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  Apr 2014 Emma
pluie d'été
One day
I want to write a poem
That captures your soul
In the adjectives
Describing the sky

One day
I want to write a sentence
That you will carry
In your memory
Scarred and stained
For an infinity

One day
I want to write a short story
Of a guy
A lot like you
And a girl
A lot like me
With no lies
Only honesty
And a forever that lasted
Just a while

One day
I want to write a paragraph
About the sea in you
And the sea in me
And how we fell in
Each other
And never needed to come up for air

One day
I want to write a dictionary
With all of our own definitions
Of everyone else's words
It will start from the letter Z
And end on A
Because it will be easier
That way

One day
I want to write an essay
On how the sunlight
Made patterns on your skin
Even after you lied
And shadowed the constellations
Screaming honesty
Into the dark

One day
I want to write a novel
About the way your voice
And his voice
Just before
You both were about to cry

One day
I want to write lyrics
For the song
I meant to sing to you
About the moon
And the sun
And how they dance
Whenever all of our eyes are closed
Even if it's just for a second
Always travels faster
Than sound)

One day
I want to write you a telegram
With someone else's hand
To tell you
How much I miss you
And how my heart
Is not in my chest anymore
It's shattered across the sky
Just for you to see

One day
I want to write you a letter
To tell you
That you didn't know what love is
And neither did I

I still love you
  Apr 2014 Emma
When you see her cry
     you get a rag,
a gentle delicate cloth.
                                        Lovingly grasp her hand
                                               and dab its tip;
                                       dry each tear as they come.
                                                           ­                               And ask each drop
                                                            ­                                   why it'd leave
                                                           ­                               such beautiful eyes.

  If she wishes
to be in the sky,
  tell her to go.
                              Take the sun ransom,
                              and replace its shining
                                    with her own.
                                                            ­          So you can see her every morning
                                                         ­                          and wish for her
                                                                ­                  return each night.

When you see her scars
  both visible and non-
    touch each gently.
                                             And remind her
                                       that each and every hurt
                                            she has survived,
                                                       ­                                 has only made her
                                                                ­                   that much more unique;
                                                         ­                              that much stronger.

  Show her that she
  is a special person
and is worthy of love.
                                     That she deserves the love
                                            she fears to give...
                                            show her so that
                                                            ­                     one day after you're gone
                                                            ­                      she can find the strength
                                                                ­                    to go on without you.

    Tell her that while
she might not be a goddess
far above worldly desires,
                                          that she is amazing,
                                         for just being herself
                                    for being that beautiful girl
                                                            ­                   who thinks herself damaged
                                                         ­                         when in truth she's just
                                                            ­                    a different kind of beautiful.

   And finally, love her.
  Like a boy loves a girl
Till she finally remembers
                                            that that's what she is:
                                          not a scar, not a goddess,
                                             not a star. But a girl.
                                                           ­                         That deserves to be loved.
Emma Apr 2014
Charles Bukowski once wrote:

“My heart is a thousand years old. I am not like other people.”

It is not a feeling most can
Being a youth in skin
Yet having wrinkles
In your heart and mind
But I do
I understand
What it's like to
Find "plastic" conversations
A bore
I live in a paper town
Maybe we all live in a
Paper world

But if you're one
Of the other inhabitants
Of this old youth


You're not alone.
Just thoughts.
  Apr 2014 Emma
Elijah Almond
you read these poems?
yes an expression
pain, loss
we all get it

we all loved
we all lost
human misery is nothing new

hate to break it you
but humanity is an evil, disgusting race
we're the worst thing
but that's who we are  

we have to go forward
we didn't just win the war for our kind's fate
we ****** in all of creation's mouth while we did it
God help all of us if there is a God.

No more whining.
We're the bad guy's children
people cheat, women & men lie
that's how we won this ****** up planet

don't cry about who you are
none of this is our fault
we were born into an evil ****** up place
but we still have to live

so live
the best you can
and lets just hope
all will be well
an explanation for a friend
Emma Apr 2014
People say
that time flies by
and one day
you realize as you're lying in bed
that you're 80 years old
and it's 3 in the morning
and you're trying to remember
what it was like to have
a 20 year old mind
and a 10 year old heart
but see
by the time I was 10
I already had a broken heart
see when I was 9
I met a boy whose eyes
put the stars to shame
a lad whose smile
could light up the entire world
see when I was nine
I met the boy of my dreams
But to him, I was but
another weird girl
see what he doesn't know
is that the first time I saw him
leaning up against that wall
I thought to myself
I don't want anyone else
but him
see what he doesn't know
is that as we grew older
I fell in love with him
see what he doesn't know
is that no matter how many times
he breaks my heart
my heart still looks
for him
but there is one thing
I know
and that is
that when time
suddenly flies by
and it's 3 in the morning
and I'm 80 years old
and have forgotten everything
and am trying to remember
what it was like to have
a 20 year old mind
and a 10 year old heart
I know
I know
that I will remember
My bestfriend.
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