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 Jan 2016 elixir
Bianca Reyes
Sometimes I wish
To fall in love
Only to hold
Another mistake
Against myself
Shared on Hello Poetry on January 25, 2016
Copywrite under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
 Jan 2016 elixir
devante moore
Who am I
I thought I knew
But now I don't have a clue
I seem to have lost myself
Like a book missing from its shelf
Not to be read
But removed
A book that shouldn't have been written
Before I thought I was a kind person
I must have been kidding
Yes I was designed to solve others pain
But now I've become accustomed to using what you tell me against you
Sharing your deepest feeling and fears will just be in vain
Wanted to be a problem solver
But I just create more
I wanted to be the one everyone trust
Conquer anger
But couldn't defeat my own
Once thought I was a confidence booster
It became my job like a career
But I knew ******* with words
So suddenly And in a flash
Like a car you didn't see coming from your rear
Thought I was the person who was suppose to feel
But inside I'm cold
Who am I
 Jan 2016 elixir
Vladimir s Krebs
no trust just lies that burn holes in my mind why should i say i actually want to be apart of society. i don't want to be held down the weight of what they say will make me want to strangle all of those who ****** me off. i don't agree to follow social media. theirs nothing healthy of society just you will end up screaming your lungs out like being trap'ed in a box or room wheres theirs no place to get out or any air to breath.
what do you breath is society's lies that will make you want to **** every one of them.

i rebel i don't agree with society i don't want to be forced to live in the land of **** face people who i don't give to ****'es about.

society is nothing but madness and sadness i ******* hate. suffer in silence they say! but isn't that what we all do every day in this world. no forgiveness just broken traders who have no point to try. **** filled rooms you end up having to learn in.

people in your way only leave you angry cause they can't even ******* walk.

i don't agree what society is suppose to give. but what it makes you have is a bad taste in your mouth you have to put up with this **** .

yes no OK yeah promise yeah right society is nothing but air you choke on when i stair right down at you. all your ****** mistakes make you a better person hell no you only suffocat on the ******* that you wait for to make time go faster.

i am venting apon what i have to do all day **** this this theirs only words i can't even wait to say

i'm done listening to the problems that are the same as every one elses.

say something new that's worth listening to
im vented im just tired of every ones ******* say something new i haven't hurd yet
 Jan 2016 elixir
 Jan 2016 elixir
Eagle spread its long wings
follow the red rising sun
adventures awaits
 Jan 2016 elixir
d o   you kno w  e ver yth  i ng  ?

ha ve  y  ou   c ons ider ed

th a t   GOD
m ay be  o ne  of th e  t h ings
y u  

**D O  NO T   KN  O    W  ???
maybe something to consider.
you may be able to put the pieces together

I'm going to be off site a while

Going to my sanctuary... the front porch.
I greet everyone going to church.
 Jan 2016 elixir

what would you give
for YOUR soul?

Think about it.
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