the challenge, 12 sentences starting with the same word – green.
:: green road :
green road is where I was born; in winton.
green grocer delivered each tuesday and thursday.
green front doors and hedges line the road, repetitive.
green shooting brake denotes uncle’s arrival, posh we thought,truth came later.
green our neighbour’s face as bombs fell/were pushed; she hid in the outside toilet.
green school knickers; janet next door under her gymslip.
greens up the garden, with spuds & rhubard, runners & plums.
greens for dinner, liver & gravy; poor food, i guess there was rationing.
green her coat with big buttons,darted & half belt she wore while shopping.
green my mittens, shetland hand knitted; a souvenir.
green the scarf that matched, richer now.
green the sky; the storm passes.