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  Mar 2017 Lonely Poet
how the writing thins because another day heaps promptings onto her overthinking head, harrowing laments and fantastic stories
she gets some time alone, quiet, where ideas amplify or where dreams turn boundless

Lonely Poet Mar 2017
I’ll be sitting just before the shore
Watching the sky fading to blue
And all I can hear is the waves from the ocean
Maybe someday I’ll be there with you
Holding my hand and watch as the waves takes the sorrow away
Capturing smiles in my lips and stars in my eyes
Someday I’ll be there maybe alone
Enjoying my life and realizing it’s beauty
I’ll be calm and all will be
I’ll stay as long as it will
And I’ll hear the birds chirping , wind blowing, trees swaying
Just before I close my eyes
And maybe I’ll be there feeling as the wind carries my emotions
Witnessing the day changing into a magical night sky
I’ll be staring at it pointing my stars, counting them one by one
I’ll be cold and full but nothing’s going to stop me
I’d be happy and sad and no one can hold me back and for that moment
Maybe some day we will dance
Holding hands in disbelief
As tears of joy
flow from our eyes
While the field of flowers
will cheer in salute
Maybe our eternity
will come to an end
And our day will come
to begin . . . just maybe

Just maybe I hope
beyond my dreams
Waiting for the one you love
Lonely Poet Mar 2017
I want to cry like a grieving mother
My heart just wants to burst
Wanting these freaking questions to be answered
And now this sadness begins killing all my happiness away
Making me hide under this skin full of lies
Angers overflowing but I can't do anything
Just hide, think and die
Perhaps my life is built to hide
To be part of a perfect pretend
Sending things unto the unreal
This dream begins turning into a nightmare
With the darkness and fears
Why does it turns this way
What a journey it had been
Only to know it ended this way
No turning back that’s what I say
But regrets follow me everywhere I go
No one listens anyway
Floating with my dreams and imagination
But realizing it’s true after all
Believing in the untruth
All of my illusions are gone
And I promise all you can see is black inside my head
And maybe so soon
So soon…
Cuts and knife would be my best friend
Making me understand that I’m still alive
And wounds will hurt like hell
But ending my life would be a problem
And maybe sleep will be my best friend as well
It’ll be the one holding my body
Hugging me till I dream
And I wish it will not let me go.

— The End —