovers in its play
Of mysteries in timeless flow
Brings forth its grand display

We fantasize its meaning
Many thoughts about begin
In dreams of lasting promises
To bring us back again

Though in its stately wonder
We find it is to show
Joining hearts together
Within its wondrous glow

For every star that follows us
And every moon we see
Forever in the heavens soft
Is there for you and me

As if we only wander
Through phases found in time
With every second precious
Since my love calls you mine

I pray that many evenings
Till the time our world does end
Within my arms I’ll hold you tight
My love to you I send

So look this night my darling
To the full moon bright above
And know this other point of light
Is my undying love
I feel like every time
I finally pull away from your affection

You begin to miss me

Every time
I escape your love

You draw me back In

Every time
I break free from your smile

You lead me back In

Every time
I release myself from your entrapment

You somehow recapture me

I'm not sure how you did It
How you do It
Why you want to

But every time I see you
All feelings are reignited
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