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A stallion pure and thorough bred
With sinewy limbs and a regal head
Entranced a maiden:  coy, fragile
Her naïveté peeking through her guile
The touch of skin on skin, ablaze
The arching back, the dreamy gaze
Oblivious to the world around
When hearts were lost and hearts were found
They rode around without a care
With hair afloat a back stripped bare
Through wind and water, sky and sand
They trod the depth and breadth of land
Love melding with the sunset's hues
With ochres, crimsons, lilacs, blues
She held him firm as 'e sprinted on
Her hands alive on 'is rippling brawn
Both breathless, panting, fit to drop
By a trove of aspen, came to stop
They laid down on the cooling grass
And watched the stars in heaven's pass.
The moments' magic, in their midst
Where gift of fate their presence kissed
The sound of stillness filled the air
To interject , neither could dare
In the conversations of the souls
No words suffice, nor phrases hold
Each secret there that instant shared
All love exchanged, and none was spared.

By the morning sun, came duty's hail
And both knew what devoirs entail
To be with each , although they longed
Of different earths, their loam belonged
They thought, they planned, they tried devise
But union came at a selfish price
In a firm embrace they held on tight
Accepting it was a time not right
And bravely to departure led
Through aching ******* good byes were said
A part of each, with the other sent
For a farewell isn't where love should end
So holding on their transformed heart
On the stage of life, resumed their part
And each then took their separate way
no matter what, wherever they stay
for rest of time, they had had that day
for rest of time, they had had that day!
Lonely Poet Apr 2017
how did i ended up liking you
loving the way your glasses fell to your nose
the way you stare right back at me and smile
loving the way you sit next to me while my heart beats fast

what is this feeling that made all the butterflies fly
it made me feel like I'm on cloud nine
made everything gone
only flowers and the scent of roses

tell me the reason why
why did you make me feel this way?
you know how it hurts
that hoping is a painful lie

tell me the reason why
why did you let this happen to us?
that even smiling in front of you
makes me want to cry

tell me the reason why
why that every time I look at you...
every things go wild
and I ... stayed still looking at you...admiring every inch of you
It's a heart on world with my sleeve steadily exposed
A life line on a call line, dial 888 to be controlled
Puppets on a string to compose this household
The happier we'll be the more we're enclosed

       Smaller spaces to lengthen the gap
       Encircling our inner self control
       Consuming what's left of the demons
       Trying to get a refund on our soul
Love changes colors like a rhyme
Smooth and easy
Eyes like the darkness of time
Slow and steady

Yet we're still not ready for the fight
Insanity walks through the door
And just when the time is right
Our beliefs slowly melt into the floor
Lonely Poet Mar 2017
I'm sorry if i chose to lie,
to tell such flattery words--
that denies every feeling.

I'm sorry if I'm too obvious--
that even the clouds know what I yearn,
that it never fills what was empty.

I'm sorry if I don't satisfy you
if I don't have what she had
if I'm not her to love

I'm sorry if I liked you
i just want to feel what there is to feel
to remember how my heart used to beat

I'm sorry... I'm sorry...
Lonely Poet Mar 2017
Let’s create an illusion of the stars
Where i can dream that I couldn’t wake up
I’m holding that cloud I once chase
Yet here my loneliness exist
lying between the ground I stand

Like a rose been picked
One day it’ll bloom
The other day it’ll wither
How nice I f I just stayed
It wouldn’t be this hard

Like cards being reshuffled
No one knew where to begin
Too many way to start again
You always lose in the end
Lonely Poet Mar 2017
"you doubt your value, stop running away from who you are!"*
-Aslan (Narnia Chronicles)
  Mar 2017 Lonely Poet
Its a curious thing.
How one can be in a room full of people,
a planet so overwhelmed by beings,
yet feel so secluded and alone.

How a whole planet full of incessant conversations,
billions of souls to my choosing
and yet the only one that can truly make a difference is you.
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