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Pat Lynett
35/F/Toronto    I love to write, The words flow naturally ~LIVE, LOVE, WRITE, that order*
22/united states    “He was the kind of man who walks into a room and all the walls fall down”
Em MacKenzie
35/F/Ottawa    I have a passion for poetry, fiction, music and all things beautiful. I enjoy bright colours and night-time quiet conversation. All writing is intellectual property …
16/F    I’m a sophomore going through life and writhing when I don’t know what else to do.
King Key
Mia Mcdaniel
18/F/285 whitman monmouth   
Trelon Grant
19/M/Charlotte, NC    When the acorns gleam and oft abound, it is easy for a person to lose themselves in the cobwebs. I write to convey abstracts as …
18/M/Texas    To be a poet is to interpret the divine inspiration so graciously allowed humanity by the universe and to act as translator.
Ed C
22/NYC    Distant and uninterested ne'er do well
19/F    "But we joke and laugh, otherwise we would start screaming." ~ Charles Bukowski
John Glenn
Ph    come as you are
18/M    I started writing poetry recently, and I wanted a place to put it out there and see what the world thought. I've always loved to …
Mathew P Nangolo
24/M/Ondangwa/ Namibia    #instagram @mathewnangolo @ #Writing industry is my play background #writing is my therapy #My pen speak louder than my own voice #pen on and welcome …
Andrew Harris
28/M/Iowa    A lover: people, experiences, espresso, nature, and good whiskey
London    find someone to unlock your mind to, or else, it will explode
59/F/IL    Hello. I am happy to have found this wonderful, poetry site. I look forward to reading your work, as well as having mine read.
19/F/Mississippi    dont steal my work
I am in love but I am also in anguish. I am happy but I am also sad. I laugh but I cry. I smile …
F/Ireland    Poetess, mum,lover, witch, nan,some would say over expressive,I would say, passionate about love and life...
30/F/NJ    Just an anxious gal
F A Pacelli
Reflections on life and the search for meaning
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