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 Dec 2016 taia
Mike Hauser
I met a man in a playful tune
Who had a thought I thought I knew
He said to me goo goo g'joob
Does anything sound more real to you

We were out standing in a field
With fresh strawberries dancing at our heels
In a moment a bit to surreal
Continue on Bungalow Bill

We moved past a four man line
As we slipped into dream #9
Being there for the benefit of Mr. Kite
When Lucy and her diamonds fell from the sky

A day in the life left tragically
Our mystery tour on a yellow submarine
The revolution of love has now left the building
In a puddle of memories out on the street

She held your hand to comfort you
The color of love now the color of blue
Till the bitter end you sang passion true
Goodbye to you Goo goo g'joob...

John Lennon 10/9/40-12/8/80
Still remember the exact spot I was standing when I heard the tragic  news....
 Dec 2016 taia
Doug Potter
Food for thought, the school
is torn down, McDonald’s
took its

place, and the old man
living in the corner

masturbated on his  front
porch until the police
stopped him

is decades dead, I don’t
remember his name

but the poor as horse meat
children who attended
class with me

I see like clean
 Dec 2016 taia
Ignatius Hosiana
the sun a deem ray
soon an extinguished light
dark pours, wonder lurks
Just made my version from Taia Iversons
 Dec 2016 taia
Ignatius Hosiana
It's not about the way you live
neither is it about how you die.*
In this Life what counts is the
in between, the people you met
those you love and those you hate
the moments shared, the pictures taken
years of pain, tears in the rain
to those happy as a child with a toy
drowning in the deepest of joy.
It's about the adventures
and the adventure's always in the journey,
whether alone or with a friend
it isn't about your travels' end...

Always make the best of whatever lies
between hello and goodbye
for in the end that's all that would
have mattered for the beauty of all
reality and the ugly is in the betwixt.
 Dec 2016 taia
"...I'm sorry, but reading 'An Introduction to Probability' won't help you with this sort of thing. I mean, I believe there is the possibility that we will fall in love."


"But what do I know?"
We get in the way of ourselves too often.
 Nov 2016 taia
 Nov 2016 taia
it was always hard to find a beginning.
an alpha for an omega, something that could never be found, partially because my brain was overstocked with thoughts i couldn't organize into sentences.
i never knew where to begin, because everything came all at once or nothing at all, and i couldn't put words to feelings and feelings to words, and actions to thoughts, and thoughts to actions.
there i was, trying to remember what felt so wrong, if it was the way i had done things, if it was everyone all around, or if it was the way i forgot to pray in times of emptiness and in times of wealth.
i was giving myself away, searching for the feeling i couldn't name, searching for the feeling i vaguely remember, rummaging through people and places that could possibly remind me of what fulfillment felt like.
every time i come close to finding an alpha, it feels like i only go backwards, constantly going from forward to reverse, not knowing what will set flames to something new, instead of watering down what is constantly flickering in the present.
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