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Aug 2016 · 283
enigma Aug 2016
Like a drug
I relied on you thinking that you would numb the pain
But you destroyed me instead
Aug 2016 · 247
enigma Aug 2016
Turning emotions into words
Feelings that are shared
Through the tip of the pen
Like a drawing, the poet creates
A work of art
A masterpiece
Aug 2016 · 281
enigma Aug 2016
People promise forever
There is no such thing as forever
Everything is temporary
If life isn't forever
How can love be
Aug 2016 · 264
enigma Aug 2016
And that's what I did
I wrote and wrote
And wrote about you
Only you...
Cause writing helps me recover
And you are still the wound
that I need to heal
Before you become a permanent scar
Aug 2016 · 289
enigma Aug 2016
I left him today
I couldn't stay
Cause every time I looked into his eyes
I saw you inside
Thanks to you
I am afraid to love again
Aug 2016 · 193
enigma Aug 2016
I used to smoke
Used to give it the power to destroy me
You told me to quit
So I gave it up for you
When you left
I went back
When I realized
Smoking wasn't a bad habit
You were
Aug 2016 · 228
enigma Aug 2016
I would rather be addicted to drugs
Then to someone again
Cause no drugs could ever destroy a person
As much as love can
Jul 2016 · 230
enigma Jul 2016
Our hearts started beating before we were born
And some people stopped living before they are dead~
Jul 2016 · 196
enigma Jul 2016
Life is temporary
And nothing last forever
Except for death
Jul 2016 · 253
enigma Jul 2016
Turns to *** and drugs
Just for a temporary high
Corruption and greed
We all just trying to get rich

Poor kid on the side of the road
Not our problem that his got no home
A girl got *****
The ****** is the victim and the girl is to blame

A man goes to church on Sundays
But kicks his kid and swears at his wife  every other day
Daddy abandons his child
It was your mamas fault anyway

He has been cheating all along
Looks her in the eyes and says" I love you", it's all fine cause she'll never know
A teenager is depressed
It's all in your head, take a pill and don't stress
He is friendly to his neighbours
But at home he throws rocks at his helpless dog

If you ask me why I gave up on humanity
This is why
Jun 2016 · 364
the survivor
enigma Jun 2016
before he lays in bed
he goes on his knees
and pray

he prays to the mighty lord
if he may please
let him breathe his last breath
before the sun rose again

when he sleeps
whispers of terrors still filled his head
what a quiet night
but the noise continues
and haunts him
mainly during the night

those men with unholy hands
even though they always prayed
prayed all day
prayed all night
prayed prayed prayed
some even prayed for peace
arent they holy men?

little ones
just ten or so years old
children of god
angels with clean fresh souls
havent even sinned
life has barely began
but they didnt believe in the same
that reason they were left on dung
you are all pure
but to the men you were all evil
evil human beings

thousands at a time
for something
the little ones dont even know
and doesnt make sense afterall
they had no hope
taken away from this earth
some havent even reached two days old

sweet angels dont cry
you werent the only ones
your mama and papa
and whoever
that were not 'abiding the laws'
to the men you were all bad bad souls
shot or bombed
the ***** creatures excuse was
that they were just clensing the world

just believe in what they believed in
and you should be safe
but freedom wasnt a choice
to them you are just a part of a game
and they will never care or feel any shame

that man still cant sleep
still begging on his knees
praying to be with his son again
thats when he will feel complete

those ***** men
pray and promise to never hurt a soul
then lay in bed
smile and thinking about the sounds of terror
to them those were the sound of sweet death
something they took pride in
what a honour
Jun 2016 · 579
innocent birth
enigma Jun 2016
His cry, so innocent
His mother's laughter,he learns happiness
Child just one day old
Look into his sweet gentle eyes
That face could never harm a soul

Growing up his mother always showed him love
Taught him right from wrong
Her singing send peace to his soul
So what went wrong.we will never know

He heard the sound of screams
And he felt something
He felt power within
More screams and terror
He made images in his mind
One night he decided to give things a try

7 am news on the tv screen
A girl was murdered and skin was peeled by her knees
When asked why he did it
He said the devil made me do it
Apr 2016 · 457
not yours anymore
enigma Apr 2016
The little note you wrote
we were only seven or so years old
I remember the day you picked me a rose
And gave me a kiss on the cheek before I rode my bicycle home
You would hold my hand,and drag me along
to the woods where we'll play,and you told me I would never be alone

We were friends or perhaps a little bit more
but ten years down the line you seem to not care anymore
We were lovers till ninth grade or so
All of the sudden I got no more visits at all
you left me hanging,but I'm still waiting for a **** call
now I see you walking down the road
not alone,but with another girl
she was pretty,green eyes and all
I see you two kissing and it broke me to the core
I never really understood how this came about
I geuss I wasn't the one you will always be thinking about
I was your first girl,something that you will forever remember
your last girl will never love you as deep as I did
but perhaps she will be prettier then your first love after all
Apr 2016 · 480
enigma Apr 2016
Skin peeled
Rotten soul
Black mist
Smoked eyes, deranged mind.

Sleepless nights, broken dreams.
Meaningless heartbeat
Cut so deep, pus invades me.

Infected mind
Alive but running out of time.
Death creeping up to me,
a shapeless form.

I'm motionless, waiting to be awakened.
Shake my head, tighten your grip...
Life will be the death of me.
Drown me, I desire a breathtaking daydream.
Apr 2016 · 813
enigma Apr 2016
on my deathbed
i want to breath you in one last time
embrace your sweet scent
while my life leaves my lungs slowly

i want to close my dying eyes
and feel your heartbeat against the palm of my hand
that little kiss you stole
i wish i could give you a thousand more

write a poem in my heart
and eradicate my pain and sorrow
sing me a love song
bring purity to my sinful soul

even when i disappear
like a ghost in the silence
just promise me
you will forever remember the sound of my heartbeat
Apr 2016 · 1.1k
enigma Apr 2016
phychotic nightmare
awakened,but dead
crimson blood, where I lay
body frail, numb skin
images of grey corpse
in my sickened mind
so deranged,so ******...
home but not sheltered
a devil
a holy and sacred soul
takened from nirvana
pinned at the edge
of this disillusional world
Apr 2016 · 259
boy who keeps me fighting
enigma Apr 2016
I play this song on repeat
It reminds me of your heartbeat
gives me purpose
and my feet rhythm
Keeps me going
and reminds me that I am not leaving.

this world is so cold
but your heartbeat reassures me
to carry on and enjoy the road
That i will never be alone

i woke up this morning
desolated and suicidal
lifeless soul and dull bones

9 AM i got your call
i heard your voice
and at that moment
I remembered you are my life support
Apr 2016 · 643
my fallen one
enigma Apr 2016
Feel my warm palm
againt your cold soul
listen to my heartbeat
the song it plays,you shall never forget

breath in my youth
allow it to sufficate you
embrace my presence
It will eradicate your pain

dive deep within my soul
i will hold you and take away all your sorrows
your sins will be forgotten
dive into me and feel pure again,not rotten

my hands will heal your wounds
my precious heart
Swallow it and you shall never feel numb
allow my energy to enlighten you
My existence will make you feel alive

tonight steal my sacred soul
and live through me for eternity
then you shall be accepted
into a world full of purity
Apr 2016 · 422
enigma Apr 2016
Standing still
In this city full of forgotten souls
Cocain,popping pills
Gazed eyes flashing headlights
Going wild,instanity taking over me whole
Im breathing
But barely alive

allow me to hold ur sacred soul
Allow me to follow you into the unknown
Take me away
Lets leave this destructed land of pain
Neverland,where we will stay
And wel forever remain sane

Death,catching up to me
instantly,let me breath you in
**** me if you can
With your ****** gory hands

Darkness,follows me
I hear my fate,its caling me
Deranged, insanity
Im an animal needing to be permantantly encaged

Sickened disease
Oh Lord, please,diagnose me
Bright lights, I find my peace
Never alone
Darkened echos
Mindless groans
Break away I want to b taken
Take me away cause im a souless wreck

Trying to fight this storm
The life may leave my lungs
Wild tides breaking my bones
A blackened wound remains in my shattering soul

Nights endless
Life,lets forget this
I desire a breathtaking daydrean
Apr 2016 · 487
3 AM nightmare
enigma Apr 2016
My legs start to shudder
As the noise gets louder
Eching into my deafening ears
I hear gory noises
And petryfying screams and voices

Bang on the door
I roll up into a ball
Punch at the face
I hear "u are a disgrace

Suddently no sound at all
Silence floods the room
Noises,disappearing like a ghost in the night

It is 3 am
I cant seem to sleep
There I hear again
Screams,sharp pain in my ears
I close my eyes and pleading to life
Just take me away from this pychotic nightmare
Or atleast let me dream
even if its just for tonight
Apr 2016 · 1.2k
my heartbeat
enigma Apr 2016
I laid my head on your chest                  
I listened to your heartbeat
So precious,a rhythm I want to sink in

I close my jaded grey eyes
And listened again
But carefully
Then I realized                        
Whats keeping me alive
Isnt my heartbeat
As mine is decayed

My heartbeat
Serves me no purpose
As I am deranged and astray.

But your heartbeat
Reminds me why im alive        
Keeps me going
Even during the darkest nights

Tonight I tried it again ,to end it all
Then I remembered the song your heart sang to my dark soul
Then I remembered my purpose
Apr 2016 · 273
poems in my heart
enigma Apr 2016
He wrote poems in my heart
And healed my soul
But when I look into his eyes
I see pain and sorrow                
Something he always denies        

When I look into his eyes
I can see a past full of pain
I dive into the darkness of his pupils
There are despairs he is trying to hide
when I take a gaze
I can see everything that he is trying to eradicate

I asked him
"Why do you smile but really you are sad?"
He places his hand on my beating heart
And closes his eyes                          
And says
"This is the reason I stay strong, but it is not enough to save me tonight"
Apr 2016 · 401
my devilish angel
enigma Apr 2016
A fallen angel
My wounded piece of glory
Sins he has commited
May not be forgotten
His soul broken from the bones
His heart dark as coal        

Eyes pure evil
I look him deep inside his pupil
To me he is made of gold          
A god or perhaps a sacred soul

His murderers hands
Grips my weakling throat    
my crimson blood
Drips from my cutdeep flesh      
He Beats me till im numb            
His body was strong,mine so fragile      
But all I see                                        
When I look deep within  
Is my lovers soul
Pure and sacred
Can cause me no harm at all          
Just a devil inside my lover
It is not my angels fault.
trust me, I know

— The End —