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  Jul 2019 eva-mae coffey
bethany w
is this my insecurity,
or my intuition speaking?

the two “ i’s “
one will keep you safe,
the other will destroy.
maybe it’s a mix of both.
maybe you make me feel
like this and
it’s a red flag.
crimson, ruby, blood.
beautiful and altogether devastating.

I keep going around in circles.
everything is so simple
in your head
and so convoluted
in mine.

it’s unfair.
  Jul 2019 eva-mae coffey
i am beginning to find myself again
i am in control of my future
as i sit out in the rain
with the wind blowing in my face
i realize everything will be
  Jul 2019 eva-mae coffey
bethany w
where does my joy come from?
it comes not from you.
not from waiting for you,
like waiting for rain in a drought.
it comes not from pressing pause,
holding breath,
using litotes on the underwhelming.
it comes not from the unnecessary distractions.
or comparisons.
or sharp bluntness.

it definitely doesn’t come from that feeling - the feeling that you’re losing
the feeling that I’m losing
the feeling that I’m losing.

it comes, instead, from something greater
something more
something inside
and all around

I remember to look away from you
and look up
look up, child
  Jul 2019 eva-mae coffey
I think you told a lie today
about the shadow on your mind.
I think you plan to die today,
and leave these follies far behind.

I wish you would write me a song,
and ink the truth within its verse.
Happy or sad, it's fine, so long
as this does not end in a hearse.
  Jun 2019 eva-mae coffey
Four limbs
Branching from a peach tree
My skin is a shield
My fat is fuel
A vessel for my weary soul
I will let it carry me
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