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Sep 2018 · 644
feeling beige at best
Elioinai Sep 2018
And what you’re telling me
would mean so much
if I cared
even a little
Sep 2018 · 103
glorify love
Elioinai Sep 2018
I saw you
for the first time today
my heart rejoiced and said
“You are so full of love, please shower some on me.”
Sep 2018 · 444
open equals in this sky
Elioinai Sep 2018
A star, is a star, is a star
And an exploding star is all the more beautiful
It’s power and secrets
gloriously undeniable
Elioinai Sep 2018
Today I looked upon my world
and saw
That I cannot know anything about myself
until I have shared it
Sep 2018 · 259
to be open to intimacy
Elioinai Sep 2018
I fear quiet, slinking apathy
that must be addressed in cold agony
I fear glaring flaws
cut out with flashing scissors
I fear lies will slip in
like pills into a drink
Poisons thrown back into a bright throat
From faces of any shape or color
The sharper the chin
The deeper the tears
But most of all I fear I’ll close myself in self-defense
and others in that process
Aug 2018 · 102
You shaped
Elioinai Aug 2018
Hearts aren’t heart shaped
So I carved a hole in my heart shaped like you
Aug 2018 · 98
Titan Temperature
Elioinai Aug 2018
Power is the trait
I most desire in a mate
To wield an affectation
exude an attitude of skill
To spike imagination
and a joyous sense of will
But I ponder this and pause . . .
For once again I’ve found myself desiring
what I long to carve across my chest
Seeking power in my hands
Elioinai Aug 2018
in our desire to accept the raw and deepness of a soul
we often forget our little, daily actions pave the path to those treasures
Aug 2018 · 750
the fucking same
Elioinai Aug 2018
and I’m done pretending
that physical pain is any less devastating
than emotional pain
Honestly, they’re the same
For me emotional devastation causes physical devastation and physical detestation causes emotional detestation, so it’s the same to me.
Aug 2018 · 139
a diver’s treasure myself
Elioinai Aug 2018
I’m learning I’m an ocean
full of uncharted depths
made just for me to explore
I’m far more interesting than a few little coves
I’ve got trenches
and reefs
and beasts
And I’ll never reach the end of it
Elioinai Aug 2018
when cultivating a will to live is too difficult
I settle for drowning out the desire to die
Life is good, but I can’t sleep, so I can’t do healthy things
Aug 2018 · 218
as it softly slips away
Elioinai Aug 2018
Like dark, vaporous remnants
like a bad dream
it slips into uncomfortable
amorphous uncertainty
more pleasing than the bold streaks of red paint
underneath metallic rods
that used to define the subject
as Pain and Stupidity
with a slash of Slavery
the last of its whispers
speak of Strength
and self-forged Freedom
Elioinai Aug 2018
I win
I’m free
I’m proud of me
Aug 2018 · 10.0k
a wreck into education
Elioinai Aug 2018
You had never learned to love
I had never learned to rebel
The rebel dating the lover
You couldn’t understand my anger
I couldn’t understand your lack of compassion
You’d been your own person all your life
I was just becoming my owner
I had nurtured and been a model of good
You hardly knew your mother
You grew tired of my struggle with my parents
I grew tired of your lack of apologies
In the end,
the rebel knew himself better
and left
Behind a crushed me
who didn’t know how to let go of love
Until I became a rebel too
Aug 2018 · 200
Angry Woman
Elioinai Aug 2018
And in this red moment
nothing would please me more than being called a firecracker
Elioinai Aug 2018
Today I still feel like I’m suffocating
And my anger starts to boil faster . . .
It will be 12 years in January . . .
13 years old when I fell foul prey
to an illness many say
is caused by saying “Yes” too much
and too little else
These stupid 1% diseases
caused by lack of fermented foods and adequate self-actualization
I don’t identify with this illness
I don’t think I’d be noticeably different without it
But I see as through a glass darkly
And I believe all this pain will be beautiful someday
not dampened by these complaints
Elioinai Aug 2018
Last night I dreamed you were a koi kissing sweetheart
I find it amusing how my mind takes the people I admire most
those who are intriguing and inspirational
and spins them joyful fantasies in my sleep
As if I didn’t do it enough while I was awake
Elioinai Aug 2018
So I recently joined eHarmony and you know what my biggest fear is? Going on a date and discovering the guy is sexist, or worse, only finding out after several dates. I’m fully confident I can spot most major issues before deciding to meet up, and any I’ve missed prior I’m sure I can spot in person, but I don’t have a clue how well my chauvinist radar works. I never really thought about this before this week. Maybe it’s because of where I’ve arrived in my journey of self-discovery and self worth. I ******* hate the term “Lady”. It’s outdated. I don’t have a use for “Gentleman” either. You’re a good person or you’re not. I guess this actually stems majorly from my pain in my last relationship, with a controlling dude who was a bit sexist. What am I afraid of? Being made to feel small. Having my feelings invalidated. Not being encouraged to express my joy, my pain, my sorrow, my anger, every part of me I want to express. That’s what I hate about the idea of “a lady”, it so often portrays a woman who hides her feelings. **** that! Change the heart, but never cover it up.
I want to be allowed to bloom, I want to watched in expectation and awe.
I want you to be waiting for my next move yet somehow always content.
I want you as a bursting star meets bursting star in emotional brilliance. I want you to be open and ready for all I am to fall into all you are.
I want a glorious canvas covering itself in shocking color to find me as their inspiration.
And that’s why it’s so hard for me to write a list of what I want in a man. I don’t know what to say, I want to be part of a ******* fireworks display?
Aug 2018 · 128
smashed porcelain vases
Elioinai Aug 2018
I’ve lost count . . .
no, I never cared to count
I never do
I don’t know how many . . .
Perfect fantasies I’ve created
now forgotten
A dozen alabaster jars I’ve painted
the roses faded
A hundred jeweled webs I’ve spun
the prism raindrops dried away
leaving dusty silken remnants
All vague reminder of the hopes
The joys I’d wished I had
All dashed
And I feel kind of like a spider that’s never left her corner
Elioinai Jul 2018
You were my coffee today
Just walking along the road
to Hell knows where on the last day of July
My car made the turn onto Sheridan
and my eyes caught the motion of your swagger,
dark pants
Black tank
Probably a red shirt wrapped around your waist
corded arms slightly bowed to give the impression of a badass

your long hair flowing in the morning air

In an instant your head came up
Instinctively giving you the image of my nearing car

And then you smiled
It’s funny how seeing a beautiful person instinctively offer up a joyful, innocent smile can brighten up a day completely
Jul 2018 · 454
How I live
Elioinai Jul 2018
I long to be loved
So I love
I long to be seen
So I see
I long to be believed
So I believe
I long to be prayed for
So I pray for
I long to be validated
So I validate
I long to be the inspiration for poems
So I allow people to inspire me to poetry
I long to be accepted
So I accept
I long to be understood
So I work to understand
I long to be appreciated
So I easily appreciate
I long to be pleasing
So I am easily pleased
I long to be art
So I make art
Jul 2018 · 2.9k
Dirty hippie
Elioinai Jul 2018
I don’t want you to feel tainted
I don’t like that some people see you as *****
***** hippie
But maybe that’s because we’re a lot a like
Some people think I’m *****
***** hippie
I don’t shave my legs out of compassion for the earth
to reduce plastic waste by not buying razors
to love my legs just like God made them
I want you to love you like God made you
And I know you work hard to ignore how you’re painted
to love yourself radically
What people call you
***** hippie
I know the only man who calls you that loves you like crazy
But I’m afraid you know other people think it
Even though you have cleaner hair than me
Tattoos last forever
No they don’t
Nothing lasts forever
Except for love
***** hippie
This is about much more than just being “a hippie”
Dedicated to Jamie Helms
Jul 2018 · 169
What do angels see?
Elioinai Jul 2018
The edges of my vision are softened by feathers
like a veil they cover my face.
A thin layer to shield me from the piercing light that emanates from the throne, glinting through the emerald rainbow,
my feathers are tinged an ever so slight green,
where I float in constant expectation of the worship
flowing from each immeasurable particle stamped with the name of the Maker, every tiny piece of heaven,
every tiny piece of earth,
all that was given a place in physicality when in joy God rose and spoke!
Ever since that moment,
we vibrate with life,
shivering in hope,
rejoicing in the command so sweetly whispered to our bones,
as we wait.
We wait, and we sing,
for the lamb has overcome,
yet we wait for a moment longer,
just a moment,
for what we have never seen will enter soon.
A lovely new,
for which the elders fall,
spirit moans,
the creature sing,
and the Beloved on earth still pray.
I’m not sure when I wrote this, I found it on a piece of notebook paper which I had drawn angel feathers and a green rainbow on the back. Maybe 2014?
Elioinai Jul 2018
little whisper
wisdom soul
I’ll listen to your quiet voice
Elioinai Jul 2018
So I’ve been reading poems
and crying gently
My soul sore from stretching more than usual today
this week
it’s been quite nice, but
apparently my soul could limber up
Jun 2018 · 132
Light upon me
Elioinai Jun 2018
at just the thought
that you might possibly be there
a figure to my left
my closed eyes
not daring to make sure
my heart
silently trying to convince myself that you couldn’t possibly have come this morning
Light filled me
Like oil pouring into an almost empty lamp
Like a warm, anointing
spreading down from the crown of my head
my tired legs could stand again
my tired voice sang strong again
my weary heart felt glad again
The figure to my left
was just a boring, disappointing stranger
and I wondered at how quickly I had changed
all it took was a tiny thread of hope
to fill me with life
this little selfish desire for your presence
Couldn’t I find a better way to bring this light unto myself?
Elioinai Jun 2018
sometimes I indulge myself
in wondering
and I muse upon what
if anything
could make me love you again
There really isn’t much
the page is relievingly white
except for a line
saying your love must long be
Quiet and Unrequite
before ever again embedding in my heart
and life
Jun 2018 · 748
Not now
Elioinai Jun 2018
little spots of ink on paper
as I ponder what to write
little thoughts do linger
emotions caught in webs so tight
I try to untangle a single line
searching through exhausted mind
my soul still raw from life’s sharp edge
the wounds and scars form a blurry wedge
between what I got and what I wanted
what I lost and what I needed
the messy page before my eyes
not unlike these spastic lies
I ask again
when shall I truly find rest?
May 2018 · 324
anything but me
Elioinai May 2018
I used to want a man to lead me
But now I know I won’t allow
my feet to be forced to go
a way I wasn’t walking
I used to want a man to teach me
But now I know I won’t allow
my mind to be forced into
a different, “better” mold
I used to want a man to keep me
But now I know I won’t allow
someone to protect me
when I know how to protect myself
I used to think a man would define me
But now I know I won’t allow
myself to be anything but me
May 2018 · 173
another paint grenade
Elioinai May 2018
It’s late
and it’s been so long
since such pressure built up inside my art room
my heart’s now exploding
like so many glorious paint tubes
May 2018 · 497
true love comes easy
Elioinai May 2018
the only thing soft about you
was your kissing lips
Your words were much too hard
Your eyes were much too dark
to see me
Strong in all my softness
I’m a woman
and I deserve my biggest fan
if you’re in love with someone who isn’t your biggest fan, then you’re not getting what you deserve
May 2018 · 183
accepting invisible gifts
Elioinai May 2018
deep in your godman
waiting in the core of your spirit being
There’s an apology for me
Your soul had yet to meet it’s pressure point
Your best features still buried
in the unconscious dirt that clings
to every human
It’s not something I want presented now
Not a crystal I want to hold
so I trust it’s sitting in your heart
As God turns all your mistakes to gold
Apr 2018 · 110
brioche crowns
Elioinai Apr 2018
I guess it was consistency
that made your shallowest love
warm my heart the most
it’s nice to have a constant
a backdrop of blue sky
always there
somewhere behind the clouds
It helped me see the beauty of the deeper loves
God loves me like the stars
enduring far longer than your transient
azul atmosphere
most visible in dark
the little diamonds come popping out
Always the same beautiful songs
and my heart learns to listen
and sings along
Apr 2018 · 121
auto alarms
Elioinai Apr 2018
it’s breaks upon my consciousness
another cycle
reaches low
disappointed I hear the sirens begin again
but it’s slower this time
and I soon stop trying to remember brushing up against the alarm
stepping across invisible boundaries
disrupting security lasers
it was never my fault
just as it isn’t now
living with a cyclical autoimmune disease, personal blame has been a frequent struggle. But I was only 13 when it started and it wasn’t my fault then, and my continued flares certainly aren’t now. It’s cyclical, which means false hope has been a frequent struggle as well. This time around I realized that though I’ve seen major improvement in the past year, I’m likely to experience many more unavoidable  cycles of inflammation, but they will be less severe.
Apr 2018 · 138
exhale with me
Elioinai Apr 2018
A poem is a breath
that two people who have never met
can share
Apr 2018 · 133
spoken love
Elioinai Apr 2018
What I love to tell everyone is
how Jaye loves me
and that's because I find it
hard to believe that he loves me
that anyone would love
is a surprise
every time
but I don't know why anyone wouldn't love  you
or wouldn't love me
and I don't see you different than me
but at the same time
I do
And I know it's that fallen flesh in me
that dissonance
that screams a lack of harmony
that says I'm too ugly
to make it up to greatness
I'm not worthy to reach out and take this
I'm tempted to think it's all fakeness
and though he never speaks a lie
the feeling behind it changes
and I tie my mind up
and my heart runs down the hall
but I've locked the door
I've locked them all
because You tell me it's real
It doesn't matter what I feel
this moments not a day
And I will stay
Until I feel okay
Sometimes it takes a week for me to really know
oh, many words it's takes for him to show
(this ain't no present with a shiny bow)
. this was written a couple months into my first relationship and it turned out to be so toxic. I had to learn a lot of lessons in the dark but better a lesson learned than not
Apr 2018 · 117
Queen of Hiding
Elioinai Apr 2018
So I'm the Queen of Hiding
I'll learn to toss that title in the dust

At Manhunt I excelled, so long underbrush
Daily I did practice, as I played against myself
so well did I place the shadows all around me
I didn't know the game commenced
nor indeed that I was it

But I'll come out of hiding now
Apr 2018 · 188
Oh achingly glorious one
Elioinai Apr 2018
You are sunlight
glinting through prisms of raindrops
You fiercely shine a rainforest of colors
Reflecting the universe’s naked heart
A thrill and a marching drumbeat
a quiet window seat next to a bookcase
full of undiscovered prose
and also my beloved classics
So earthy and human
But rising up
Your aura shoots a golden beam
to infinite heavens
You speak and my heart responds
now these poems are out of order, I don’t know why I didn’t post this one back in december
Apr 2018 · 163
Elioinai Apr 2018
when I met you
You opened up my world
Now I’m left missing your smile
like a child who’s lost their first tooth
They’ve never known better before
like a child I wait
for the permanent tooth to grow into place
the little wound reminds me that I lost you
Why did you have to leave me?
Elioinai Apr 2018
Until you stand in front of me
and strip away your pride
crying real tears
for the way I died inside

It’s only demons in my ears
who love to speak your name
your face never haunts my sleep
the pain is only lies
coming from the deep
one after that toxic relationship
Apr 2018 · 93
Elioinai Apr 2018
Stop trying to box power
All good things
start to lose themselves
when you put them into boxes
They become a little less
intended to overflow
dripping down to gild the lives around you in ways you can’t control
You can’t be filled without overflowing
You can’t be filled with controlling
pressure builds as you try to grow under a lid
So be prepared to explode
when you find freedom
don’t be afraid to watch your soul
flung about
Mar 2018 · 170
full sail
Elioinai Mar 2018
Love is a storm
but my sails are always full
my soul’s canvas fibers locked in place
to move me at the slightest breath of emotion
I’ve docked myself in harbor
to preserve my life
Though too all eyes
I am a worthy, ready vessel
asking for a breeze
waiting for the morning tide
Elioinai Mar 2018
Words are food to me
I open up to tender sentences
careful compliments like water in my mouth
the flowers of my soul burst forth
in shocking color
when someone I trust tells me they love me
And oh, how fast they die of poisoning
upon verbal attack
my deepest wounds
my brightest moments
were each encountered through words
Mar 2018 · 130
divine ratio #2
Elioinai Mar 2018
You cannot hunger and thirst for righteousness
until you have hungered and thirsted
To gain in spirit is to lose in flesh
No one learns a deep lesson from a place of comfort
Deuteronomy 8:2-3, Matthew 4
Mar 2018 · 171
Today’s freedom is . . .
Elioinai Mar 2018
I took 3 years of piano
so apathetic
But feeling guilty
for wasting training in the human apex
wrote down musician on my list of desired traits
in a mate
probably Because I couldn’t measure
Funny . . .
a good half of that list
consisted of proficiencies in where I felt I failed
not understanding how complete I was
not understanding that mastering a musical instrument is not a virtue
Mar 2018 · 200
learning to love
Elioinai Mar 2018
It doesn’t stop cutting you
but you learn to trust in healing
It’s written in your scars
Everything heals
And your fears fade
Elioinai Mar 2018
Is it a stereotype
or a more common truth
that a woman finds her strength
when she walks away from a man?
Man, manliness, liberated from dominating men, embracing your body as completely woman, no men aren’t the worst but if history shows us that men have had the dominance then freedom for women means walking away from that
Feb 2018 · 123
Elioinai Feb 2018
the lion in me laughs
waiting for its roar
Feb 2018 · 110
Boat Race
Elioinai Feb 2018
Oh! the glorious sails rising on the breeze
I’ve come this time to watch
and not be seen
Elioinai Feb 2018
It’s raining again
So I sit here with my wings open
letting water run through every feather
spring cleaning for my dreams
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