I hold our love in the palm of my hand as one would a newborn: with awe and delicacy, with softness and protection, with the promise to nurture
I hold our love in the palm of my hand as one would a pearl found on a sunny ocean shore, with respect for its strength, with wonder for its resilience, with value for its journey to the shore
I hold our love in the palm of my hand as one would a diamond, with humility for its beauty, with amazement at its density, with meekness for its potential to withstand harshness
I hold our love in the palm of my hand as I would my own, accepting its fragility, acknowledging its power, respecting its potency and most of all, understanding its need to be cherishedĀ
I may not be the strongest, bravest, most knowledgeable, wisest of all men but
I recognize that love is a gift to be appreciated, and in so doing, it may have the chance to grow and flourish:
Love is strong when it grows, lasting when it flourishes!