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 Jun 2014 Emma
 Jun 2014 Emma
we lay there,
you with your back turned
to me.
i used
my fingertips
to trace
the words
my mouth
never has the
courage to say.
and you just fell asleep.
and i'm starting
to think that's a metaphor
for what you'd do
if i let you
hear what my heart
has been *screaming
 Jun 2014 Emma
 Jun 2014 Emma
so much time wasted on thinking about life about broken hearts
no not any more i want to live a life full of joy and tears of happiness and not sadness
we are meant to be
to be happy not sad
i am who i am
 Jun 2014 Emma
Pushing Daisies
You tell me,
I need to breath,
As you watch,
My rib cage heave.

There's comfort,
In your clouded eyes,
But I ignore,
Your feeble cries,
It's pity lined,
With bitter lies.

You tell me,
I need to breath,
I hold my breath,
And watch you leave.

*you tell me,
I need to breath,
And suffocate,
My self belief.
 Jun 2014 Emma
 Jun 2014 Emma
time is either a blessing
or a curse.
for us, it was the ultimate
it was never the right time,
always hurried,
or rushed,
or stolen.
it was either too early
for us to recognize what we felt
or too late for us to express it.
and now,
its just been
a long time,
way too ******* long
since i've felt
your lips on mine
and your hands
on my waist.
 May 2014 Emma
i fall in love with melancholy—
it undresses my mind and ushers out words
i didn’t know i had in me

there are some things that i can only say
when i am swimming in loneliness,
but not drowning

but sometimes it’s too much;
sad songs don’t caress the wound anymore

they poke at them,
make them bleed,
worsen it

i guess they were right, after all

when you feel darkness
knocking on your door,
don’t let it in—
it is not your friend

you deserve more than this sadness.
 May 2014 Emma
 May 2014 Emma
what a surprise, being alone
never thought I was capable of it
I'm a cynic with a bitter tongue
I can give you something to run from
psychedlic caresses, navy sky
surrounds my vision
is it really just another night?

 May 2014 Emma
splattered in the kitchen
early morning chaos
red purple mauve silk
to settle the tummy
plastic wrench-aways
and a pressing watching oven clock

 May 2014 Emma
 May 2014 Emma
if only I were an optimist
half-full glasses and seratonin
by the masses
some days the light can blare
however today I think
I'll sit
and not care

 May 2014 Emma
 May 2014 Emma
Take me back to the time
When i was yours
And you were mine
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